I disagree about the characters (I only liked Tali, Garrus and Legion), writing, shooting mechanics (then again, I hate ALL cover based shooters, Uncharted, GeoW, Mass Effect, ect), polish (I got stuck in the air countless times), balance, class uniqueness (class variety was even worse than that in the modern WoW), universe (WAY too cliche for my tastes) and of course pacing (encounter design, mission variety were horrible). Of course if you disagree with me, you are entitled to, it is your opinion after all.
The choices were black and white for most of the game, and to make them even more boring, they also led to the same results from what I saw, except for alignment change. Choices in ME2 were horrible. Witcher 2 and Witcher 1 had much better choices.
Being able to import saves HAS been done before, Ultima 5 lets you import saves from its prequel (contains bad language). Oh and party members can get killed as well dephending on your choices. Oh and perma deaths exist in many games, not just RPGs. In Fire Emblem for instance, units that die are lost forever, forcing you to make a choice to reload or continue through the rest of the game without him/her.
Cinematic gameplay is what I consider a plague to the industry, I understand some people like it, but I would rejoice if every dev stopped trying to make their games cinematic.
As opposed to improving the inventory system, they just removed it. I disapprove of that. Oh, how are these old games more one dimentional than ME2. ME2 is one of the most black and white games I have played with, black/white choices, factions and characters. The lack of interactivity with the world and plot (ooh I get to make a bunch of scripted choices all leading to the same thing). ME2 fails as an RPG, it fails as a shooter, it fails to tell me a compelling story, it fails as a game. Still, to give credit where it is due, the voice acting, environment variety, the graphics looked nice.
I also never got to the sucide mission so I cant comment on that, I gave up after recruiting my 7th member.
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