I enjoy playing games like BF Bad Company 2 and BF3 on my PC.
I don’t have an HD monitor but it’s LED.
My Framespersec. are beasting above 80fps almost all the time.
It just looks so much smoother and better.
Also I hate big screens.
21-27 inch are the best for me at least.
PC monitors are what I would use on any gaming system.
I’m planning on buying one of those BenQ or Asus 144hz 3D compatible 1440p screens but they cost like 300 to 400$.
I personally don’t know why all the hype over 720p and 1080p.
1080P native and 1080p upscaled barely has a difference. If not even a difference.
Just play the games.
What you really should worry about is not the specs of your consoles but in which direction the company is moving and wether or not they’re ways should change.
If MS fails then they will look at Sony’s ways and learn from them.
If Sony fails then they will look at MS ways and learn from their ways.
I could only hope the best for both these companies.
If one falls then the gaming industry could be in shambles.
To much money is at risk if so.
Also choose the console that has the exclusives you would want to play.
I know tons of people think that System Wars is a place where you troll and just bash other systems for the fun of it.
It was never like this.
I tend to see people trying to make some good topics but it ends up in a waste of time because now he has to fight off all those fanboys off.
No sense.
This is also why GameSpot is becoming worse.
At least the moderators are doing their best to keep everything in order.
But sadly they are outmatched in the System Wars forum.
Do you prefer FPS over Resolution.
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