And I can counter Reggie's argument, From OOT to Twilight Princess, what changed? Temple, find item, use item to kill boss, boss dies in three hits. That's been the Zelda formula forever! Yet each Zelda is still epic as ever.
Mario Games? Jump on guys, jump on some more guys, and jump on some more guys, and oh wait! Now we get to do it in outer space! HOO-RAH! Yet, I am still stoked for Super Mario Galaxy.
Mario Kart games? They are all still easy as hell, and have the same 50cc, 100cc and 150cc, a battle mode, and maybe we might get an online mode? Ok that's the same as multiplayer. Yet I still play it, and it's fun as hell.
And don't even get me started about Pokémon. It's the same battle system, same weakness', and damn near everything, they add new Pokémon here and there, but that's just because of the show. Yet, I've played many Pokémon games (over and over, might I add) because they're fun!
Reggie doesn't realize, Nintendo is the biggest user of the "if it isn't broke, don't fix it" method, not Bungie.
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