I think some of you are having selective memory, and furthermore, why would you buy your new games at Futureshop or Bestbuy? I can't speak for the Americans, but here in Canada, every one of those huge retailers, BestBuy, Futureship, Zellers, ect all have overpriced their games for the longest time; this is with the execption of Wallmart which has not. For the past err maybe five or so years I've bought all of my new games from EB Games, because while they are scammers with their used games, new games their prices are always clutch.
Last gen, all of the new games at EB Games were between the prices of 49.99 to 59.99, which I can vouch for; even when this gen rolled around the prices remained at 59.99, with only a select few games being 69.99, the only one I can think of was Ninja Gaiden Sigma, but thats just one. Still now a lot of third party games such as Fallout 3, RE5 and SF4, that new 50 Cent game, are 69.99, a lot of first party games, Killzone 2 and Resistance 2 are still 59.99.
Lucky for me I was able to get SF4 when it was still 59.99 for a day or two.
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