ok i just got done reading the game informer article
playstation 3 leads by a small margin over wii with 57 the wii has 52 ,plus the 3 upcoming
the 360 how ever, with mass effect 3 multiplalt,
has a mear 36 dispite being on the market 1 yr longer ,
this is pretty upsetting , id bet if we only counted 1 halo game 1 gears game 1 forza 1 pgr 1 pd 1 banjo and 1 kameo , thered be alot less
this is upsetting news cause after all these years fanboys have said 360 had more promising games then ps3 or wii
but it turns out the oposite why because we all know first party can do wonders more then any 3rd party could on the console this is seen with wii alot of times and ps3,
sony and nintendo are well known for their first party games and gis opinion is that wii and ps3 have definatelly delivered or nintendo and sony rather has delivered some of the best games this gen
but there is one thing i dont understand is where they get off saying developers aint making money on wii or ps3,
when its obviously a different story , it takes less money to make a wii game some wii games have actually made more on wii shaun white
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