uncharted is pretty coo
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looks quite colorfull
Ohhhh MY :shock: I'm now looking forward tho this game more than ever before :D
black and grey are colours too, every game has colour
actually black and greay arent colors, they are shades.
black and grey are colours too, every game has colour
Not really.
absolute Black is the absence of color (R,G, & B are at 0), so it's not a color.
Grey happens much is when the R,G, and B channels are equal (but not 0 or 255) and no color has any superiority over the others, so that too technically isn't a color.
hmm... i knew about the black bit... but the grey one is new info for me... and now i feel like a moron because it's as obvious as the sub but...hmm i'm dumb :cry:I don't feel like posting pictures, but
Geometry Wars
Castle Crashers
to name a few.
black and grey are colours too, every game has colour
Not really.
absolute Black is the absence of color (R,G, & B are at 0), so it's not a color.
Grey happens much is when the R,G, and B channels are equal (but not 0 or 255) and no color has any superiority over the others, so that too technically isn't a color.
Black is not the absence of color, it's the absence of light, hence why we see the color black.
Nuetral Grey occurs when the R G B values are 128, 128, 128, but any shift in those results in a color.
The 'games this gen are brown' thing is ridiculous.
Just because Gears of War and Killzone consist only of grey and brown doesn't mean that applies to the whole gen.
Pretty much every other game this gen has plently of color.
Just to play devils advocate, the gritty and subdued styIe has its place in games too. It's all about the art direction and story setting of the game, what the developers use to create a tone and atmosphere they want for the games mood.
But yeah, I been saying for a while now, the claim that this gen is nothing but brown and gray is beyond absurd. They just aren't looking enough and not understanding the importance of art direction which is relevant to the setting of a given game.
The 'games this gen are brown' thing is ridiculous.
Just because Gears of War and Killzone consist only of grey and brown doesn't mean that applies to the whole gen.
Pretty much every other game this gen has plently of color.
Just to play devils advocate, the gritty and subdued styIe has its place in games too. It's all about the art direction and story setting of the game, what the developers use to create a tone and atmosphere they want for the games mood.
But yeah, I been saying for a while now, the claim that this gen is nothing but brown and gray is beyond absurd. They just aren't looking enough and not understanding the importance of art direction which is relevant to the setting of a given game.
Well ok, I may have misguided my OP a little bit. I understand that games have art direction to go along with the aesthetic. But when I say games with color I mean games that really make it pop out and show I mean I own plenty of colorful games. and Gritty war games, it's all part of the look and feel thats all .[QUOTE="AdobeArtist"][QUOTE="stepat201"]
The 'games this gen are brown' thing is ridiculous.
Just because Gears of War and Killzone consist only of grey and brown doesn't mean that applies to the whole gen.
Pretty much every other game this gen has plently of color.
Just to play devils advocate, the gritty and subdued styIe has its place in games too. It's all about the art direction and story setting of the game, what the developers use to create a tone and atmosphere they want for the games mood.
But yeah, I been saying for a while now, the claim that this gen is nothing but brown and gray is beyond absurd. They just aren't looking enough and not understanding the importance of art direction which is relevant to the setting of a given game.
Well ok, I may have misguided my OP a little bit. I understand that games have art direction to go along with the aesthetic. But when I say games with color I mean games that really make it pop out and show I mean I own plenty of colorful games. and Gritty war games, it's all part of the look and feel thats all .Actually, my perception of the purpose in your Topic, was to prove that this generation is in no way limited in color pallette, an outlook I agree with and applaude there. I was simply expanding on the discussion with how color and art direction correlate to come up with the final visual result :)
I hate the fact that too many games strive to be "gritty" and "tough" so use black, grey, white and brown to much. It seems like all Fps' are dull, all violent action-adventures games are dull, and all games that have a deep story or strive to be "real" are dull. Sure games that are dull tend to have a sad or heartwrenching story but I feel people make the color more dull than it needs to be. The only time you can get color now a days are from puzzle games or platformers.
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]I think you missed the point here.NBSRDan
So I take it you haven't played it?
And off-topic, but you think Braid and Mirror's Edge are 3.0/10's? Wth?
Well ok, I may have misguided my OP a little bit. I understand that games have art direction to go along with the aesthetic. But when I say games with color I mean games that really make it pop out and show I mean I own plenty of colorful games. and Gritty war games, it's all part of the look and feel thats all .[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"][QUOTE="AdobeArtist"]
Just to play devils advocate, the gritty and subdued styIe has its place in games too. It's all about the art direction and story setting of the game, what the developers use to create a tone and atmosphere they want for the games mood.
But yeah, I been saying for a while now, the claim that this gen is nothing but brown and gray is beyond absurd. They just aren't looking enough and not understanding the importance of art direction which is relevant to the setting of a given game.
Actually, my perception of the purpose in your Topic, was to prove that this generation is in no way limited in color pallette, an outlook I agree with and applaude there. I was simply expanding on the discussion with how color and art direction correlate to come up with the final visual result :)
Well thank you!I find it kind of funny how people complain that past generations were more graphically interesting than this current one. I would argue that we have seen far more creativity in THIS generation than any before. You heard right, more visual creativity today than in the genration of PS2, GC, or any previous.
The common complaint is that in the drive to achieve realism, all we've gotten is brown and gray. But if you look around enough, you'll see this gen has accomplished far more than that.
In a comprison between this one and, I'll go with the 16bit era as an example, we've seen more range in art styIe today than back then. Sure the games were very colorful, but they were also very monotone. The color pallettes were flat for the most part. Today's technology on the other hand, has made possible a variety of texture qualities, and a wider range of visual styIes. From calligraphy, to painted brush strokes in motion, to cel shading, to hybrids of TV cartoons and paintings, to replications of photo realistic textures in a cartoon context, to the subtle misty ambience created by particle effects, and what modern lighting has made possible.... and it continues to expand and evolve.
While the games of old may have been colorful, they were no where as creatively varied as games today. Sure we have some games of gritty metals and earth tones, but that all depends on the art direction of the story. People complaining about the visuals today don't understand the difference between color pallette, and visual creativity and the role art direction plays in that. Plus I would say that people complaining haven't really been gaming that long and don't know how good we have it today from what we used to have.
The variety IS out there, in more creative presentations than was possible years ago. You just gotta open your eyes :)
*sniff* This post brought a tear to me eye. I salute you AdobeArtist.... Also, I really like you sig.[QUOTE="AdobeArtist"]*sniff* This post brought a tear to me eye. I salute you AdobeArtist.... Also, I really like you sig.I find it kind of funny how people complain that past generations were more graphically interesting than this current one. I would argue that we have seen far more creativity in THIS generation than any before. You heard right, more visual creativity today than in the genration of PS2, GC, or any previous.
The common complaint is that in the drive to achieve realism, all we've gotten is brown and gray. But if you look around enough, you'll see this gen has accomplished far more than that.
In a comprison between this one and, I'll go with the 16bit era as an example, we've seen more range in art styIe today than back then. Sure the games were very colorful, but they were also very monotone. The color pallettes were flat for the most part. Today's technology on the other hand, has made possible a variety of texture qualities, and a wider range of visual styIes. From calligraphy, to painted brush strokes in motion, to cel shading, to hybrids of TV cartoons and paintings, to replications of photo realistic textures in a cartoon context, to the subtle misty ambience created by particle effects, and what modern lighting has made possible.... and it continues to expand and evolve.
While the games of old may have been colorful, they were no where as creatively varied as games today. Sure we have some games of gritty metals and earth tones, but that all depends on the art direction of the story. People complaining about the visuals today don't understand the difference between color pallette, and visual creativity and the role art direction plays in that. Plus I would say that people complaining haven't really been gaming that long and don't know how good we have it today from what we used to have.
The variety IS out there, in more creative presentations than was possible years ago. You just gotta open your eyes :)
Thank you (you Tyler and everybody else who responded to this post). You have no idea how f'n tired I am of hearing that ridiculous complaint of "lack of color in this generation". And so help me if I see, just, one, more, "graphics king" thread :lol: Nice to know I'm not alone in this outlook of gaming, something I've been a part of for a very very long time, all the way back to Atari, and I KNOW we have never had it as good as we do today :)
Anyway, here's a game who's visuals I feel are very underappriciated.
Not the best screenshots of the game.... You need to see the FaerieRealm in full HD on a TV to get the full idea.
Anyway, here's a game who's visuals I feel are very underappriciated.
Not the best screenshots of the game.... You need to see the FaerieRealm in full HD on a TV to get the full idea.
How was Folklore as a whole? This was a game that always interested me but i just never got around to buying it.
Anyway, here's a game who's visuals I feel are very underappriciated.
Not the best screenshots of the game.... You need to see the FaerieRealm in full HD on a TV to get the full idea.
How was Folklore as a whole? This was a game that always interested me but i just never got around to buying it.
It's not for everyone, and has some big problems. But... what it does well, it does very very well.
I'd rent it if I was you.
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