another lemming talking out of his buttmattyomo99
Ya and it looks like a poopy dogs butt too!
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GT 5 is a stellar game with the most real life graphics ever seen on a console. Taking a back seat to any other game? Never!casey7672. Well then, I'm heading out today to pick that game up and take GT5 lol for a spin. lmao !
Where did you get you're copy?
. Well then, I'm heading out today to pick that game up and take GT5 lol for a spin. lmao ![QUOTE="casey7672"]GT 5 is a stellar game with the most real life graphics ever seen on a console. Taking a back seat to any other game? Never!SecretPolice
Where did you get you're copy?
download the demo on psn, the cars look really great for that early of a demo
[QUOTE="Redfingers"]GT5 will have model damage, confirmed by the developers. GT5 will outsell a Forza by an order of remarkable magnitude given past history.
GT5 will also have dashboard view for every car in the game. It will also have online. Get over yourself.
NOCHANCE GT5 outsells Forza 2 not enough PS3 in homes to begin with.
Also your forgetting MS dirty little seceret Forza 3:shock:
If it outsells GT 5, it will only be because there's more 360's out there. I've seen GT 5 demo and I've seen Forza 2. GT 5 looks like real life graphics and Forza is the easy to do shiny graphics.
forza 2 rules gt take ur stools forza 2 is so good im not normally into racing but its so good with hundreds of cars and and millions of upgrades and totally custom paint jobs u cant beat itIt's TRUE Forza has been doing things for 2 games now that GT has not Even done and even when GT5 comes out it's only going to be playing catch up what Forza 1 was doing already.
Model damage and online to name a few.
And do you really think GT5 can even come close to the auction house functions and mods o Xbox Live HELLLLZZZZZZZZZ NO!!! in the words of MC Hammer CAN'T TOUCH THIS!!!
And it is true that so many once rabid Sony fans broke down and got a 360 for Forza 2. And the sales don't lie the Sales of Forza 2 have had it a the top of the charts for weeks now.
[QUOTE="SecretPolice"]. Well then, I'm heading out today to pick that game up and take GT5 lol for a spin. lmao ![QUOTE="casey7672"]GT 5 is a stellar game with the most real life graphics ever seen on a console. Taking a back seat to any other game? Never!mattyomo99
Where did you get you're copy?
download the demo on psn, the cars look really great for that early of a demo
Oh no's another tech demo - I thought you said a stellar GAME ! You know with all the cars, options ,customization, online play, GT TV ect ect ect ect. Oh well - I'll actually wait to see the real GAME in 2009or maybe Sony will just go the Tech demo route again for GT5 as well - we shall see.In the meantime I will just be playing FORZA 2 !
[QUOTE="Ontain"][QUOTE="Redfingers"][QUOTE="Ontain"][QUOTE="Redfingers"]GT5 will have model damage, confirmed by the developers. GT5 will outsell a Forza by an order of remarkable magnitude given past history.
there won't be enough ps3 owners to achieve that. :P
Problem with your logic: GT5 will provably make more PS3 owners.
not enough to outsell by an order of magnitude.
It is well within the realm of possibility, almost infringing upon the realm of probability.
if Forza sells 1 million then GT5 would need to sell 10 million to be an order of magnitiude over forza. the ps3 isn't near 10 million units and even when it does reach 10 million(god knows when be not this year) gt5 will not have a 100% attachrate.
If you look up closely at the background it doesn't looks like its in 3d. The mountains are just 2d layers.
Anyways Forza 2 beats GT5 in gameplay domain while GT5 beats it in the graphical domain.
It's TRUE Forza has been doing things for 2 games now that GT has not Even done and even when GT5 comes out it's only going to be playing catch up what Forza 1 was doing already.
Model damage and online to name a few.
And do you really think GT5 can even come close to the auction house functions and mods o Xbox Live HELLLLZZZZZZZZZ NO!!! in the words of MC Hammer CAN'T TOUCH THIS!!!
And it is true that so many once rabid Sony fans broke down and got a 360 for Forza 2. And the sales don't lie the Sales of Forza 2 have had it a the top of the charts for weeks now.
[QUOTE="Dinky360"][QUOTE="Redfingers"]GT5 will have model damage, confirmed by the developers. GT5 will outsell a Forza by an order of remarkable magnitude given past history.
GT5 will also have dashboard view for every car in the game. It will also have online. Get over yourself.
NOCHANCE GT5 outsells Forza 2 not enough PS3 in homes to begin with.
Also your forgetting MS dirty little seceret Forza 3:shock:
If it outsells GT 5, it will only be because there's more 360's out there. I've seen GT 5 demo and I've seen Forza 2. GT 5 looks like real life graphics and Forza is the easy to do shiny graphics.
GT HD is just a tech demo with one car on track. I played it for about an hour and got bored.
In fact, I should just delete it from my PS3's HDD. It's a borefest. NO damage. NO other cars on track. No online. No custom soundtracks. No custom paint.
GT5 will have model damage, confirmed by the developers. GT5 will outsell a Forza by an order of remarkable magnitude given past history.
GT5 will also have dashboard view for every car in the game. It will also have online. Get over yourself.
how can GT5 outsell Forza2 if Forza2sells more than PS3
[QUOTE="LosDaddie"]yes and Big Rigs is the most groundbreaking realistic game released since pong:roll:I agree completely, TC.
The GT series has taken a backseat to Forza.
Forza is the new console sim king.
Who is talking about Big Rigs??:lol:
Poor cows...
[QUOTE="casey7672"][QUOTE="Dinky360"][QUOTE="Redfingers"]GT5 will have model damage, confirmed by the developers. GT5 will outsell a Forza by an order of remarkable magnitude given past history.
GT5 will also have dashboard view for every car in the game. It will also have online. Get over yourself.
NOCHANCE GT5 outsells Forza 2 not enough PS3 in homes to begin with.
Also your forgetting MS dirty little seceret Forza 3:shock:
If it outsells GT 5, it will only be because there's more 360's out there. I've seen GT 5 demo and I've seen Forza 2. GT 5 looks like real life graphics and Forza is the easy to do shiny graphics.
GT HD is just a tech demo with one car on track. I played it for about an hour and got bored.
In fact, I should just delete it from my PS3's HDD. It's a borefest. NO damage. NO other cars on track. No online. No custom soundtracks. No custom paint.
it's not even a complete game...of course it's not gonna have all those things you mentioned. It was just a "teaser" demo of sorts.
GT will always be the pennicle of the racing sims.Paul_TheGreat
It was the best out there until Forza came along. You see GT had no compitition.
And if this were true the GTHD demo would of been much better then the TRASH it was.
No damage no other cars 2d tacked on backgrounds And that GO awful tire screatching sound of the tires skidding. And just down right BAD handleing of the cars. Some PENNICLE you speak of.
I think what you mean was the Pennicle before a REAL competitior came along and CRUSHED it like the TRASH it is.
[QUOTE="-MoOkS-"]:lol: where do i begin.
GT5 sales >>> forza 2 sales
GT5 online >>> forza 2 online
GT5 crash damage >>> forza 2 crash damage
GT5 graphics >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> forza 2 graphics
GT5 cars >>> forza 2 cars
GT5 tuning ( individual gear changing tweaks )>>>>>> NFS underground 2( dyno tuning)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>forza 2
GT5 tracks >>> forza 2 tracks
forza 2 customisation(painting and stuff NOTHING ELSE )>>> GT5 customisation
conclusion- GT5 is the real driving simulator
You may be right, but have fun WAITING while 360 owners are enjoying one of the best racing games to date.
He knows he is not even right, he is just being a blind pathetic fanboy on purpose.GT5 will have model damage, confirmed by the developers. GT5 will outsell a Forza by an order of remarkable magnitude given past history.
GT5 will also have dashboard view for every car in the game. It will also have online. Get over yourself.
:lol: where do i begin.
GT5 sales >>> forza 2 sales
GT5 online >>> forza 2 online
GT5 crash damage >>> forza 2 crash damage
GT5 graphics >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> forza 2 graphics
GT5 cars >>> forza 2 cars
GT5 tuning ( individual gear changing tweaks )>>>>>> NFS underground 2( dyno tuning)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>forza 2
GT5 tracks >>> forza 2 tracks
forza 2 customisation(painting and stuff NOTHING ELSE )>>> GT5 customisation
conclusion- GT5 is the real driving simulator
What is your point? The OP said that GT5 will have model damage and online. The point was that Forza 1 and 2 already have those. That would be the purpose of the "playing catch up" comment. Other than that, you mention dashboard view. Why would someone contest that? The only thing left is "magnitude". So, of course that's the only thing he commented on.
For example, dolphins are mammals, not fish. Frogs are amphibians. Snakes are reptiles. GT5 will not outsell Forza 2. Which of these would you contest?
GT will always be the pennicle of the racing sims.Paul_TheGreat
Not according to the reviewers, gamers, and folks with actual high speed driving experience..;)
"bumper cars physics" - Gamespot. :D
GT5 will have model damage, confirmed by the developers. GT5 will outsell a Forza by an order of remarkable magnitude given past history.
GT5 will also have dashboard view for every car in the game. It will also have online. Get over yourself.
don't speak for Kaz.
he NEVER confirmed any damage...
only he "would like to incorporate"...
just like he "would like to incorporate online for GT4's launch"..
and we know how that turned out...
don't forget last gen's debate against Forza. cows said forza had never done a sim before so they can't possibly do it better than Kaz...(later found out they were wrong)
so with that logic, kaz will fail at damage and dash cam...:)
:lol: where do i begin.
GT5 sales >>> forza 2 sales
GT5 online >>> forza 2 online
GT5 crash damage >>> forza 2 crash damage
GT5 graphics >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> forza 2 graphics
GT5 cars >>> forza 2 cars
GT5 tuning ( individual gear changing tweaks )>>>>>> NFS underground 2( dyno tuning)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>forza 2
GT5 tracks >>> forza 2 tracks
forza 2 customisation(painting and stuff NOTHING ELSE )>>> GT5 customisation
conclusion- GT5 is the real driving simulator
no invidiual gear tuning? yeh that proves you have never played forza 2.
gt5 better online? wow you must of had a hella of a time online in the past 4 gt's
GT had done a thousand things that Forza hasn't done. /argument.NobuoMusicMaker
Like what? Bumper car physics and brain-dead AI? :lol:
[QUOTE="NobuoMusicMaker"]GT had done a thousand things that Forza hasn't done. /argument.ferrarimanf355
Like what? Bumper car physics and brain-dead AI? :lol:
agreed.i also think its funny that one guy said "GT Online >>> Forza Online".
[QUOTE="Paul_TheGreat"]GT will always be the pennicle of the racing sims.Dinky360
It was the best out there until Forza came along. You see GT had no compitition.
And if this were true the GTHD demo would of been much better then the TRASH it was.
No damage no other cars 2d tacked on backgrounds And that GO awful tire screatching sound of the tires skidding. And just down right BAD handleing of the cars. Some PENNICLE you speak of.
I think what you mean was the Pennicle before a REAL competitior came along and CRUSHED it like the TRASH it is.
Bad handling huh. Perhaps you were handling it badly.
[QUOTE="Redfingers"]GT5 will have model damage, confirmed by the developers. GT5 will outsell a Forza by an order of remarkable magnitude given past history.
GT5 will also have dashboard view for every car in the game. It will also have online. Get over yourself.
Pardon me? What do you mean "for the race cars only?" Is there any other kind?
What is your point? The OP said that GT5 will have model damage and online. The point was that Forza 1 and 2 already have those. That would be the purpose of the "playing catch up" comment. Other than that, you mention dashboard view. Why would someone contest that? The only thing left is "magnitude". So, of course that's the only thing he commented on.
For example, dolphins are mammals, not fish. Frogs are amphibians. Snakes are reptiles. GT5 will not outsell Forza 2. Which of these would you contest?
Playing catch up? The game isn't out yet, don't be ridiculous.
And he contested each of those, that's why I, by posting them, contested the OP, creating an uncontestable post.
For example, if I were to say "dolphins are not mammals, frogs are not amphibians," and your post followed, that would be uncontestable, but certainly a reasonable exclamation.
[QUOTE="Paul_TheGreat"]GT will always be the pennicle of the racing sims.tango90101
Not according to the reviewers, gamers, and folks with actual high speed driving experience..;)
"bumper cars physics" - Gamespot. :D
8.25-Game Informer
Precisely how far does GT have to drive to catch up to this speeding titan of a game?
Iplayed the GTHD Demo.I can play GTHD with the camera reversed (L1 i guess) there is absolutaly no sense of speed in that game. GT only sold so much when other good sim racing games like Forza werent around.
This demo for this discontinued game is of course a great indicator of what to expect in the brand new game GT5.
[QUOTE="Redfingers"]It is well within the realm of possibility, almost infringing upon the realm of probability.
if Forza sells 1 million then GT5 would need to sell 10 million to be an order of magnitiude over forza. the ps3 isn't near 10 million units and even when it does reach 10 million(god knows when be not this year) gt5 will not have a 100% attachrate.
No, sir. It would only have to sell 2 million, assuming Forza 2 sells 1 million, to be an order of magnitude greater.
If you look up closely at the background it doesn't looks like its in 3d. The mountains are just 2d layers.
Anyways Forza 2 beats GT5 in gameplay domain while GT5 beats it in the graphical domain.
Sure about that?
if GT HD is any indication on whats too come in GT5 then cows are in big trouble. johnusabeis
It's not. But it's a good omen anyway.
GT5 will have model damage, confirmed by the developers. GT5 will outsell a Forza by an order of remarkable magnitude given past history.
GT5 will also have dashboard view for every car in the game. It will also have online. Get over yourself.
:lol: where do i begin.
GT5 sales >>> forza 2 sales
GT5 online >>> forza 2 online
GT5 crash damage >>> forza 2 crash damage
GT5 graphics >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> forza 2 graphics
GT5 cars >>> forza 2 cars
GT5 tuning ( individual gear changing tweaks )>>>>>> NFS underground 2( dyno tuning)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>forza 2
GT5 tracks >>> forza 2 tracks
forza 2 customisation(painting and stuff NOTHING ELSE )>>> GT5 customisation
conclusion- GT5 is the real driving simulator
couldnt of said it any better
the OP said that GT5 WOULD have model damage and online. He didn't mention dashboard view. What exactly were you contesting?
1) You said GT5 will have model damage.
The OP already said that. You didn't contest it, you confirmed it.
2) You said GT5 will have online.
The OP already said that. You didn't contest it, you confirmed it.
3) You said GT5 will have dashboard view. The OP didn't say that it wouldn't have that.
That's not contesting anything that the OP stated.
The only thing you that you contested, was which game will sell better.
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