Well, looks like I'll be getting it for PC. That way I can just buy a Steam key when it's like 5 bucks or less, lol.
Well, looks like I'll be getting it for PC. That way I can just buy a Steam key when it's like 5 bucks or less, lol.
No matter how good the game is, practice like this is utterly disappointing.
GOTY my ass. Witcher 3 takes the top spot by far now.
by far? lmao no. Dat reaching.
MGS5 has The Witcher 3 beat in pretty much every single aspect. Graphics, performance, presentation, gameplay, combat, story and voice acting. The Witcher 3 has it beat in terms of side quest content and scope. I have played 50 hours of MGS5 and have encountered zero bugs. I have numerous side quests in the Witcher 3 that are unable to be completed due to quest breaking bugs and don't even get me started on how many times i have had to reload old save files. MGS5 runs at 60 fps, the console version of the Witcher 3 can barely manage 30 most of the time.
The Witcher 3 is a great game, Metal Gear Solid 5 is a masterpiece. And this is coming from someone who's actually played both games.
Well, looks like I'll be getting it for PC. That way I can just buy a Steam key when it's like 5 bucks or less, lol.
Doesn't PC also have the micro transactions?
Yeah, but I'm not paying full price for this micro-shit-fest. Steam keys will start going around super cheap in no time, you can already get Mad Max for like 15 bucks...
Well, looks like I'll be getting it for PC. That way I can just buy a Steam key when it's like 5 bucks or less, lol.
Doesn't PC also have the micro transactions?
Yeah, but I'm not paying full price for this micro-shit-fest. Steam keys will start going around super cheap in no time, you can already get Mad Max for like 15 bucks...
yeah I guess so, but I don't really trust key sellers very much.
@joel_c17: It is my favorite game of all time bar none, so yeah, I do :)
I hope P5 is just as good - i have to admit im a lil worried with the theme being a bunch of kid rebels
Well, P3 was amazing, P4 was amazing, and P5 looks like it is even more refined. I would not worry- these guys clearly know what they are doing!
Gamespot had initially complained about the microtransaction pricing for the single player campaignof Metal gear Solid V; Konami had called Gamespot out and pointed out that Gamespot had been raising a ruckus for nothing.
Well, now the game is out, and we can all see, Gamespot was right.
According to the official MGSV guide, 'You must be online to build FOBs. Your first FOB is free of charge.
Additional FOBs must be purchased with MB Coins, acquired through microtransactions with real-life money.'
Online? Well, so this doesn't affect the single player mode, right?
Nope, it actually does affect single player as well.
FOBs let you earn resources for use in SP as well as dictate how many missions you can dispatch soldiers to, 1 FOB=2 active missions at once.
FOBs also help you bypass what is often dozens of hours of grinding near the endgame- from what I gather, to access the true ending, you need to have your Mother Base maxed out, and you can't do that either without dozens of hours of grinding, orpaying real world money.
So... **** Konami.
pc gamers like... OOH REALLY?
I expected this from Konami. They won't get a bloody cent from me besides the price of the game itself. Microtransactions are for the rich. I understand not everyone has time to get the coins through playing but if that's the case, why do you have a GAME console in the first place?
That's a bit ridiculous. Like a person cant enjoy gaming unless they can grind it out on their ass. Not everyone wants to do that and they can spend their money instead. I wont but as the Pope said regarding LGBT, "who am I to judge?"
I said in my post that I understand people may not have the time to get coins through gaming and that's fine. I just disagree with microtransactions that make a game unbalanced and give people who buy them an unfair advantage online.
I expected this from Konami. They won't get a bloody cent from me besides the price of the game itself. Microtransactions are for the rich. I understand not everyone has time to get the coins through playing but if that's the case, why do you have a GAME console in the first place?
That's a bit ridiculous. Like a person cant enjoy gaming unless they can grind it out on their ass. Not everyone wants to do that and they can spend their money instead. I wont but as the Pope said regarding LGBT, "who am I to judge?"
I said in my post that I understand people may not have the time to get coins through gaming and that's fine. I just disagree with microtransactions that make a game unbalanced and give people who buy them an unfair advantage online.
So your post is a contradiction then. You say you understand that not all gamers make this their only hobby and don't have the time nor desire to grind it out, yet then ask why do they have a GAME console in the first place. Like I said, a bit ridiculous because its stating a false "I understand" and then asking why play games at all if you cant do it in the way you approve of.
those can easily be bypassed on PC using a trainer or cheat engine combined with a modified .exe\
shouldn't really take long to make either....
@Litchie: They're fucking with you because they have microtransactions that you're not at all forced or required to buy? Had it been otherwise, then you just may have had a point.
But you don't.
Luckily I held off preordering MSG V and was going to buy it today. Good that I stumbled on GS before that happened. The price of £50 made me hesitate a bit.
I'll hate the developers that ruin the single player experience like this.
Don't buy from Steam mate, Game Keys 4 all (I'm sure there are plenty of others) are selling it for 44.95 Euro (£33) I've been using them for most of my games in recent years and they have never let me down, the keys are legit and activate on Steam (or where ever) with no issues, it usually takes about 10 minutes for them to be emailed to you.
I've not posted a link because I'm not trying to advertise, it's just a good place to get games cheaply with no hassles.
Brilliant! I haven't bought it yet but I might if it only cost ~£30. Since you already have it, is it worth picking it up? How are you liking it so far?
If all the extra FOB's do is give me more resources and more bases for ppl to invade......then I don't see how this really affects me in single player.
I read somewhere in this thread that more FOB's allow for more missions?
Is that including single player missions at one time? Like the Side Opts? Like if I had 5 FOB's I could do 10 Side Opts at one time?
I'm so confused.
Luckily I held off preordering MSG V and was going to buy it today. Good that I stumbled on GS before that happened. The price of £50 made me hesitate a bit.
I'll hate the developers that ruin the single player experience like this.
Don't buy from Steam mate, Game Keys 4 all (I'm sure there are plenty of others) are selling it for 44.95 Euro (£33) I've been using them for most of my games in recent years and they have never let me down, the keys are legit and activate on Steam (or where ever) with no issues, it usually takes about 10 minutes for them to be emailed to you.
I've not posted a link because I'm not trying to advertise, it's just a good place to get games cheaply with no hassles.
Brilliant! I haven't bought it yet but I might if it only cost ~£30. Since you already have it, is it worth picking it up? How are you liking it so far?
I've not had a huge amount of time this week to play but I've spent enough to safely say, if you like stealth games with options then it pretty much a must buy. Using the mouse in menus is a bit of a chore and it always gives Xbox controller prompts. In game there are no issues what so ever with KB/M but keep a controller handy for the menus (or use the keyboard). I've got it maxed at 1440p and it never even flickers from 60 (max setting in the options) I haven't looked to see if I can unlock it in the game files yet.
The story is wtf? It is Metal Gear and Japanese after all and don't have a clue if, when or how it fits into the game lore. Tbh I'm not even sure if it has real relevance to the overall Metal Gear story and is just an alternative timeline thing.
Definitely a good game
Luckily I held off preordering MSG V and was going to buy it today. Good that I stumbled on GS before that happened. The price of £50 made me hesitate a bit.
I'll hate the developers that ruin the single player experience like this.
Don't buy from Steam mate, Game Keys 4 all (I'm sure there are plenty of others) are selling it for 44.95 Euro (£33) I've been using them for most of my games in recent years and they have never let me down, the keys are legit and activate on Steam (or where ever) with no issues, it usually takes about 10 minutes for them to be emailed to you.
I've not posted a link because I'm not trying to advertise, it's just a good place to get games cheaply with no hassles.
Brilliant! I haven't bought it yet but I might if it only cost ~£30. Since you already have it, is it worth picking it up? How are you liking it so far?
I've not had a huge amount of time this week to play but I've spent enough to safely say, if you like stealth games with options then it pretty much a must buy. Using the mouse in menus is a bit of a chore and it always gives Xbox controller prompts. In game there are no issues what so ever with KB/M but keep a controller handy for the menus (or use the keyboard). I've got it maxed at 1440p and it never even flickers from 60 (max setting in the options) I haven't looked to see if I can unlock it in the game files yet.
The story is wtf? It is Metal Gear and Japanese after all and don't have a clue if, when or how it fits into the game lore. Tbh I'm not even sure if it has real relevance to the overall Metal Gear story and is just an alternative timeline thing.
Definitely a good game
Cool. I just picked it up for £34 and got the activation code in 2 mins. Awesome thanks!
Luckily I held off preordering MSG V and was going to buy it today. Good that I stumbled on GS before that happened. The price of £50 made me hesitate a bit.
I'll hate the developers that ruin the single player experience like this.
Don't buy from Steam mate, Game Keys 4 all (I'm sure there are plenty of others) are selling it for 44.95 Euro (£33) I've been using them for most of my games in recent years and they have never let me down, the keys are legit and activate on Steam (or where ever) with no issues, it usually takes about 10 minutes for them to be emailed to you.
I've not posted a link because I'm not trying to advertise, it's just a good place to get games cheaply with no hassles.
Brilliant! I haven't bought it yet but I might if it only cost ~£30. Since you already have it, is it worth picking it up? How are you liking it so far?
I've not had a huge amount of time this week to play but I've spent enough to safely say, if you like stealth games with options then it pretty much a must buy. Using the mouse in menus is a bit of a chore and it always gives Xbox controller prompts. In game there are no issues what so ever with KB/M but keep a controller handy for the menus (or use the keyboard). I've got it maxed at 1440p and it never even flickers from 60 (max setting in the options) I haven't looked to see if I can unlock it in the game files yet.
The story is wtf? It is Metal Gear and Japanese after all and don't have a clue if, when or how it fits into the game lore. Tbh I'm not even sure if it has real relevance to the overall Metal Gear story and is just an alternative timeline thing.
Definitely a good game
Cool. I just picked it up for £34 and got the activation code in 2 mins. Awesome thanks!
Glad I could help :)
Don't buy from Steam mate, Game Keys 4 all (I'm sure there are plenty of others) are selling it for 44.95 Euro (£33) I've been using them for most of my games in recent years and they have never let me down, the keys are legit and activate on Steam (or where ever) with no issues, it usually takes about 10 minutes for them to be emailed to you.
I've not posted a link because I'm not trying to advertise, it's just a good place to get games cheaply with no hassles.
Brilliant! I haven't bought it yet but I might if it only cost ~£30. Since you already have it, is it worth picking it up? How are you liking it so far?
I've not had a huge amount of time this week to play but I've spent enough to safely say, if you like stealth games with options then it pretty much a must buy. Using the mouse in menus is a bit of a chore and it always gives Xbox controller prompts. In game there are no issues what so ever with KB/M but keep a controller handy for the menus (or use the keyboard). I've got it maxed at 1440p and it never even flickers from 60 (max setting in the options) I haven't looked to see if I can unlock it in the game files yet.
The story is wtf? It is Metal Gear and Japanese after all and don't have a clue if, when or how it fits into the game lore. Tbh I'm not even sure if it has real relevance to the overall Metal Gear story and is just an alternative timeline thing.
Definitely a good game
Cool. I just picked it up for £34 and got the activation code in 2 mins. Awesome thanks!
Glad I could help :)
Jesus Christ mate. There are latest games that are approx £20 less than what it is advertised in steam. You just gave me gold mine. Thanks a bunch!
Huh... I have'nt even noticed there were any microtransactions yet.... Guess I was too busy grinding Side Ops and stuff. It does slow down a lot once Your entire base is lvl 2+
So far it's the only blight on an otherwise excellent game, thankfully all optional, still bullshit no matter what way you look at it though
Jesus Christ mate. There are latest games that are approx £20 less than what it is advertised in steam. You just gave me gold mine. Thanks a bunch!
Want another good one? g2play.
Been using them since 2012. Turn off community offers and don't buy Steam Gifts. Pay the 85 cents for buyer protection and I guarantee you'll get your key.
laughably you all are buying MGS5 yet know what konami has become, how Konami has basically said **** the fans, **** the history of games, lets make mobile and pachinko games, oh and lets get rid of Kojima.
yet you all are still buying it, you are still lining Konami pockets with money, and shit Konami just started taking down peoples ran art of Konami properties.
Gamers and critics are going to be struggling with the "value" of a game for years to come. One problem is if gamers are going to require games with the most expensive production costs, then producers/developers are going to have to find a way to get their money back. One of the ways is to use micro transactions.
For the sake of discussion, perhaps if a story game has at least 20 hours of play (or some other random number) or can be finished without a micro transaction after the initial purchase, it can be considered a complete game. Micro transactions after this amount of time are intended to extend the life of the game and add value to it.
Whether a micro transaction is considered an abuse or not in any given case will largely depend on the opinion of the gamer. Micro transactions do not have to automatically be bad things, if they are done in such a way that allows gamers to keep playing their favorite games through expansions instead of entire game sequels for example. Gaming can be made more affordable to the gamer if micro transactions are done properly, similar to how layaway makes a game more affordable by making small payments over time.
In my opinion, Activision, Disney Interactive, and Nintendo have found one way of using micro transactions that benefit both the producer/developer and the gamer. In these cases gamers feel that they are getting a fair deal for Skylanders, Disney Infinity figures, and Amiibo. Additionally, in these cases the gamer is getting a tangible figure.
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