I think Fable 2 is not a game to go unoticed anymore
It was like i made that article
Best RPG
Winner: Fable 2
Molyneux is hyping a lot of interesting concepts with Fable 2, the most prominent being a desire to evoke emotion from players, largely in the form of a companion dog. You know, like Tamagotchis. He's also introducing a deceptively complex one-button combat system, and, to avoid players having to constantly replay parts of the game, he's doing away with death and replacing it with brutal beat-downs and everlasting scars.
It's these innovations that prompted us to preemptively honor Fable 2 as the best RPG of 2008.
The funny part is that they know only half the story and innovations that go into Fable 2, like the poor/rich scheme, the buy whole towns and castles and affect economy, the huge without fences now world, possibly seasons, possibly villages turn into towns etc etc
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