@jg4xchamp said:
Get out of here Pandorra Tomorrow and Chaos Theory might have had their moments of sheer stupidity, but them mother fuckers were ruthless. And in the case of dogs, too good. Metal Gear's Ai is straight short bus material, I think it actually adds to the game, because Metal Gear is more about toying with your enemies, but i digress.
Eh, ruthless in the same sense that a bot is ruthless. They're not actually doing anything smart. They're just going to kill your ass much quicker if they see you because they rarely miss and Sam isn't a bullet sponge.
I can get the same experience out of MGSV with a couple of changes in Infinite Heaven. And yes, I understand that that's not part of the base game, but it just goes to show that it's not some feat of programming or AI design prowess. It's just tweaking some values.
But yeah, in an alerted state they're going to **** you up quickly in SC. In the sneaking and evasion states? They're no better than MGS. Same goes for the Thief games. As much as people like to shit on MGS AI, these three franchises have eerily similar routines when it comes to that.
There's the whole "wait, what was that? Thought I saw something? Just my imagination?" business, and at best they may walk over to the place where the AI registered your presence. If the game takes things like footprints or blood trails into account, they'll follow those next.
Then there is the whole "Oh shit, get that fucker!" phase in which you're pretty much safe if you get out of the immediate area.
Then the cool down or evasion phase in which you either stay safe where you are, or go for the risk and try to slip by the the enemies in search mode. The only stealth game I know of that forces you to change hiding spots during a cool down mode is MGS2 on extreme. But that game has the benefit of being claustrophobic bite size rooms, so programming the AI to do thorough search procedures wasn't too much of a task.
Metal Gears AI comes off as extra stupid because all of the guards come from the Helen Keller school of seeing and the Storm Trooper academy of shooting. Those aren't really issues with the AI, those are the values that Kojima ran with because I guess he thought it would work best for what he's going for. I'm not trying to sweep those issues under the rug by any means, just saying they're more of a design choice than actual dumb AI coding.
And there are things about MGS that are straight up dumb shit AI. I shouldn't be able to throw a magazine at a guards head an infinite amount of times without him finally being like "what the **** is going on here!". I shouldn't able to knock on a surface, hide, knock on another surface, hide, and have the guard continue to follow some loop forever. I shouldn't be able to snipe a guy standing next to another guy and dude just looks over and says "what's wrong?" lol.
To the point, yeah MGS AI is the definition of short bus material. No arguments here. It's just that other stealth games aren't really doing us any better. Enemies can see further and bring you to a fail state faster, but the actual routines are all still very much primitive. And unlike MGS, Thief and SC AI tends to glitch the **** out at the worst times. It's funny to see for sure, but damn it's an immersion breaker.
I think AI is one of the most important aspects of a stealth game, yet we've seen such little improvement from that aspect of the genre in the past decade or more. Mechanics keep improving. Level design has been damn near perfected (and if we're being honest, it's actually regressed in many cases). But the same old status quo AI doesn't seem to be going anywhere. The overall set of phases works, but they should be more organic. There should be more variation in their reactions. I guess what I'm saying is that it's all in the details that are clearly missing. I don't know dick about the challenges that come with programming/designing good AI, but it just seems that with all the advancement in hardware and software, that we should be seeing intricate branches of possibilities regarding AI in stealth games. Instead, you can dick around with one enemy for about 10 minutes and know everything you need to know about how the AI works. And chances are if you've played a stealth game, then you already know.
**** I didn't mean for this post to get this big lol.
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