Here are some that disappointed me:
- Super Mario Sunshine; after the wonderful intro I thought the whole game will look as good but sadly the textures were pretty low-res and it generally didn't impress me.
- Halo 2; people were saying it can match Doom 3 and H-L 2 on the PC but that was as far away from the truth as it gets. Impressive game for the Xbox but I think even the Xbox versions of Doom 3 and Riddick beat it in graphics.
- Half-Life 2; after the killer presentation on E3, the final game just felt a little underwhelming in graphics with it's low-res textures and dead cities.
- Forza 2; the game just felt so static and sterile and had bad texture filtering.
- Zelda Twilight Princess; the game had blurry textures and too much bloom.
- Pikmin; it looked amazing on promo pics but the final game just wasn't nearly as pretty.
These are just some I can think of right now.
What about you?
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