[QUOTE="BrownWalrus"][QUOTE="black_awpN1"][QUOTE="the_h_bomb"] [QUOTE="black_awpN1"]I find it hillarious tha you all think Kane and Lynch still had anything to do with Jeff Being fired. BTW: if you watch the original Video Review, it IS crap Quality like McDonald said it was, so I understand why he took it down. black_awpN1
O RLY? if the kane and lynch review had nothing to do with the firing then
- Why did they take all the kane and lynch ads down?
- Why did they edit the review DESPITE THE FACT that it was perfectly fine and had been checked over by the editorial team
- Why did they take down the video review then put it up without any changes once their lies and corruption became public?
1. Eidos Advertisement Time was all used up. They paid for so many days, then nthe ads went down on the last day.
2. THey added the differences between the PS3 and 360 version, which they should have had in the first place.
3. IF you watched the original Video Review, it was very bad Quality. They only showed the first level and the Microphone was pretty messed up.
Got any more?
You're right. It's all internal issues and had absolutely nothing to do with K & L. Some "internal issues" caused one of the best and most original members (who wasn't afraid to speak his mind) and who has contributed so much over the past 11 years to be fired. Whatever, it's all stupid. Why not reveal the reason for him being fired? That's right. They won't. All they will do is lie or spin it in someway. If it was only some internal issues, they would have already revealed it, or have they already and i've just been sleeping (mind you i have been on vacation for the past week or so overseas).
Im not Condoning what they did. I think it sucks. Im just saying we shouldnt rub GS's good name in the mud for it. Do you think Vinny or anyone else wanted him fired? NO. It was CNET who did it, not the GS Employees who make this site what it is. But hey, like Alex already said on the podcast, you already made up your minds about this and wont listen to facts.
Rule of thumb... anytime you are dealing with big companies or corporations, sleep with one eye open. ALWAYS. Otherwise, you are going to get shanked in the back at the first opportune moment. I hate to break it to you, but that is simply how it is. How does that fable go? When the animal thought it trusted the scorpion, and the scorpion stung it... it asked, "Why did you sting me?" and it replied, "Because I'm a scorpion."
Seriously, man.... remember that. The guys and gals still there want and/or need their job, therefore they are doing whatever they have to do to please the bosses, its as simple as that. I dont buy it for one second.
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