Gaming has changed. It's no longer about fun, challenges, or storytelling. It's an endless series of point whoring done by gamers on machines. Gaming - and its consumption of life - has become a well-oiled machine.
Gaming has changed. ID-tagged gamers play on ID-tagged consoles, use ID-tagged accounts. Specifications inside their save files enhance and regulate their rewards. Trophy control. Gamerscore control. Parental control. Region-specific differences control. Everything is monitored and kept under control.
Gaming has changed. The age of next-gen promises has become the age of control... All in the name of averting catastrophe from casual gaming and waggle. And he who controls the most features... Controls the console war.
Gaming has changed. When the consoles are under total control......Gaming becomes routine.
Isnt this true? is just about teh online, the achivements, the trophies, where did the fun go?
You dare desecrate the holy text of hideo?! (jk)
I do have to disagree though. I've never held achivements or trophies in much high regard. We've seen good good multiplats and awesome exclusives.
Even the Wii threw off the casual garb with quite a few good hits.
This generation of consoles has brought us into the first steps of "photorealism"
Crysis has shown us wow factor possible in the next bounding leap.
MGS:4 has kept story telling alive.
Super Mario Galaxies gave us a new twist on platform games.
Gears of war ramped up the badassness of fighting an invading race slowly taking the earth with ****ing chain saws.
We've seen vast technical innovation in the Cell and Xenos.
I see gaming as an changing mass, yes, time a liquid that flows about the core, stripping some aspects and bringing others.
Refining the dirt and rock, reveling gems, and polishing them smooth with the silt of hundreds of shovelware titles.
Region free made a come back on the PS3 and PSP, and the DS got the same treatment until the DSi Revision, which i assume is to keep downloadable content in the respective stores.
I beleve gaming this generation, made large leaps forward...
then ****ing casuals came around and ruined everything (i jest :D)
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