I HIGHLY doubt that the PS3 will support said 3D but it can, has and will be done better. Mitsubishi having the coolest technology yet as the tv acts more as a portal that you can look through.
Here is the Phillips tv. And there are MANY others. Simply google "3d tv without glasses". BTW they are ALL expensive, but if you think 3D is simply a fad that's going to die, you'd be wrong. I think we'll be gaming on 3D displays that wrap arounds you LONG before we start seeing virtual reality...And BTW for all the 3D haters because you need glasses...VR will not only require Glasses but a true VR experience would have stuff placed all over your body to try to simulate pain in some form, be it a tiny shock or pin prick...whatever.
Sorry, I just needed to post this after seeing all the ignorant comments about 3D in the last couple topics.
No one is posting ignorant comments. Most the comments I read are posted by fairly intelligent individuals who actually doubt 3D will go mainstream for quite a while. And what company's are trying to sell you is just a another gimmick they know people like you will buy. True 3D is only good for inducing headaches at the moment, and until it's refined, you won't be seeing people using it inside their homes for long hours any time soon.
True 3D has yet to be achieved while looking alright. True 3D is displayed in the Mitsubishi link I provided where the viewer is able to physically move around and look around the room s/he's viewing. This will not be mainstream for quite a while.The other 3D seen in movie theaters AKA RealD just looks fake and is obviously still bound to a screen. Not only that But I can EASILY see the seperation in the images even with the glasses on. Avatar has been the best at hiding this, although there was still some spots visible.
And to the other poster, I'm not being a fanboy or defending the PS3 attempting to move to 3D in any way...Show me where I said this. Even go through the other threads and watch me hate on current mainstream 3D technologies. get educated before pointing fingers like that.
Also, they were being ignorant. look up the definition of ignorant. It's not an insult in any way shape or form as NO MATTER WHAT. WE ARE ALL IGNORANT. This is a simple fact of life.
To ironbass, 3D gaming is already here and has come and gone numerous times, mind you these attempts required those red/blue glasses. The shutter glasses are already useable on computers but your moniter has to support it. And a LOT of older DLP tv's have supported these glasses as well. I was just always under the impression that you needed a projection tv for this technology to work...but I guess they got it working on LCD and Plasma.
BTW I own a Wii and have Wii Motion Plus and still think it's garbage. Unless it's full on VR, I don't think I'll ever come around to the idea of motion controller over a ****c controller. This is personal preference, not fanboy hate. They can make it as accurate as they want, I'll still hate it.
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