I was thinking about why playing SNES and Genesis feels a lot better than playing N64/PS games these days (IMHO they do, and i think most of you would agree with me). I came to the conclusion that the SNES/Gen generation perfected 2d gaming, when the N64/PS generation was only the beggining of 3d gaming, and that's why it feels kind of clunky these days. I feel that last gen has perfected 3d gaming, and i've found myself wondering: what's next? Since 3d has been perfected, what will follow?
I came up with 3 answers:
Online: It's already pratically a standart, yet i feel we've only seen the the of the iceberg. I believe the industry will come up with dozens of great new ways to use online in the next-generation.
Motion-sensing: Again, this is something that's just starting to appear, but is hard to see the future without it. I do see MS becoming a standart, if not in the Next-Gen (I consider Next-Gen PS4, "Xbox 720" and "Wii 2"), surely in the one to follow. I believe it'll be perfected when we have truly functional one to one motion-sensing, working perfectly across every genre.
Multi-media features: And i don't mean DVD/HD-DVD/Blu-ray playback. Consoles will soon need to be the main eletronic in the house for the industry to grow. This will work a lot with online, obviously. Things like Wii channels and Xbox Live features will evolve a lot this gen and in the ones to follow. News, Web browing, and whatever they come up with need to be done on the console.
All this, obviously, IMO. What's yours?
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