I say this because to me it does look amazing and I give it props, but mostly because given any circumstances I would not really care, but during these tough economic times, lay offs and abysmal sales of the PS3- PS3 badly needs a killer game that will really contribute to sales of the PS3 and keep developers in business.
I have posted here before how much I like MGS4 and KZ2 looking interesting. Sony better have invested that money properly. because not only will be Cows dissapointed, and I will not be celebrating it either if it flops because it just means not earned revenue for the developer and really know competition from the PS3.
a hollow victory for lemmings, Sony's strategy is in question and more delirous fanboys.
So not to far to go ha?
Maybe this will spur MS to start making some more killer apps for the xbox360. Let's hope '09 is a killer year for gaming- this we can all agree on!
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