i was just watching the episode last night.
they said
beautiful game
excellent fluid combat
neros moves a welcome change
engaging plot and story
easy bosses
too similar to previous dmc games
easy puzzles (they said some were stupid and frustrating)
they complained about some dissapearing platforms that appear at various levels
even though the game visuals gives you a sense of huge arenas like castles etc ,the actual places of combat are still narrow hallways and passageways.
they said theres a lot of time running up corridors without any thing happening
some levels have you playing as dante but ,you will immediatley miss neros devil hand move where you can pull enemies towards you.seems to be overused.
the game doesnt seem any better than the previous ones in terms of gameplay but the excellent plot and gorgeous visuals kept them going.
the reason i was shocked with this review is that, gamer tv is usually quite leniant.they werent allowed to say anything about the plot and didnt mention nay 360 /ps3 differences.
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