Despite having 3 Goty's and some of our greatest exclusives ever, last generation we Nintendo fans sucked it up and accepted that our console finished in third because of sales without protest.
Enter this generation. Where roles have reversed and Nintendo is now the sales king again and Sony is in the unfortunate position of being the lagger in terms of sales... N-E-V-E-R have I heard more crying about how sales shouldn't determine the winner of the console war. Never have I heard so many tired excuses and cliches like "you can't play sales" come up every time sales are mentioned.
Do you think the media, or anyone involved in the industry is going to say the 360 or PS3 won at the end of this gen because they had the most Goty's or AAA e's at the end of this gen? No. They're going to say the Wii won because it sold the most just like any other generation.
C'mon. Take it like men.
Sorry, but the rules do not change for the last place console just because the majority of people on this board happen to be fanboys of that console.
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