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Movie based games (rip off idiots for money)
Zelda games buy samsung (they sucked and where bad for the zelda series)
Medal of honer games on consoles (Ive ben playing them and they were boring) Mabye all but Moh:airborne
Halo (cause theres a limit to how much you can hype a game and Halo breaks it)
eer, SC3 was better than SC2...
Who plays Fighting games for storymode?? the blocking state glitches were more of an issue, there were imbalances but there were in 1 and 2.
Games that shoulddie,
-Mario Party
-Halo 2
Im sorry TC, in sheer features, TS: FP > Ts2. But still, they still coated the game with the "user-friendly" atmosphere that seemed stale. But, the layout of the game itself in terms of options vastly surpassed TS2. organic_machine
Well of course it had more features. That really didn't do it much good though. Gameplay wise it lasted as long as the old one, except I played the last one a lot with friends due to its awesomeness. This one basically let everyone know "HEY, WE RAN OUT OF IDEAS AND ARE COPYING EVERYONE ELSE! LOOK! A PHYSICS ENGINE!"
Oh please. Everyone hates Timespliters 3 because it had blood and gore, and got an M-rating. Face it; your mother wouldn't let you play it, so it imediately sucks.
It's the same thing with Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. All the little kiddies weren't allowed to play PD so everyone favors Goldeneye, evne though Perfect Dark is a far superior game (based off of GS and IGN reviews)
You fail incredibly.
Perfect dark was incredible. I liked both immensely.
Ya. No.
[QUOTE="organic_machine"]Im sorry TC, in sheer features, TS: FP > Ts2. But still, they still coated the game with the "user-friendly" atmosphere that seemed stale. But, the layout of the game itself in terms of options vastly surpassed TS2. chutup
I agree, TS: FP is one of my favourite shooters ever. I never played the first two though so I guess I'm not 'hardcore' enough to appreciate how awful Future Perfect is... apparently, having a singleplayer mode is now casual.
Tp2 had single player.
You didn't have to play as only cortez.
No explanation necessary.
The explanation better be because the series was never finished and it left a gaping hole in your life...
"I'm looking for some sailors...."
"I'm looking for some sailors..."
"Have you seen any sailors around here..?"
Kingdom Hearts (both games) and MGS. Both series my friends hyped to me, saying I must play them. I did... from start to finish.
I hate both series now. So much of a letdown. Just... WAITING and WAITING for the 'amazing fun' to start... and all I get are button mashing crap (KH) or lame stealth action (MGS), both with bad story, lame characters, and just generally large degrees of suck. I recognize the popularity of each... but I personally cannot stand these games and would be happy to never hear of them again.
Also, the latest Wolfenstein game... I'm still trying to understand how the heck garbage like that could be praised to well. It's crazy. Note: these are just my personal opinions and experiences so calm down, I don't claim them to be anything more.
my lil sis plays the game when we were still bck in the ps1 gen and she makes me play the game 4 her since she sometimes doesnt know how to past a level!~!!!! i HATE BARBIES!!!!!!! errgghh~ the game was so annoying!!!!!
another game i wish nvr exsted is SPY HUNTER~~~
DID anyone play spy hunter on the ps2 b4???
2 past a lvl u actually have 2 finish every objective and if u don u fail which tottaly sux ass~~~just to past the tutorial is a burden~~~!!!! ARRGHHHH!! i replayed it yesterday just to bring bck memories but damn...i mustve been really drunk to re-play the game because it gave me me nbightmares on how much i hated the game~~errghhhh~
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