Actually this suggests that the PC is selling quite well compared to the consoles.
Fallout NV
Yes, bethesda announced that they had *SHIPPED* 5 million units. No one ever talked about how many of those had been sold. However in an Article Gamespot sites the Fallout NV sales numbers on the X360 as being 679.000 for October:
"Bethesda Softworks has already touted Fallout: New Vegas' 5 million-units-shipped milestone, and NPD also declared the game a sales winner. Achieving second place on the multiplatform chart, New Vegas also boasted the top-selling single SKU title during the month, with the Xbox 360 version selling 679,000 units, according to NPD." (Link)
Now, with steam selling 308.000 units and steam being 80% of of the DD market that makes up and estimated 60% of the PC game retail market, we'd be looking at: 308/80*100 = 385.000 DD sales. For both DD and Retail: 385/60 * 100 = 641.000.
So the X360 sold 679.000 copies while the PC sold an estimated 641.000 copies.
While it's likely that the PC gamers favored DD and espcially steam versions of the game, it still shows that the PC sales were far from poor. In fact they were not too far from the sales on the X360 (that sold the most copies).
I think the more interesting number is the 73 million in revenues. Consoles generated 605 million in software sales in october. That's for all consoles: X360, PS3, Wii, PSP and DSi. 73 million might not seem that impressive but....
Consider that steam holds an estimated 80% of the Direct DD market, that would equate to 91.25 Million in DD revenues on the PC.
Now consider that DD is estimated to be around 50-60% of the PC retail market, you'd be looking at a revenue of 152 Million for PC games sales (at 60%). So this would indicate that the PC platform is again generating more than it's fair share of the revenue generated from game sales.
Now the real kicker here is that while the PC is probably generating less revenue than the X360 in sales (though still more than most of the consoles), those numbers dosent take the huge subscription, add driven or micro transaction driven games into account. If you were to figure in the revenue from World of Warcraft alone, more than 10 million subscribers and a monthly cost of $15 would result in the PC generating far more revenue than any platform out there. If you really want to rock the boat, toss in the revenues from Facebook games like Farmville and micro transaction based games like Freerealms, Dungeons and Dragons online and Lord of the Rings online and the PC is actually the big boy on the block.
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