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I wouldn't say the PS3 is overpriced. There is a lot of value in the system. It's a very good Bluray player and media center with a PS3 built in. There are some good games and the online is free. 400 bucks US is expensive, but not a ripoff.PS3 = £300 for the cheapest model.
Blu Ray Re-Writer 16x Speed £90 ( Backwards compatbility with DVD & CD ) ....
Until the PS3 gets more games, IT IS OVERPRICED.
Thank you for typing some thing I have been reading time and time again for over a year now and not bothering to even structure a sentence, Im sure you will convince many people here to change their opinions.
Edit: I will add I have been somewhat put off the HD movie formats due to motion jitter on non 24fps sets :? does the PS3 share this problem?
[QUOTE="Meu2k7"]I wouldn't say the PS3 is overpriced. There is a lot of value in the system. It's a very good Bluray player and media center with a PS3 built in. There are some good games and the online is free. 400 bucks US is expensive, but not a ripoff.PS3 = £300 for the cheapest model.
Blu Ray Re-Writer 16x Speed £90 ( Backwards compatbility with DVD & CD ) ....
Until the PS3 gets more games, IT IS OVERPRICED.
The price is inflated with the Blu Ray player, nad possible the WiFI judging my Microsofts Xbox rip off wireless router.
Its good value as an ONLY system yes, but if you already own a PC or 360 ... then its clearly not as another system, which why people say its overpriced, in the games department it offers too little unique despite its Blu Ray "Adcvantages".
Its struggling to compete with 360 in multiplats, and well, I would rather a Blu Ray Re-Writer than just a normal Blu Ray player wouldnt you agree?
Almost everyone who says a PS3 is too expensive is adding the cost of previous consoles into their decision. If you're talking about the product itself, the PS3 is a good deal and if you find any values in the standard features like HDD, Wifi, Blu-Ray, rechargable batteries, etc.
For those who keep saying a PS3 is too expensive and will only buy one if it is 300 dollars... I mean come on, give Sony a break! Its a blu-ray player and the functions and stuff is way more complex than a Xbox 360! Just think, a normal blu-ray player at Best Buy is going to cost you like 1000 dollars! Sony is basically losing about 200+ dollars for every system they sell! I know PS3's games aren't that strong compared to a 360, but one of the reason is because the system is too high tech that it is harder to make games for a PS3 than a 360. Well we will just have to see if PS3 can pick it up with even higher quality games that the 360 can do in the next year or two before its too late.nc72689
I don't know where you live, but in DC, I can get a Blu-Ray player for $400.
For those who keep saying a PS3 is too expensive and will only buy one if it is 300 dollars... I mean come on, give Sony a break! Its a blu-ray player and the functions and stuff is way more complex than a Xbox 360! Just think, a normal blu-ray player at Best Buy is going to cost you like 1000 dollars! Sony is basically losing about 200+ dollars for every system they sell! I know PS3's games aren't that strong compared to a 360, but one of the reason is because the system is too high tech that it is harder to make games for a PS3 than a 360. Well we will just have to see if PS3 can pick it up with even higher quality games that the 360 can do in the next year or two before its too late.nc72689
I'm a PS3 fan but man that was a poor attempt at justifying it's price. And a BD player is not a $1000. They are between $300-$500 now and Sony has actually turned a profit on the PS3 already.
But for it's price the PS3 is a great machine yes! Anyone who sais otherwise is just a fanboy and nothing more!
You know what is expensive???? The Wii...for what it offers...that's a damn expensive machine!
[QUOTE="CubanBlunt"]For what you get, the 360 Elite is too expensive.Meu2k7
now THAT is very true. I could get a Terebyte worth of HDD instead of that cruddy extra 100 GB on the Elite.
People dont realize that the Elite is $449, add yout Gold Live account fot a year ($50) equals $499, the same for the 360 pro ($349), the same prices as the PS3 $399 & $499
The PS3 still got the highest starting price for a console.
I guess you never heard of Neo Geo, $649 system, $200 for games.
The sad thing is, is that if Sony did price the PS3 for $300 or $400 dollars and sold millions on consoles, the system is still hard to program for hence they would still lose money on that end as well. It would be good for consumers but bad for game companies.
1. I don't give a **** about Blu-Ray.
2. I do have a couple games that I want for PS3, but not enough to spend that money on one.
3. I have a lot more games on the Wii and 360 (seperately, let alone put together) than I want to get than what I want to get on the PS3. I would much rather spend the money on those games than spend it on a PS3, and then have to get a couple games to go with it.
No thanks. :|
[QUOTE="ReverseCycology"]The PS3 still got the highest starting price for a console.
I guess you never heard of Neo Geo, $649 system, $200 for games.
The Neo Geo. A fantastic concept that failed miserably. Keep in mind that it was that expensive YEARS ago. That has to be closer to $1000 of today's dollars.
The sad thing is, is that if Sony did price the PS3 for $300 or $400 dollars and sold millions on consoles, the system is still hard to program for hence they would still lose money on that end as well. It would be good for consumers but bad for game companies.
The PS2 was the same way, hard to program for in the begaining, did Sony lose money on the PS2?
On the programming end, not necessarily. The old programming difficulty on the PS3 have been mostly alleviated. There are publishers who are still having trouble with the system (EA). However, the solution to this problem seems to be to make the PS3 the lead platform. Most multi-plat game companies have admitted this. It is significantly easier to make a multi-plat title with the PS3 as the lead than vice-versa. Need an example? Burnout Paradise.
As for exclusive on the system. It has been rewarding enough for developers to make their own proprietery engines for the PS3. Look at Naughty Dog and Insomniac respectively. ND is working on and will probably have another game for the system out within 10-18 months while Insomniac is hard at work on their next big game for the PS3, their 3rd one in fact. This is all in the span of 1- 1 and a half years. It is for all purposes a console whose purpose is to stay long in the console market. As developers learn more, we are going to see more come out of the system and faster.
I've had no jitter on either of my sets. I have a 56" Samsung LCD that's 1080p24, and one 37" Olevia that's 720p/1080i in my bedroom. I have a PS3 hooked up to both, and have not had any motion jitter problems, at all. The movies still look great in 1080i. There's minimal difference between 1080p and 1080i, but the upgrade over standard DVD in texture, detail, color vibrancy and shadowing is still very noticable on a 1080i set.Edit: I will add I have been somewhat put off the HD movie formats due to motion jitter on non 24fps sets :? does the PS3 share this problem?
[QUOTE="CubanBlunt"][QUOTE="ReverseCycology"]The PS3 still got the highest starting price for a console.
I guess you never heard of Neo Geo, $649 system, $200 for games.
The Neo Geo. A fantastic concept that failed miserably. Keep in mind that it was that expensive YEARS ago. That has to be closer to $1000 of today's dollars.
I dont know if you remember, but Neo Geo Gold was $1000
one thing to take into accoutn TC, what if people want to play there fav games on playstation, but arent interested in the slightest in a blu-ray player or any other stuff? like me. all they want is a games console.
value is a subjective thing. many might think "ooo a blu-ray player included....thats a fair deal since i want one of those". other might think "a blu-ray player? i dont want that...i want a games console. and there charging how much? pffft to hell with that". personally i would be furious if i payed 600 for a console that was basically the same as the 360 in terms of performance, because it had a load of useless tat in it (from my point of view of course, one mans tat is another mans treasure and all that).
of course i payed alot less than 600 for my PS3 so im happy with my purchase. basically sony paid for the blu ray drive completly as far as im concerned.
The PS3 is too expensive. :P
Seriously though it is to those such as myself thus far who have no to little use for the B.R. ( Digital DL is here & now & future ) and the games library has yet to improve that much.
Sure, sure the 2008 supposed line up should help but the here & now leaves little reason to snap up a PS3 in the immediate future. IMHO
For those who keep saying a PS3 is too expensive and will only buy one if it is 300 dollars... I mean come on, give Sony a break! Its a blu-ray player and the functions and stuff is way more complex than a Xbox 360! Just think, a normal blu-ray player at Best Buy is going to cost you like 1000 dollars! Sony is basically losing about 200+ dollars for every system they sell! I know PS3's games aren't that strong compared to a 360, but one of the reason is because the system is too high tech that it is harder to make games for a PS3 than a 360. Well we will just have to see if PS3 can pick it up with even higher quality games that the 360 can do in the next year or two before its too late.nc72689
I already have a 360 and a HD DVD player, I'm not really busting my balls to get a PS3 at the moment because 400 bucks is a lot of money. There are other things I could spend that money on like food and electricity. The fact that I already have a system means I can play most of the games that are coming out, so why do I need a PS3 right now?
And how rich are you that 400 dollars won't be missed? Man I make 92K a year and 400 dollars will ALWAYS be missed.
For those who keep saying a PS3 is too expensive and will only buy one if it is 300 dollars... I mean come on, give Sony a break! Its a blu-ray player and the functions and stuff is way more complex than a Xbox 360! Just think, a normal blu-ray player at Best Buy is going to cost you like 1000 dollars! Sony is basically losing about 200+ dollars for every system they sell! I know PS3's games aren't that strong compared to a 360, but one of the reason is because the system is too high tech that it is harder to make games for a PS3 than a 360. Well we will just have to see if PS3 can pick it up with even higher quality games that the 360 can do in the next year or two before its too late.nc72689
it is too expensive. giving me examples of other things more expensive doesn't make it less so. it's just rationalizing the purchase. (keep in mind that expensive doesn't mean i can't afford it.)
[QUOTE="nc72689"]For those who keep saying a PS3 is too expensive and will only buy one if it is 300 dollars... I mean come on, give Sony a break! Its a blu-ray player and the functions and stuff is way more complex than a Xbox 360! Just think, a normal blu-ray player at Best Buy is going to cost you like 1000 dollars! Sony is basically losing about 200+ dollars for every system they sell! I know PS3's games aren't that strong compared to a 360, but one of the reason is because the system is too high tech that it is harder to make games for a PS3 than a 360. Well we will just have to see if PS3 can pick it up with even higher quality games that the 360 can do in the next year or two before its too late.mtron32
I already have a 360 and a HD DVD player, I'm not really busting my balls to get a PS3 at the moment because 400 bucks is a lot of money. There are other things I could spend that money on like food and electricity. The fact that I already have a system means I can play most of the games that are coming out, so why do I need a PS3 right now?
And how rich are you that 400 dollars won't be missed? Man I make 92K a year and 400 dollars will ALWAYS be missed.
You are funny, to Let take your 360 as a example, $349 + $50 for live is $399. HD Drive $199.....get real with yourself. You just paid more for your 360.
You must be living in FutureWorld if you consider digital downloads in the here and now. Digital downloads in 1080p high-definition are still years away from now. The only reason music is flourishing with download services is because the files are really small, the devices are portable and people don't mind the downgrade in audio quality as much. Even compressed movie files that look like garbage push a GB or 2. The fact of the matter is until retail markets completely die out (which isn't happening ANYTIME soon, because even with as popular as iTunes and the Zune service are, CDs still sell by the truckloads) digital downloads will not take over.Seriously though it is to those such as myself thus far who have no to little use for the B.R. ( Digital DL is here & now & future ) and the games library has yet to improve that much.
I paid the same price for both my Wii and 360 as what the PS3 cost, well at 600 bucks. Put's up flaim sheild and runs. :lol:
For the record I will be getting a PS3 when it gets some more games that I want for it. The price right now isn't really a factor for me on buying it. I'm just waiting for some more games to come out. Also at the moment I don't own an HDTV and standard DVD's are fine for me at the moment so Blue-Ray isn't even a selling point for me.
so its expensive and your answer is....well the 360 but but but but....that doesn't make me think its not expensive like been said before.
I own an 360, an ps3, and an wii, I purchased both the 360 and wii and would have NEVER purchased the ps3 till it dropped to atleast 250 bux because it wasn't giving me what i want where as the wii and 360 did but i happend to win it in a contest so thats a good thing but it still reinforces the idea that it doesn't give me what i want, there have been no games so far that i want to play but i have played some and i dont want blu ray, or most of its other functions. and those functions just dont jusitify a 400-500 dollar price tag let alone an 600 dollar one which was the price when i won this ps3.
I play games, i want a game machine, if i wanted an hd format player i would have purchased one, till this day i've yet to purchase an blu ray movie cause i've seen the public displays in stores and they gave me no reason to upgrade all they gave was stuff i could not take advantage of my TV is only 30 inchs and can only do 720p-1080i, my sound system has no support for hdmi and it only supports DTS 6.1, and Dolby 5.1 so blu ray offers me nothing.
I paid full retail shortly before the price drop on my 60 gig system and never have thought about it even after the price drop.
As for a poster above saying they couldn't understand why someone would want to pay good money to a multi-billion dollar company. I wonder the same thing when a muti-billion dollar company charges well over double the value of a piece of hardware add-on and the pay to play on there system after purchasing there product. This doesn't even count the high failure rate and the number of times they added hardware built into the system within the past year. And people still blindly buy the thing.
My friend bought the
Xbox360 for $399
HD-DVD drive for $160
Wireless setup for $100
Totaling $659
When you can go out and get a PS3 for $399 with double the Harddrive space, built-in Bluray and wireless. you save $259 plus you dont have a bunch of ugly wires all over the place. And should I mention the ripoff that is Xbox Live? Or the fact that he goes through dozens of AA batteries?
$399 is super cheap for a new generation sysytem and if you cant afford that then dont complain about Sony. Maybe get a job?
so its expensive and your answer is....well the 360 but but but but....that doesn't make me think its not expensive like been said before.
I own an 360, an ps3, and an wii, I purchased both the 360 and wii and would have NEVER purchased the ps3 till it dropped to atleast 250 bux because it wasn't giving me what i want where as the wii and 360 did but i happend to win it in a contest so thats a good thing but it still reinforces the idea that it doesn't give me what i want, there have been no games so far that i want to play but i have played some and i dont want blu ray, or most of its other functions. and those functions just dont jusitify a 400-500 dollar price tag let alone an 600 dollar one which was the price when i won this ps3.
I play games, i want a game machine, if i wanted an hd format player i would have purchased one, till this day i've yet to purchase an blu ray movie cause i've seen the public displays in stores and they gave me no reason to upgrade all they gave was stuff i could not take advantage of my TV is only 30 inchs and can only do 720p-1080i, my sound system has no support for hdmi and it only supports DTS 6.1, and Dolby 5.1 so blu ray offers me nothing.
lol....this is funny. you said that the ps3 doesnt give you what you want, lol....but you bought a wii?
I love Blu-Ray, and 400 dollars is a bargain for an awesome Game console, Blu-Ray player, DVD upscaler, CD player, Storage system, USB/SD/MS Pro capable machine, not to mention an upgradable hard drive...But what I love most about PS3 is the standard hardware, no propriatory stuff, really.
Plus amazing games already out and coming very soon. MGS4? Yes please. LBP? Yes, please.
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