Don't get me wrong, I love FPS games. I'm always up for some Killzone, Halo, Resistance, and to a lesser extent COD. But that seems to be all that people want these days. Why is it that this seems to be the only MAJOR genre that touches 10+ million these days. Halo and COD are great games, but are they worth the numbers they are receiving. I would rather see games like Uncharted 2, Donkey Kong Country Returns,Mass Effect 2, Kirby's Epic Yarn,Alan Wake, FF13,Demons Souls,and SMG touch these numbers. Not only are FPS games flooding the industry, but devs aren't trying anything new with them, and it seems people don't care. Reach came out and sold more in a Week than games like Mass Effect 2, SMG, Demons Souls etc did in their lifetime sales. Why not an open world FPS thats more story based and have dynamic characters? All FPS games have static characters and no interesting story plot or environments. What are people getting from them that they're selling this much over the other genres?
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