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[QUOTE="Zenkuso"]I've been playing it for about 8 hours now (yes i imported, it arrived early this morning with zelda the phantom hourglass)
The story develops terribly slow and there is a ton of text that has no speech attached to it and the game mechanics are ok but not revolutionary here. I can't remember the game but the battle system reminded me alot of it, basically summons come out attacks and gooes away via the four main buttons but i can't remember the games name.
The main point of battle is to win to advance the story and to collect soul to upgrade your folks abilities which make them stronger and more effective, you can only have 4 folks attached to you character at any one time and leveling them up is a chore at best in the first 4hours. Its literally in one area clear the enemies goto another area clear enemies, repeat and recycle whilst trying to get upgrades for your folks with really really low exp coming off the enemies.
After about 4hours you basically have this game nailed down and know all the menus and systems back to front and you'll probably have all your folks with at least tier 2 abilities and have yourself maybe two or three spare folks.
The music however is very very good they basically hit this dead on, adds to completing the feel for the whole world, the character design is very well done and the visuals are nice but not ground breaking.
It could be ported easy to xbox 360 if sales didn't meet the expectations cause the motion aspects of the game are just completely tacked on, i mean seriously they could have been done with the right analog with ease. (I would have gotten asked this stupid question anyway so i just put it in to shut the fanboys up)
Overall its a decent game, nothing great but none the less about the same fun factor i got from rogue galaxies.
how can it be to be ported to the360 if it's a first party game
rabbid fanboyism aside mate, the gameplay and graphical achievements of this game aren't something that can't be done outside its system. I don't care if your ps3 is your favourite system, i have all them now and really don't care for others short sightedness in the gaming world.
I was stating to those wondering what the full game is like, is it good? is it bad? is it worth the money?
I don't care if game republic is the maker of the game, it a vast improvement over genji on ps3 and shows that they ain't a terrible developer.
I don't care either that sony is the publisher or that they forked out the bill for the game, all i care about is playing games buddy, end of story!
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