And boy, how is he wrong!
Just look at these numbers. THey are all FACTS! No fanboys in denial allowed!
PS3 = 600 dollars
now to upgrade the 360 to be able to be compared to the PS3...
Just hang on a sec, u will be SHOCKED!
360 core = 300(get the premium for 400 that comes with the HDD or the elite version which comes with a bigger HDD than the ps3's HDD)
3x 20 gig HDD = 300 (I know, seems unfair, but facts are facts!!)(this is just stupid you can get the elite for cheaper than the ps3)
wireless = 80(not needed. This is optional)
online = 350 (YES 350!! why??? 360 lifespan = 7 years. So 7 x 50 = 350. I know truth hurts)(thats funny cause silver accounts are free and no everyone plays online. You only pay to play online. This is dumb to add in cause its not hard for paying for live once a year)
HD DVD addon = 200(optional not required to play games)
summing this up = 1230 DOLLARS!!(wrong its 400 dollars or 480 which once again proves that its cheaper than the ps3. Oh i also have a ps3 too and you can hardly find the 499 model anymore. Just the 599 models are available in stores now.)
Now, remember when sony said PS3 is a steal??? Now u know why
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