this would make sense if we were forced to play every game in the system's library. we're not, though. :?
Exactly. Also if even half of the library can be bought still without searching on ebay. The market doesn't know what is better. The market buys what is cheapest, in this case, the wii, and second cheapest, this case the xbox. Not really, the mass market typically buys what the early adopters chose as best...it's why the order you see from the beginning is usually the final order also. Are you saying if ps3 and xbox came out same time and were same price, the xbox would still be "the market leader". That would have changed many things. The PS brand name alone would be a big advantage if everything else was equal. You keep factoring in sales numbers and numbers of quality games, but you fail to factor in the 1 year head start (how exactly does one factor this in? Of course it is an advantage and is the reason the 360 came out early.)and the additional $100don't you mean 100-200 dollar advantage? (which is racked up in xbox extras very easily not for most people). MAC was out before Windows, but it still lost. Why? It was more expensive. It was more expensive, had FAR fewer software available for it, had far fewer options to choose from...etc)The situations are similar as well. (similar in that if you're going to be more expensive you darn well make the extra money worth it in a meaningful way)Mac(PS3) is better at what it was made for(that's the problem...as far as games go(what these machines are made for), the PS3 ISN'T better and could be argued to be worse, but cant do as much things as Windows, which does many things at lower quality. (Xbox). Except the xbox isn't doing things at lower quality. It does the core function every bit as good as the PS3. NONE of what the PS3 does better has anything to do with the core function of the machine.
If you also take away PC/360 exclusives, it does not really have more exclusives.Except it STILL does, and then when you factor in those PC shared titles that don't appear on the PS3 those are all games that add to the 360 library that don't add to the PS3 one. If PC titles are "A", respective consoles exclusives "B", and the PS3/360 multiplats are "C", then A + B + C is greater than just B + C.
Real definition of exclusive is "Not divided or shared with others" which means pc/360 exclusives are not really exclusive. When comparing the library it isn't just about exclusives. You cannot fight real fact, especially since you keep talking about the real world, where everyone who has a ps3 probably has a computer. There are distinct differences between a PC and a gaming PC. Gaming PC's that are gonna be better than the consoles are still an EXTREME minority of the market.
Last time i checked market share does not affect the console or the consumer buying it. Sure it does. It's a snowball effect. Person A choose one console, so his friends get it, so their friends get it. It only affects the company, so unless you own the company its not a very good argument. It's a very good argument. Mindshare = marketshare, and right now the 360 is the console that has the mindshare of the traditional gamer.
I'm not sure what you are trying to even argue, except for making excuses of the PS3 is in last place.
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