People don't like to watch a long movie, and the same applies to games. This is made worse by the fact that people have to excert lots of effort to get through a game. This isn't the old days when good games are a rarity, so when one came along hardcore gamers savored the hell out of it. Nowadays good games are released on weekly basis, and as a result the market are saturated with too many good games that even the most diehard gamers will barely get to 30% of them. And with so many on the market, gamers simply don't have much time to put into a single game before the need to move on to another game. Valve released some stats regarding their games a while ago. Only 38% of half-life 2 episode 1 owners finished it. And even super short 3 hrs AAA games like Portal only have around 30% completion. Other short AAA games like Halo and Call of Duty have abysmal completion rates as well. Bioware recently stated that majority of Dragon Age owners didn't even play beyond an hour. With these facts in mind, developers need to stop wasting their time in building contents beyond the 2 hrs gameplay time that majority of their customer won't ever get to. It's a waste for the customers as well since they've spent so much on contents they won't even get to play. Instead of dragging a game to 4-7 hr long, developers could be using that same amount of development time to make a better, shorter game.
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