GT is still the greatest racing sim franchise of all time. You know the Yankees haven't won anything since 2000 but there still the best team of all time. It really doesn'y mean anything that GT PSP got a 6.8, do you know how many horrible MGS games there have been ?? many but its still an amazing franchise. Nonstop-Madness
After the laughable score of GTPSP on ign...The GT series is truly in the gutter it will almost approach the 10 yr mark since the last AAA on GS(Circa 2001).
Cows face it after GT5P and GTPSP...Sony should let the series on whatever's left on the dignity of gran turismo and let the forza series carry on the AAA raing sim our generation torch
Now What is the point of this?
Well i want you guys(Cows..Sheeps and hermits are welcome) is too apologize and admit that forza series is truly the best racing game this gen..
When I think racing sim, I think GTR2. Although Forza is really good.
But find me a true racing sim that features tons of licensed street-legal production cars.
when it comes to sims simply having a lot of cars doesnt mean anything.
iracer is a true sim.
But having the cars you wantdoes matter. I'm more interested in street cars than race cars, and PC racing sims tend to skimp on properly-licensed production cars.
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