High Scores Matter
About 18 months ago, Activision also conducted a study of 789 games made for Sony Corp.'s PlayStation 2 console and found a strong correlation between some high game scores and strong sales Activision Chief Executive Robert Kotick says the link was especially notable for games that score above 80% on Game Rankings, which grades games on a 1-to-100 percentage basis, with 100% being a perfect score. For every five percentage points above 80%, Activision found sales of a game roughly doubled. Activision believes game scores, among other factors, can actually influence sales, not just reflect their quality.
Obviously there is crap the will sell.....but do you think that game review scores are a good predictor of sales?
EDIT: Here is a quick analysis I did to try and find out the buying habits of each console owner. I used million seller games.....as those were the only games which I could really track down data easily and quickly on (I had originally planned on using the top 10 or 15 selling games for each console but to actually find a single source which would rank-order the top 15 selling games was not easy). I did this as a test to see if indeed as many people say that Wii owners are buying basically "crap" games. Sales of a Game and it's Average Score Received are being compared.
Notes: I did not include the PS3 becuase it only had two games and it's results are basically not meaningful.
Observations: If a developer were to see this what would they think? I mean I would just think "Hey....let's get as many games out there as we can"
Game Sales Gamerankings Avg Score
Wii Sports 10.62 76
Wii Play 6.24 60
Zelda: TP 3.78 94
Mario Party 8 2.48 64
Wario Ware 1.88 82
Paper Mario 1.56 85
Rayman RR 1.03 77
Red Steel 1.02 65
Mean 75.375
Std. Deviation 11.71003843
Correlation Coefficient -0.104393427
(Interpretation: Basically says the two are negatively related and as the score on a Wii game goes up it's sales go down slightly :shock: You would expect this to actually be the opposite)
Xbox 360
Game Sales Gamerankings Avg Score
Gears 4.81 94
Halo 3 4.64 93
Oblivion 2.14 94
CoD2 1.99 90
GRAW 1 1.98 90
RB 6 1.95 89
CoD3 1.83 83
Madden 07 1.73 81
GH II 1.65 92
FNR 3 1.52 85
Saints Row 1.48 82
Lost Planet 1.44 80
Dead Rising 1.41 85
GRAW 2 1.16 86
Bioshock 1.31 96
Crackdown 1.27 83
PGR 3 1.26 88
PD: 0 1.23 81
Madden 08 1.23 83
NFS: Most Wanted 1.12 83
NFS: Carbon 1.07 78
Forza 2 1.06 90
Pro Evo Soccer 6 1.02 79
SC: Double Agent 1.02 85
Mean 86.25
Std. Deviation 5.219112035
Correlation Coefficient 0.540354278
(Interpretation: That there is a moderate correlation between Xbox 360 game-scores and sales. As a game's score goes up you would expect the sales to go up also. This would suggest that Xbox 360 games are buying better games than Wii owners are......thus kind of giving some weight to the whole "Wii owners buy crap games...and devs can just push crap on them..blah...blah..." theory
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