good post, very informative.my hype has also dropped and i may not be picking this one up right away...i bought uncharted, beat it in a week and sold it. i was impressed with the graphics but that was about it. i had no desire to ever play it again :(
i was going to buy this game day one, but i figured their would be tons of good replay value with the multiplayer, but from what you just said the multiplayer sounds tacked on. for me to spend 60$ bucks on a game it must be legit and have plenty of replay value. i got the original uncharted for 25 bucks and i feel i got my moneys worth, so i may just wait to pick this one up
I disagree with the TC, I would desribe it as being like a Tps version of CoD4 with the perks/booster options and you can customize your weapons in the Co-op modes. You can also level up to about lvl 60 (I think). Then you have the Medals you can earn for doing different things like in SFIV and you can unlock lots of other things like taunts, skins, characters you can play as etc... But this is just the Beta so in the main game there will probably be many other modes and unlocks.
Let's be clear: The multiplayer didn't feel as flimsy enough to be called tacked on. It's just that when you got down to exchanging bullets, it wasn't that much fun.
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