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I don't know why I'm unimpressed. Maybe because FFX-2, and XII sucked.MarthRingman
I remember when I first got X-2, the opening video... It was a sign of things to come. I was thinking this piece of sh*t is the next evolution of the final fantasy series. I never finished it, even the job system couldn't help it. Ranking 7,8,9,10 and 12 best to worst my order would be 7,8,9,10, 12. The characters just keep getting worse, apart from Auron, who still wasn't that good.
Graphics king of 2010! Can I get an Amen!?Chuteboxnah, Crysis on 360 will pwn this:P Sure looks great tho.
wow, if this is gameplay footage, then its pretty amazing.
its fun to see how far graphics in the series evolved since FF7 (which is still one of my favourite games)remember when cloud looked like a lego man? :)
one of the reasons i got a PS3 is for this game (and others such as MGS4 and others). but hey i suppose my 360 friends can have it too
[QUOTE="ps3_owns_360Wii"]i still think that FF 13 will disappointKratos_OMEGAI can't remember the last time a Main FF game dissapointed me unless you include X-2...but that was spin off...but in terms fo ratings they've all been AAA since FFVII. This game is gonna be golden. CANNOT WAIT!!!!!! Someone with common sense
[QUOTE="ps3_owns_360Wii"]i still think that FF 13 will disappointKratos_OMEGAI can't remember the last time a Main FF game dissapointed me unless you include X-2...but that was spin off...but in terms fo ratings they've all been AAA since FFVII. This game is gonna be golden. CANNOT WAIT!!!!!! FF 9 and 11 were not AAA.
[QUOTE="Kratos_OMEGA"][QUOTE="ps3_owns_360Wii"]i still think that FF 13 will disappointKrunkMastaXI can't remember the last time a Main FF game dissapointed me unless you include X-2...but that was spin off...but in terms fo ratings they've all been AAA since FFVII. This game is gonna be golden. CANNOT WAIT!!!!!! FF 9 and 11 were not AAA.
I don't think he's talking about gamespot
lol. Please don't put LEVEL 5 in the same league of disappointing companies. Their riding everything on 13. Level 5 is taking their time making actually good GAME'S. fanboy's.....CoreoVIIYes because SE's FFs aren't always huge hits 0_o.
i still think that FF 13 will disappointps3_owns_360Wiisame here....just like 12 did....BRING BAck Square Soft!!!!!!!
[QUOTE="Cedmln"]Well for magazine scans. Those do look really really good. BUt we need real screenshots before we can really judge.PS3Breeder
here ya go
White Knight C. come's out in 2009? Online play with friend's. RPG?
Square Enix what?
Ever heard of WoW?
[QUOTE="donalbane"] Hair looks mighty fine... better than MGS4, that's fo' sho'. Any word if the combat is turn based? If so, I'm out regardless of the graphics.HoldThePhoneIt is turnbased. Sorry to see you go. No worries. I'd probably enjoy playing a WRPG more, even if it didn't have the best graphics. I love me some Bethesda! Thing is, I buy EVERY final fantasy just because I'm a graphics ho, and then after 3 or 4 hours, I get fed up and trade it in. T'was always thus, and always thus shall be. But I do like the cutscenes lol.
FFX-2, FFXI and FFXII all disappointed me... so I'm sceptical about FFXIII. Even with Famitsu's review, WKC is still one of my most anticipated games. (Hey, review scores are just opinions anyway, and I can make my own.) I've loved Level 5's past games and I simply have to pick it up if I get the chance.
[QUOTE="ps3_owns_360Wii"]i still think that FF 13 will disappointKratos_OMEGAI can't remember the last time a Main FF game dissapointed me unless you include X-2...but that was spin off...but in terms fo ratings they've all been AAA since FFVII. This game is gonna be golden. CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!Final Fantasy XI didn't disappoint you, I'm shocked...
looks very nice graphically
but nomura is the worst character designer in the world and should be prosecuted for war crimes
looks very nice graphically
but nomura is the worst character designer in the world and should be prosecuted for war crimes
Sony Stop being biased towards japan and have a worldwide ps3 release. WHY SONY WHY DON'T YOU TREAT ALL YOUR TERRITORIES EQUAL. I want a silver ps3 controller, access to ad hoc party, go messanger, a camera and home servers like japan.PrinceofSarcasmIt's not up to Sony. If it were, then there wouldn't be a 360 version, and therefore wouldn't be a delay of the worldwide release.
I have never played an FF game efore though I might pick this up.
I have the FF film advent children though and I really enjoyed it.
Is it turn based or real time?
Lightning herself looks good in the scans, but the machine she is fighting looks like its from the PS2. People are calling this graphics king? :?
[QUOTE="TheGrat1"]Lightning herself looks good in the scans, but the machine she is fighting looks like its from the PS2. People are calling this graphics king? :?
The only screen it looks good in is the one where Lightning throws a fire ball at it. In the other scans however, it may be the distance idk, but it looks extremely dull.
i'm still a firm believer that the Wii is a solid console with tonnes of options... but this is pretty incredible and hard to ignore.
maybe I will get a PlayStation next year... but then i need an HD TV to see it like that... Final Fantasy has always been a deciding game for me. ugh, tough one. maybe i'll pick up some extra shifts and just pool the money into a FF Fund.
This and LBP may be worth the price of admission.
dude supporting a company is good and all.... but no way in hell should you stay LOYAL to a company... this game looks fan-freaking-tastic.. my most anticipated game until it's released, or a zelda is shown.Please Log In to post.
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