Whats so farfetched about people giving this a 9 despite the flaws? It's possible for the core experience to outshine all the little nitpicks. I mean not every game is going to be for everyone.I think people have to try to separate their personal opinion and look at it objectively.
For example my favorite game of all time is Majora's Mask so my personal preference would be a 10/10 but I totally agree with it being scored AA. Any score should be an indicator to any Joe off the street if they would like the game or not. Just because you are patient enough to endure a game's flaws doesn't mean everyone else will.
You can't just say there are huge flaws and then say it should be AAA. The imperfect controls will be infuriating to some. That new pointing system is awful btw. I don't see why people don't acknowledge that it was better in Twilight Princess with the IR. Look at it objectively. Just because you had patience with it doesn't mean that your average gamer will, and you can't tell everyone that they're doing it wrong. Anyone who absolutely NEEDS tight control would probably give this game a 6 if they were going on personal preference.
Tom talked about padding, and imo there is such thing as good padding and bad padding. Good padding is optional or insignifcant. Skyward Sword has too much of the bad kind and not enough of the good kind. There is a lot of bad padding that just feels tacked on and unnecessary and some of it is even inconsistent with the rest of the game.
Despite all that, the average gamer would find a lot to enjoy in the game. AA
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