[QUOTE="dream431ca"][QUOTE="Nedemis"][QUOTE="dream431ca"][QUOTE="Nedemis"]To insure that the 360's market share doesn't plummit, MS has been buying exclusives AWAY from Sony left and right. What's really sad is how so many Sony fans are crying foul play and are now resorting to calling MS desperate and boarderline pathetic. Are you people forgetting one thing about the HD format war though? What about the $400 million that Sony paid Warner Brothers in order to bring them over to Blu Ray exclusively?
Honestly, how can you call MS out for doing the EXACT same thing as Sony? MS is doing what they have to in order to insure that the 360 remains the contender it's been thus far. To call MS's approach anything buy brilliant is only to make yourself sound foolish and hypocrytical.
2 completely different subjects, buying game exclusives won't make a major impact. Swaying a major (very major) movie company to exclusively go to Blu-ray is going to impact the whole movie industry (and it has), and will affect a whole lot more than just the PS3, but Sony as a whole.
So you're telling me that FF13 coming to the 360 isn't a massive blow to Sony? I find it silly that apparently a less drastic purchase (scale wise) by MS draws more hatred and support then a massive $400 million one. FF13 going multiplat is not a big deal at all. Lets see why:
1) PS3 version is coming out first (Japan), but because every PS3 is not region locked for PS3 games, anyone can import the game all over the world who knows japanese (who knows square might have english subs in the japanese version)
2) FFXIII is slated to come out on 360 and NA PS3s around 2010.
- By 2010 you would expect MS to be hyping it's next console
- The engine that was used on the PS3 version may not beable to work with the 360 (this is coming from square themselves)
3) Verses is not coming to the 360, so FF fans will still need a PS3 to get verses, and while there at it, they might as well get FFXIII on PS3 as well. Why get verses on PS3 and FFXIII on 360...:? that doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
But to get back on topic, MS can keep buying exclusives all they want, it's not gonna make too much of a dent in Sony, and my other point is the Blu-ray deal with WB, was much bigger than buying exclusives as it helped out Sony as a whole and a lot of other companies that are also supporting Blu-ray.
when one person decides they will not buy a PS3 cause the game is coming out for the system they already own is always a big deal dude. its not gonna bury Sony, but any dollar taken away is one dollar too much.
and please don't do the whole this or that is not coming, sometimes I wonder if PS3 owners should be called fish instead of cows cause it seem you guys never remember all the stuff that keeps happening when you guys say it wont. 8)
The problem for MS is that sony owns 10% of Square Enix. So if FFXIII sells really well on both consoles, Sony still gets money from the game selling on the 360, due to owning a big share of Square Enix.
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