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i get rid of the games that suck. i really like my collection
Resident evil 2,3,4 (working on finding the first one)
Silent hill 1,2
DMC 1,2
GoW 1,2
MADDEN 01-08
NHL 98, 02, 04, 05, 08
MLB the show
Resistance fall of man
the orange box
halo 3
If I really dislike a game that much, I just get rid of it. Like I did with Shining Force Neo and Halo 2.
There have been games which I really regretted purchasing when they came out, Like Phantasy Star Collection for example, but now they make a nice addition.
my collection is like 200 hundred games so excuse me for having like 15 that are not that well liked hahah I would get rid of them if I could get anyhtign in return but I cant so I keep em
I've got well over that if you consider all of my Consoles (which is essentially all of them back to the Atari). Hell, i've got 25 Xbox 360 games, 40 Xbox games, and 45 PS2 games and that's already over 100. :?
I only buy the ones that i want though hence the reason i don't have any i don't like. :)
Perfect dark zero for sure (I've never listened to gamespot reviews after being scamming into buying that turd based on their review) but fear is a pretty fun action game, the story was just crappy. Worth the 30$ price tag I paid for a new copy I think.
perfect dark zero....and FEARMikeE21286
Baldur's Gate 2. I lost the third disc so I can never play it again. I didn't finish it either. Every time I look at the box (like right now) it tears at my soul.
Download it.
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