- Monster Hunter World (My first Monster Hunter game. I bought it off of hype and was impressed with the graphics and the tight combat system but it quickly became repetitive. I put it down for a few months then picked it up and ended up playing online. I never play anything online and am mostly a solo player but Monster Hunter World just feels like it's meant to be played with others. Most fun I've ever had playing online in any game.)
- Trails of Cold Steel (The first game is sooo boring I almost quit but as soon as you hit the ending it pulls you in and you'll be anxiously playing the next game to see what happens next. First game was slow, repetitive, and had terrible pacing, though, in my opinion.)
- The Witcher 3 (I liked it but it was just too bloated. Too many side quests, too many question marks, too much of everything. I think I played for over 200 hours and never beat it. I started from scratch a year later and made sure to be much more focused. Only focusing on the really interesting side quests or things that were important to me. Second time around I managed to beat it in 2-3 weeks then went on to complete the DLC. Really glad I went back. Also had same problem with Assassin's Creed: Odyssey. It's just too much going on sometimes lol)
- One (A super generic run n' gun from the PS1. My Grandma bought it for me but it wasn't really my style of game, especially for how young I was. My Grandma wasn't into any of that stuff so I was really appreciative that she bought me a game in general and decided I was beating it no matter what. Eventually I ended up liking it because I felt challenged whenever I died. I think eventually I beat it in one sitting. I wouldn't recommend lol)
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