[QUOTE="Delsage"][QUOTE="poopiVONpoo"] where? show me poopiVONpoo
LoL alright, personally I think area 51 was a weather balloon. But there are other incidents like for instance:
Kecksburg Pennsylvania were NASA and the government kept contradicting there statements on what happened in 1965 when thousands of people saw a light that crashed in a forest nearby. Not to mention the people who saw the object close up mentioned Hieroglyphics on the UFO.
Another was the Anrold incident, where a Pilot by the name of Kenneth Arnold saw a UFO back in 1947 in a crescent shape.
Most recent was the Phoenix lights in 1997 thousands of people saw a V shaped object in the sky over Phoenix Arizona. Many claimed that the V shaped UFO flew slowly over Phoenix just before flying off into the distance. The Airforce commented they had no idea what it was, and even the Governor at the time claimed to see the object as well saying it was not of this world.
Nicholas Roerichs back in 1926, saw a "Silver metal disk hovering above the Himalayas through their binoculars, before the disk slowly moved away behind the mountains." and in 1926 nobody knew what a "UFO" was.
ok first off, a quick apology to the TC for derailing this thread now, you know how I can prove to you the existence of atoms or the existence of oxygen by using objective evidence that can be verified by a range of sources you know how scientist use experiments and double blind trails to verify the truth of things great even if a thousand people say they saw something that looks like a UFO , does NOT mean aliens exist Even if the russian government said they made contact with aliens does NOT mean that aliens exist you see you need real evidence like the body of an alien or a space craft or anything that is more tangable then just some eyewitness account you know alot of people claim to see ghost, jesus , goblins and god it does not prove there existence I do believe the universe contains alot of life but i don't believe that aliens visit the earth ,because there is no real evidence to support this claim Well alright you have a point, but that is were belief and faith come in. You can't disprove what thousands of people have seen to not be reality either. The Bible was written to be the proof of God, doesn't mean that he is going to show up at your front door or the hot tub of some scientist to say "Here I am, now do you believe me?"
For me I don't need something to be proven to have it be real, after all there are many things that will come to light in the future, look what your Scientists just discovered recently, a Galaxy with planets that may support life, and if there is life out there, who is to say that they aren't smarter than us to have created space travel?
People knew the earth was flat until 1492 when it was proven by Columbus to be round. What will we find out tomorrow?
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