[QUOTE="enygma500"]Any game not on Wii is an exclusive to the 360/ps3. enygma500
lol, this is as far as we need to go because it cant be exclusive or pertaining to one if its not pertaining to one. exclusives are exclusive if its not exclusive to one then its not exclusive to one. sorry that not the way you want it but it is the way it isLearn the meaning of the word exclusive......It can be exclsuive while being on both xbox and ps. look it up.
ok lets look it upexclusive:
1 a: excluding or having power to exclude
b: limiting or limited to possession, control, or use by a single individual or group not admitting of something else;
incompatible: mutually exclusive plans of action.
2. omitting from consideration or account (often fol. by of): a profit of ten percent, exclusive of taxes.
3. limited to the object or objects designated: exclusive attention to business.
4. shutting out all others from a part or share: an exclusive right to film the novel.
5. fashionable; stylish: to patronize only the most exclusive designers.
6. charging comparatively high prices; expensive: exclusive shops.
7. noting that in which no others have a share: exclusive information.
8. single or sole: the exclusive means of communication between two places.
not divided or shared with others; "they have exclusive use of the machine";
"sole rights of publication" excluding much or all; especially all but a particular group or minority; "exclusive clubs";
"an exclusive restaurants and shops" a news report that is reported first by one news organization; "he got a scoop on the bribery of city officials" single(a): not divided among or brought to bear on more than one object or objective; "judging a contest with a single eye"; "a single devotion to duty";
"undivided affection"; "gained their exclusive attention" excluding or tending to exclude all others;
shutting out other considerations, happenings, existences, etc. an
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