Wii complete destroys your thread. It has won the generation by chainging how we play games NOT by improving graphics.
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Im not sure it has hit its peak, but I think that it needs to get a breath of fresh air. I think there are some franchises..(Madden, CoD and Halo) to name a few that need to either reinvent themselves or go away. I think there needs to be an influx of new I.P.'s. I personally would like to see more RTS, City Builders and RPG's. Id like to see the return of Rainbow Six and Counter Strike. What about arena shooters like Quake and UT? How about a true return of Resident Evil?? Everything in gaming is cyclical Imo it is time to move past the stagnant CoD and Madden games. ShoTTyMcNaDeSWinner post!!! Although I would say LBP and the Demon/Dark Souls series are refreshing and new well the souls series is actually just kings field getting the praise it deserved but never did in previous gens..imo, but it seems more poeple focus on the multiplayer in the souls games which I just don't get as I play them solo.
Yeah...well you seem to be a splinter cell fan..what happened to that series? it went to hell this gen because the devs, and this is a quote: "Light and shadow play is last gen. we need to focus on the action and blending into a crowd in daylight"....crap like that... there is no problem with shadow play. Thief and the first 3 splinter cells, as well as Deus ex did it good. why did that have to change this gen. Splinter cell went from being one of my favorite 3rd person games to being total crap this gen.Everything has become better. Story telling, chracters, pacing, gameplay. Games are a lot less bland than they used to be. Gaming is a slow evolution. Its very, very slow. Try a game now & ther go back & play a game from last gen. a Massive, massive difference
Just take any action & adventure game of last gen & then compare it to UC3.Massive difference
Take the best Batman game of last gen & compare it with Arkham city.
Take Read Dead revolver & compare it with Red Dead Redmption
Take Skyrim & compare it with Morrowind
Take Cod 1 & compare it with cod4
The comparisons are endless. Games are better in every way. The only exception being games seem less unique this day in age & every games seems to be a FPS game.I dont remember any game offering what ive seen with games like Bioshock, Bioshock Infinite, far cry 3, Tomb raider reboot, Uncharted 3, & so much more
The only thing that looks the same as last gen is animation. Games like UC have the best animation ever seen in a game & they continue to evolve their animation while everybody else stays the same. How about next gen we forget graphics & focus on animation
Also no D&D rpgs this gen on pc at all besides multiplayer focused mmos... Where's NWN3, Baldurs gate 2, Planescape 2, temple of elemental evil isometric games? Where? If diablo can come back with clones like torchlihgt why not isometric real rpgs? I have to rely on indies for that fix sadly.
Gaming hasnt changed since last gen, only graphics. Name one genre thats seen an evolution? Besides graphically. FirstinstimctThird person shooters.
Cinematic games, such as MGS.
Free-roam games, such as Just Cause 2.
Competetive games in general.
FPS-games, such as BFBC2 (teh destruction plays a big a part.)
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