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[QUOTE="aaronmullan"]Why would you hate a game just because of the fan base? Rockman999Because that's who you're most likely going to be playing with. Anyways I hate how GeOW fans act like the game invented the cover system.Some people even called KZ2 a GeOW rip off because it has a cover system :lol:.
GeOW didn't invent the cover system but it made a near perfect one and easily the best out of any game.
I don't hate any games based on their fanbases, but I don't see how anyone over the age of 14 can appreciate kingdom hearts.
Brawl haters can't stand us 'cause they know we're right. :D I love defending Smash, it's so easy.
Anyway, my pick would be SotC.
Most probably the Grand Theft Auto series...
If this was an anime thread then I'd also say Naruto and Bleach.
Hate's a strong word..but for me I see this as a more of "which series you dislike the most because of the hype from the fans" ... If i hate a game it's because the game is truly a mess and not worth my time. Still, I'll bite...
I like Street Fighter III, but I think some of it's fans blow it out of proportion. I thought Alpha was better. Heck I think 4 is better, but that might be because it didn't' care for SF III's style of play or character design. Still a fun game.
Marvel vs Capcom 2 is another one. Fun game, but the earlier vs games were better. However, I'll admit i never learned how to play the game. There's a method in the madness that is going on this game. Sure, I know the moves of the Street Fighter characters, but thats not enough here you know. Never bothered to learn the tactics, but when I hear how people yearn for a remake on the newer consoles , a little peice of me says "Alpha is better..."
I think it's funny how some guy said Radiant Silvergun. Yeah, its not a rare game, just freaking expensive. Still fun though.
Let's just admit this: We can't let some kids blow up these games and ruin our enjoyment of some titles. If that was true, then I would never have owned the Halo series or Gears of War. I would have let the "gritty space marine thing that's been over done" get to me and and not enjoy some well designed shooting action. There is a reason why some popular franchises command some large fanbases. To quote a Simpsons line "50 million frenchmen can't be wrong!".
Killzone? But no, probably every FPS game with online support(Yep that's my theory) has an enormous fanbase of absolute fanatics, most of the time discarding facts and calling it an opinion. I'm not referring to a concrete event, it just happens constantly. I'm also not referring to all other fans of given games, but fanboys mostly represent the 80% of any game's fanbase.
Gran Turismo
Eh? What?
Most of the fanbase of GT are all 'car enthusiasts' btw, a lot of them don't even play games regularly.
Some are, though some are just PS3 fanboys trying to 'proove' the graphical power of the PS3, there are more hardcore simulators out there for the racing enthusiastMetal Gear Solid, their fanboys are like the demon form of PS fanboys.
Their fanboys actually annoys me as much as Apple fanboys, and I hate Apple fanboys.
Those who make threads about how they want MGS on the 360, annoy me as well, because that just starts it up again.
Take a look at the GameFAQ forums for any game (Which you can access from Gamespot), and you will hate the fanbase of that game. Or mabye that's just me, but I have never seen so many people rush to post an unnescary and sarcastic first response critisisng the original poster for no other reason than to be complete...
I will find a few examples.
The truth is fans are annoying.
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