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I went Wii60, and then I realized how much I played the 360 and didn't play the Wii, so I sold it. I am perfectly content with my sole Xbox 360 (well, and PC) gaming experience.
Really, the only game I wouldn't mind having a PS3 for is Heavy Rain. Everything else I don't really care about. IMO Halo is much better than Killzone, and I would probably hardly play Uncharted if I had it. I am much happier having Halo, Gears, and Mass Effect than anything the PS3 offers, so I am happy I went Xbox.
First, I got a wii on launch date. It was fun and I thought it was the greatest thing ever. Then I got a 360 and I haven't touched my wii since 2008. Last year, I got a PS3 and I absolutely love it. Overall, I like the PS3 better than the 360, but I would never give it up. I use my PS3 for my single player games and games with good graphics. I use my 360 for all my online games and the exclusives. And if there is a multiplat, I go with my PC, which tops everything. If you a single player type of guy, get PS3. If you can't get enough multiplayer, got with the 360.
take a look at this guys sig[QUOTE="LegatoSkyheart"]
yes, I have so many games for the Wii.
Is there a problem?
roughly 2 years ago I was able to buy my first next gen console. since the mgs4 bundle was around that time, I was big on mgs, I was a big fan of the genres supported by sony, and I didnt have a blu-ray player. It was the perfect choice.
then the Wii started getting aweaome games like muramasa, sin nd punishment, and monster hunter tri. last december I ended up getting a wii and I havent regretted it yet.
I really wanted alan wake when it came out, but the best lesson I've ever learned is dont buy a console for one game. I'm getting hardcore addicted to the shmup genre. even tho some have to be imported, the 360 seems like the primary shmup console. now I plan on getting the halo reach bundl
the point I'm trying to make is that all consoles are worth it, but each has their pros and cons. just pick the system which has the features or games that are more important to YOU.
Xbox ftw...
if i had to choose only one it would be xbox 360
I cant afford a gaming pc so xbox does everything i need.
Plus 99% of my friends are on the xbox= win
I like kaitanuvax. Plays handhelds and doesn't afraid of anythingDoes my DS count? If so, HELL YES.
my first next gen system was a wii. i wanted a 360 back then but was to scared of rrod to buy it. i was about to give in and buy the 360. but the walmart i went to had a wii in stock. so i said wtf im getting it!!! needless to say bad choice !! **sold it about a year later**
later that summer i ran into about 500 bucks and set out to buy a hd system. i bought a 360 elite for 479 it was great and i loved it but it was really loud and i was still scared of RROD. about a month later i watch E3 and the 60 gig ps3 drops to 499. so i i box up my elite and get a full cash refund and ask a randomcheck out girl to use my money to buy a ps3. the total cost was 471 for a 60 gig ps3 with the 10% off. last winter my 60 gig ps3 got YLOD
i wish i woulda just bought a 360 first. then just bought my ps3 slim this year. so i made a few badchoices:(
For any person able to work saving for every console is possible. However if you're young like many people on these forums then no, you'll have to do your research and just choose one. I usually picked the right console for me because I waited for all consoles to be out in the market then bought the one with the games i wanted to play.
I have all three but if I had to pick it would be my 360 or the Wii. But my PS3 does get a lot of love when it comes to fighters though.
I'm feeling good about my 360.
I was contemplatinga PS3 buy these past two months, but I think I'm over that now. I feel that there's more important things I can do with that $400-$500 dollars (with a few games)
I like the 360s exclusives, and I have no issue with PC/360 multiplats. I just play free mods on my PC now. love the controller, I have all my friends on Xbox Live, Halo Reach is coming up. I'm confident in the improved reliability as well. zero problems so far.
well, I'm still lacking in racing games:evil: but otherwise it's all good. 360 feels best for fun-factor IMO,as well asCo-op/split-screen games by a landslide.
Once again, nobody cares about the psychology behind this question. EVERYONEE is going to think they bought the right console. You will not find one person who says, "I hate my current console... I made the wrong choice. I am a poor consumer!"donalbaneAhem. I bought a 360, it broke, i was bored of it anyway - Got a PS3...
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