no one beats mario. only one has a slight chance.... and thats halo reach
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If its my own personal GOTY it would be Heavy Rain... I have played too many games once they get repetave and I start to feel like its a chore or dull but need to beat the game then it becomes more of a slog. With Heavy Rain that was not the case. Call it too short, to heavy handed with the choices, or that you do not feel free to make your own choices. I understand that all games lead you to an end, ONE that was preplaned when you first turned on the game.
That being said I alwaysed wanted to see what would happen next who was doing what how things would turn, How I felt, what I decided was it the right choice, I let myself FREE, not about beating the game but about LIVING in the moment. That was very hard for me but Heavy Rain allowed me to do it.
You do not play the same level or fight the same people do the same things over and over again. Allow the people to be REAL, open you heart and FEEL, and this game will WIN. not Game of they year. But best game you will play this year.
Played Red Dead Redemption, Mass Effect 2, and Starcraft within a month. Mass Effect was awesome, but the other two games much more allured me. Ultimately I have to say that Starcraft 2 probably beats Red Dead out. I'll have to finish the game and play some more multi before passing judgement though. Playing it on a friends comp now, and I have to get a new rig for this game. It's that freaking awesome.
Nah, Smg 2 and Sc2 are superior.It's definitely Mass Effect 2. Hell I may have to go so far as Game of this Generation.
Funny how lems claim this is "cowspot" and yet ME2 is winning, even though we all know SMG2 is getting it most likely.
Hey look at that my predictions are right on the money. As fanboys are fairly equally numbered here, the added numbers are pretty close. All Lemmings vote for Mass effect 2, as well as a few Hermits, giving it the lead at 27%, there are a bunch of Sheep showing up since SMG2 got that 10 so it's in 2nd with 25%, Starcraft II loses a few votes from Hermits who preferred ME2, which helps ME2, then Cows vote for RDR or Other, adding up to 24%. Looks like these numbers are working out just as I predicted :P.
Its just one of those labels people slap on when things don't go their way in polls, god forbid a deserving game wins a poll it always must be a conspiracy, most people know this place isn't really dominated by any faction.Funny how lems claim this is "cowspot" and yet ME2 is winning, even though we all know SMG2 is getting it most likely.
You're probably right :lol: +1 to you.Hey look at that my predictions are right on the money. As fanboys are fairly equally numbered here, the added numbers are pretty close. All Lemmings vote for Mass effect 2, as well as a few Hermits, giving it the lead at 27%, there are a bunch of Sheep showing up since SMG2 got that 10 so it's in 2nd with 25%, Starcraft II loses a few votes from Hermits who preferred ME2, which helps ME2, then Cows vote for RDR or Other, adding up to 24%. Looks like these numbers are working out just as I predicted :P.
I honestly didn't bother with voting :P
The fact that mario galaxy 2 is so close to SC2 is a real shame, I thought people here were learned gamers. Mario is a great game that you play for a month tops and forget abput it. While SC2 has the quality to keep you entertained for YEARS, its about to be all over television as the #1 competitive E-sport in the world. I mean besides the campaign just the small amount of custom maps that gamers have made so far are alone better than mario, thats a fact that cant be denied unless you have no clue what your talking about.
being on mission 21/26 on sc2 i can say that it is a really great games (and yes i will play in in multiplayer for a long time but you have to know that there are alot of different ways to judge a game. People can say Wow is the best becuase it gets alot of play. I think worlds of warcraft sucks. Madden is a copetitive E-Sport i think it sucks.
So what if someone does not like RTS games? Then they would not think SC2 is better than Mario. You say that its a fact that SC2 is better but its comparing 2 ever different things. You most likely could not say that the level designs in SC2 even come close to the level designs of SMG 2. They are just very different games.
It would be really funny if how great a game was judged mainly on how long people played it. Give us a break i do not really think you know what your talking about.
[QUOTE="GreenGoblin2099"]Its just one of those labels people slap on when things don't go their way in polls, god forbid a deserving game wins a poll it always must be a conspiracy, most people know this place isn't really dominated by any faction.Funny how lems claim this is "cowspot" and yet ME2 is winning, even though we all know SMG2 is getting it most likely.
Well, yeah... I've never bought that BS for one sec.
You're probably right :lol: +1 to you.[QUOTE="oldkingallant"]
Hey look at that my predictions are right on the money. As fanboys are fairly equally numbered here, the added numbers are pretty close. All Lemmings vote for Mass effect 2, as well as a few Hermits, giving it the lead at 27%, there are a bunch of Sheep showing up since SMG2 got that 10 so it's in 2nd with 25%, Starcraft II loses a few votes from Hermits who preferred ME2, which helps ME2, then Cows vote for RDR or Other, adding up to 24%. Looks like these numbers are working out just as I predicted :P.
I honestly didn't bother with voting :P
So my prize choices for being right are either one internet or a cookie correct? Hmmm.... I take the cookie!You seem to have left off one of the 2 AAA(+) exclusives this year from you poll...
So far this gen, every GotY winner has been a AAA (or AAAA) exclusive (well, except Gears, but it WAS exclusive at the time it was picked as GotY). So when there have only been 2 AAA/AAAA exclusives this year, why would you not put them both in the poll?
which games? God of War 3 and what? heavy rain? which AAA exclusives are you talking about, there wasnt room on the pole is why they arent up there.
if GS lets a ten go to waste then idk what to say about that,has their ever been a 10 that didnt get GOTY
MGS 4 was the only 10 to get GOTY, actually.
To be fair, Ocarina would probably have been GOTY in '98 if GS had allowed console games into GOTY that year. Then again, Half-Life and Starcraft were no joke either, so who knows.
You seem to have left off one of the 2 AAA(+) exclusives this year from you poll...
So far this gen, every GotY winner has been a AAA (or AAAA) exclusive (well, except Gears, but it WAS exclusive at the time it was picked as GotY). So when there have only been 2 AAA/AAAA exclusives this year, why would you not put them both in the poll?
which games? God of War 3 and what? heavy rain? which AAA exclusives are you talking about, there wasnt room on the pole is why they arent up there.
The only AAAE/AAAAE's this year so far are GoW3 and SMG2. One is on the poll, the other is left off, in favor of some multiplats, despite no game this gen winning GotY without being a AAAE/AAAAE. I'm not saying ME2 or RDR won't be contenders. I'm not saying they won't win, but leaving out one of the only AAA/AAAA exclusive games this year, when the winner has been a AAA/AAAA exclusive game every year this gen so far smells like bias, especially when GoW3 scored just as high as ME2, and sold way better.[QUOTE="Mario1331"]
if GS lets a ten go to waste then idk what to say about that,has their ever been a 10 that didnt get GOTY
MGS 4 was the only 10 to get GOTY, actually.
To be fair, Ocarina would probably have been GOTY in '98 if GS had allowed console games into GOTY that year. Then again, Half-Life and Starcraft were no joke either, so who knows.
I didn't pay attention to GS way back when, but according to wiki, From 98-2001, they had a seperate pc GotY and console GotY. OoT (AAAAE) won console GotY 98. Soul Calibur (AAAAE) won 99. Chrono Cross (AAAAE) won 2000. I haven't verified this info (since finding old stuff on GS can be like pulling teeth), but if true, that would mean no game has ever gotten AAAAE on GS without being GotY.Just Cause 2 or Read Dead Redemption. I'm definitely leaning more towards RDR just because of the variety of things to do, and the atmosphere being the perfect Western.
if GS lets a ten go to waste then idk what to say about that,has their ever been a 10 that didnt get GOTY
MGS 4 was the only 10 to get GOTY, actually.
To be fair, Ocarina would probably have been GOTY in '98 if GS had allowed console games into GOTY that year. Then again, Half-Life and Starcraft were no joke either, so who knows.
I didn't pay attention to GS way back when, but according to wiki, From 98-2001, they had a seperate pc GotY and console GotY. OoT (AAAAE) won console GotY 98. Soul Calibur (AAAAE) won 99. Chrono Cross (AAAAE) won 2000. I haven't verified this info (since finding old stuff on GS can be like pulling teeth), but if true, that would mean no game has ever gotten AAAAE on GS without being GotY.the bold is so true but i figured that i never seen a 10 not get GOTY
I didn't pay attention to GS way back when, but according to wiki, From 98-2001, they had a seperate pc GotY and console GotY. OoT (AAAAE) won console GotY 98. Soul Calibur (AAAAE) won 99. Chrono Cross (AAAAE) won 2000. I haven't verified this info (since finding old stuff on GS can be like pulling teeth), but if true, that would mean no game has ever gotten AAAAE on GS without being GotY.[QUOTE="ianuilliam"]
MGS 4 was the only 10 to get GOTY, actually.
To be fair, Ocarina would probably have been GOTY in '98 if GS had allowed console games into GOTY that year. Then again, Half-Life and Starcraft were no joke either, so who knows.
the bold is so true but i figured that i never seen a 10 not get GOTY
Did some researching, and apparently, before 2002, Gamespot was solely PC, and their partner site did consoles. They merged in 2002. This is supported by the fact that redirects you to Gamespot now. So either you include the gotys, in which case every game that has ever gotten a AAAAE (OoT, Soul Calibur, Chrono Cross, MGS4) has one GotY, OR you DON'T include console games prior to 2002, in which case, every game that has ever gotten AAAAE has won GotY.Edit: thought I'd add, there's been 10's not get GotY, but they were multiplats, GTA4, THPS3. No AAAAE have not been given GotY though.
Whats the game of the year so far? we have already had a huge amount of impressive stuff, and its not even the holiday season.
i mean, Mass Effect 2, Starcraft 2, Read Dead Redemption, SMG2, Bad Company 2 etc... for me, game of the year so far is easily Mass Effect 2. Hands Down. what about you?
Way to avoid putting GOW3 in the poll, ya lem... This topic is meaningless.
[QUOTE="ianuilliam"]I didn't pay attention to GS way back when, but according to wiki, From 98-2001, they had a seperate pc GotY and console GotY. OoT (AAAAE) won console GotY 98. Soul Calibur (AAAAE) won 99. Chrono Cross (AAAAE) won 2000. I haven't verified this info (since finding old stuff on GS can be like pulling teeth), but if true, that would mean no game has ever gotten AAAAE on GS without being GotY.
the bold is so true but i figured that i never seen a 10 not get GOTY
Did some researching, and apparently, before 2002, Gamespot was solely PC, and their partner site did consoles. They merged in 2002. This is supported by the fact that redirects you to Gamespot now. So either you include the gotys, in which case every game that has ever gotten a AAAAE (OoT, Soul Calibur, Chrono Cross, MGS4) has one GotY, OR you DON'T include console games prior to 2002, in which case, every game that has ever gotten AAAAE has won GotY.Edit: thought I'd add, there's been 10's not get GotY, but they were multiplats, GTA4, THPS3. No AAAAE have not been given GotY though.
ok thats what i wanted to say has a AAAAE never get Game of the year and great find ianuilliam interesting read
Whats the game of the year so far? we have already had a huge amount of impressive stuff, and its not even the holiday season.
i mean, Mass Effect 2, Starcraft 2, Read Dead Redemption, SMG2, Bad Company 2 etc... for me, game of the year so far is easily Mass Effect 2. Hands Down. what about you?
Way to avoid putting GOW3 in the poll, ya lem... This topic is meaningless.
HEY, no need to insult, i forgot about GoW3. and i am SOOOO SORRY that it made you SOOOO UPSET. srsly, chill out, it was an honest mistake.
Whats the game of the year so far? we have already had a huge amount of impressive stuff, and its not even the holiday season.
i mean, Mass Effect 2, Starcraft 2, Read Dead Redemption, SMG2, Bad Company 2 etc... for me, game of the year so far is easily Mass Effect 2. Hands Down. what about you?
Way to avoid putting GOW3 in the poll, ya lem... This topic is meaningless.
Stop being a hermit, MGS4 should be on the poll. :D[QUOTE="Master_ShakeXXX"]
Whats the game of the year so far? we have already had a huge amount of impressive stuff, and its not even the holiday season.
i mean, Mass Effect 2, Starcraft 2, Read Dead Redemption, SMG2, Bad Company 2 etc... for me, game of the year so far is easily Mass Effect 2. Hands Down. what about you?
Way to avoid putting GOW3 in the poll, ya lem... This topic is meaningless.
HEY, no need to insult, i forgot about GoW3. and i am SOOOO SORRY that it made you SOOOO UPSET. srsly, chill out, it was an honest mistake.
Yeah, you better ******* apologise.
Still Mass Effect 2. I think I like Alan Wake a bit more, but Mass Effect 2 is a better game and has more to it.
Beta, man...beta. SC2, easily. Mass Effect 2 second. Haven't played SMG2 and RDR got boring quick.Is this really a fair poll? I can't imagine many people have played all these games, not to mention SCII has only been out for a short period.
Mass Effect 2 IMO. If there was a "Console GOTY" it would be SMG2. SC2 is PC GOTY, with Civ 5 likely taking best Strategy of the Year.
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