Whenever I bought a new game I made it my mission to do everything and beat it however many times until I would rather tear my eyes out. On the N64, I got good enough to beat 3 lvl 9s on a team against me and I beat every Ratchet and Clank (most underrated franchise ever!) about 20 times. The reason? I had plenty of time and I had no other games. I never thought I would be one to buy a game and not be able to beat it, but last year I bought Gears of War. I didn't like Gears 2, I decided maybe it was one of those games that was popular because the first one was something special. Nope. Got half way through and quit. L.A. Noire, while not a bad game, has been a killer. I'm like 5 hours in and I made the mistake of getting it the same day as Deus Ex (another thing I never do). Haven't touched it since September. Saints Row 2, played it for like 3 hours with a friend on PSN. We had a blast. Haven't touched it since :P. To be honest, it frustrates me that I spent money and didn't get the most out of what I payed for.
What games have you guys been unable to finish for whatever reason?
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