I hate CD Projekt Red and all their games , they know nothing about role playing gameplay and still continuing making games , no wonder they facing backlash recently so much.
Dislike is perhaps not the right word. Overrated sounds better.
I have always found Kojima and particularly the Metal Gear Solid series to be overrated. Metal Gear Solid on PS1 is the only game I admire.
I also have a slight problem with Namco, especially during the PS1era. Games such as Tekken and Ridge Racer weren't as good as what was available on the Sega Saturn.
Ubisoft turned Tom Clancy in console arcade games. The gaming media went with it because they didn't know how to play PC games and like shallow slop.
They convinced the world Assassins' Creed was something we should care about.
Litterally none of these games are great and calling even one of them "mid" is being ultra, super generous.
I wouldn't say that I wholeheartedly dislike any developer. But if I had to list my least favourite, I would say EA. Their endless micro-transactions make me sick.
I just dislike hero shooters.
I want online shooters that reward teamplay, cooperation and squad play (examples: Battlefield or Red Orchestra).
I want games where you get punished for your mistakes, not rewarded for solo actions or get rewards in the form of clown skins or bullshit currency.
These games seem all but dead now but there still is a shimmer of hope:
Helldivers 2, 83 or Killing Floor 3 will be able to tickle my fancy.
Wouldn't go as to state I dislike them; rather I've marked them to avoid games they make based on recent portfolio. With so many games gotta have some form of standards.
Always happy to eat humble pie if they turn it around but I find, namely American developers, enjoy digging themselves deeper and deeper into the abyss.
As for the ones (this is regarding development not publishing, so it does not include outsourcing or other more talented studios)-
*Those are the ones that spring to mind. all have made what I consider "trash games" in recent years and avoid anything they make honestly, I'd only dive in if a copy is handed my way and usually still disappointed with wasting an hour with a 'free' game. Don't @me on your cope that they make great walking simulators with cringe writing or take years to be in a playable state, I don't give a flying ****. Trash is trash.
Nintendo - the last game I really enjoyed from them was DK Tropical Freeze. All their stuff is over priced. Most people can't stop jerking off to em though
@my_user_name: Tropical Freeze is GOAT material but you telling me you didn't enjoy Super Mario Wonder, not even a little?
The level design in that game is incredible. I don't see level design like that outside of Nintendo developed games normally.
@hrt_rulz01: Haven't enjoyed a Mario game that much since the original Galaxy game, that's how highly I value Wonder. Those sleeping on the latest 2D Adventure are missing out. Mario typically has bangers but they usually have one or two things I just don't like or appreciate, Wonder was simply a delight.
If someone asked me what Switch games are worth grabbing, Wonder is very high on that list. And if it's someone's first Mario game they're in for a treat.
Best way to look at Mario Wonder is how Sonic Mania was for Sonic the Hedgehog. The team understood the assignment, and delivered.
I don't dislike any company. I just don't buy their games. Konami, Activision, and EA. I don't see it for them now. Activision used to be good with Call of Duty zombies, but that was it. Overwatch was aesthetically cute, but I never cared for the actual gameplay. Paladins was superior.
Individual developers can annoy me, but if their games are good then I'll buy them.
Dislike those “developers” who churn out those cheap ass games. Also dislike those games as well.
Ironically enough, it's the opposite for me. I can play well made cheap games. Don't Starve Together is an example. I'm starting to dislike game with a budget too high. No reason for a game to be required to sell 5+ million copies to break even.
Have not tried Wonder yet. I'd probably like it too... but I'm not paying $60 for a game that can run on 2005 hardware.
Have not tried Wonder yet. I'd probably like it too... but I'm not paying $60 for a game that can run on 2005 hardware.
Never looked at games that way because how graphically impressive a game looks has never meant anything to me, but yeah I can respect being against the default Nintendo tax, they charge too much & should have more customer-friendly sales.
I strongly dislike racist developers like Obsidian, and racist consultant groups like Sweet Baby Inc.
@luxuryheart: I don’t mean well made indie games, ones that take time and effort. I’m talking about those really cheap games that are very low effort or are typically just asset flips.
@luxuryheart: I don’t mean well made indie games, ones that take time and effort. I’m talking about those really cheap games that are very low effort or are typically just asset flips.
Oh, then yeah. Those are just cheap cash grabs.
I’ll get back to you. I don’t know most of the devs that make the games I like. I will be making a list soon enough.
@pmanden: Preach brother 🙏 agree 1000%
MGS is overrated, the only decent one was the first one on PS1.
Ridge Racer & Tekken are the poor man's Daytona USA & Virtua Fighter.
Most overrated devs are insert Sony devs name here ____, Kojima, R*, Fromsoft, Nearly all of Nintendo's studios.
Should a developer be disliked only on its reputation (how it treats its employees or gamers) and not whether one disagree with its gaming philosophy or the games it develops?
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