Best effort put into a troll since Stevo's last graph-tastic post. 8/10
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He discussed gameplay, hence the movie game joke. Yes but the FIRST THING that came to mind in his rant was... GRAPHICS... VISUALS.. Gameplay was only mentioned later on.. You want to know the problem with gaming? Its right there, when gameplay is not the main fixed point of the discussion.[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]You lost me at the point when you started talking about visuals.. Is this the first thing that comes to people's fvcking minds is that the graphics aren't bleeding edge? What about gameplay? Replayability, original gameplay mechanics.. CHALLENGE... You know things that really matter... THIS IS THE PROBLEM with gaming today, because morons are more concerned with how the game looks leading to dev spending millions of dollars for new graphics of a old game with a new wrapper..Jankarcop
[QUOTE="rjdofu"]Great topics and you should be proud, 5/10 for content, 6/10 for effort & 8.5/10 for presentation. rjdofu
10/10 for making you butthurt
10/10 for making hermit j!zz.and a perfect 10 for showing how obnoxious and smug they tend to be bout their gaming choice.
Post is beyond idiotic...PC gaming and practices of PC develoeprs being brought to consoles are the reason why consoles are sh!t now.
patching/DLC/map pack$/glithcy games released forgiven to wait for it to get better...all of it a product of consoles mixing PC standards of unfinished and unpolished games and paying for things that should be free...but honestly (sorry lems) that mostly if not all of MS's doing (also a PC company) so no it's not consoles at have it backwards.
PC gaming is not perfect(as any form of gaming),but lot of misinformation in that post...
Patching and glitches-nope,this has nothing to do with PC standards.The "fix it after release" mentality in the modern gaming industry started because of budget restrictions and time limits in game development,when publishers often rush games to reach a certain release period...
DLC-official(developer) created paying DLC has nothing to do with PC standards.On PC,it was never prevalent,or widespread in the past.Mods and other FREE USER-created content=/=DLC.
A DLC is always official content,and PC developers never practiced that,they would let users expand their games.They only released some expansion packs here and there,but expansion pack in traditional sense offers much more content than the modern DLC.An expansion pack would also be a retail release,and DLC generally isn't a retail release,aside from being included in Special GOTY editions.Also,"paying for things that should be free".To what part of PC gaming is that refering?
And tbh,MS was never too much of a player in PC gaming.Windows OS+DX API is important,yeah,and they released a few of their games like some Halos,and flight simulators,but those games never achieved any notable commercial success.MS tried to push strongly into PC market only with GoW,and the release of GFWL(paying for MP,like XBL),but that failed miserably,as you probably know.When it comes to gaming,MS' largest focus is on the 360...
And if consoles are sh!t,why are you still using them?
Why are they still so popular among gamers?
[QUOTE="Ballroompirate"]It is a joke, I am pretty sure he lost a bet He is a strong Nintendo supporterWell found someone who makes worse thread than Loosingends,mastershake and finalstar. I thought it was impossible...
D4W1L4H(sheep): I bet that Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance (3DS) will recieve a 9.0 here at gamespot; I will create a thread bashing consoles and praising gaming PCs if my predicition fails.D4W1L4H
He did a great job,I must admit ;)
Thats pretty good.
Last gen both sony and MS had much much higher standards for game submissions. They publish anything in any state this gen.
Well the migration of PC developers to consoles has a lot to do with that.
Thats pretty good.
Last gen both sony and MS had much much higher standards for game submissions. They publish anything in any state this gen.
Well the migration of PC developers to consoles has a lot to do with that.
You mean PC orriented developers like Epic,who created one of the most successful console franchises(GeOW)?
Thats pretty good.
Last gen both sony and MS had much much higher standards for game submissions. They publish anything in any state this gen.
Well the migration of PC developers to consoles has a lot to do with that.
lol nice try, however you are aware of the console development process?
MS and Sony have to approve the game concept initially, then at various points during the development phase Sony/MS recieve builds of the game which they test in house and report back on. Nothing can be published without having passed sony/ms submission.
In other words both sony and ms know exactly what state a game is in before they release it, yet they release it anyway.
Am I the only one old enough to remember the time in PC gaming when the PC market was flooded with this kind of games and was the best thing since sliced bread?
You're not and despite the "do not want" mentality some PC gamers are trying to show games like Shenmue and Heavy Rain are high-quality games that a lot of people would enjoy on the PC.
The thread backfired a little since the amount of technical problems on many PC games during release is also big (just think of GTA IV, Rage and the like), neither are they immune to frame drops and stutter/screen tearing.
Of course these problems may be reduced with patches and strong hardware.
Am I the only one old enough to remember the time in PC gaming when the PC market was flooded with this kind of games and was the best thing since sliced bread?
You're not and despite the "do not want" mentality some PC gamers are trying to show games like Shenmue and Heavy Rain are high-quality games that a lot of people would enjoy on the PC.
The thread backfired a little since the amount of technical problems on many PC games during release is also big (just think of GTA IV, Rage and the like), neither are they immune to frame drops and stutter/screen tearing.
Of course these problems may be reduced with patches and strong hardware.
I haven't been gaming at that time,but as a PC-only gamer,I do consider games like Heavy Rain(and Two Souls) high-quality titles(played Heavy Rain),and would love more similiar experiences on the PC.Last game of that kind I played on my PC was Indigo Prophecy,and that was last Gen...
But about your other point,I disagree with the word "many".Of course there are some bad ports on the PC,but "many" is an overstatement,and they usually do get fixed quickly(GTA IV and RAGE were both fixed,for example).Today,there isn't a lot of games with notable technical problems on release.Your "and the like" wouldn't manage to go too far...
And just to remind you,console titles can also have shaky releases(Bayonetta,Skyrim,Fallout 3 on the PS3)...
I can't even tell if their's screentearing in a game.
I can sometimes. But it's very hard, I don't know how people do it.
At the beginning of Mirror's Edge, without vsync on, (consoles) there is a terrible amount of screen tearing, I noticed it long before coming to SW.[QUOTE="nameless12345"]
Am I the only one old enough to remember the time in PC gaming when the PC market was flooded with this kind of games and was the best thing since sliced bread? Rocker6
You're not and despite the "do not want" mentality some PC gamers are trying to show games like Shenmue and Heavy Rain are high-quality games that a lot of people would enjoy on the PC.
The thread backfired a little since the amount of technical problems on many PC games during release is also big (just think of GTA IV, Rage and the like), neither are they immune to frame drops and stutter/screen tearing.
Of course these problems may be reduced with patches and strong hardware.
I haven't been gaming at that time,but as a PC-only gamer,I do consider games like Heavy Rain(and Two Souls) high-quality titles(played Heavy Rain),and would love more similiar experiences on the PC.Last game of that kind I played on my PC was Indigo Prophecy,and that was last Gen...
But about your other point,I disagree with the word "many".Of course there are some bad ports on the PC,but "many" is an overstatement,and they usually do get fixed quickly(GTA IV and RAGE were both fixed,for example).Today,there isn't a lot of games with notable technical problems on release.Your "and the like" wouldn't manage to go too far...
And just to remind you,console titles can also have shaky releases(Bayonetta,Skyrim,Fallout 3 on the PS3)...
Well, I can tell Arma 2 was a "unplaylable mess" during release and that was a PC exclusive.
There may be polished PC games during release but it's more of an exception than a rule. You usually have to wait for patches to fix the bugs and the like.
Blizzard and Valve's games are the bright exceptions here.
Thats pretty good.
Last gen both sony and MS had much much higher standards for game submissions. They publish anything in any state this gen.
Well the migration of PC developers to consoles has a lot to do with that.
You mean PC orriented developers like Epic,who created one of the most successful console franchises(GeOW)?
Yes. I'm not saying PC devs are bad, it's just they have a different way of doing things.
And of course to get as much of them as possible MS and Sony had to loosen up.
You're not and despite the "do not want" mentality some PC gamers are trying to show games like Shenmue and Heavy Rain are high-quality games that a lot of people would enjoy on the PC.
The thread backfired a little since the amount of technical problems on many PC games during release is also big (just think of GTA IV, Rage and the like), neither are they immune to frame drops and stutter/screen tearing.
Of course these problems may be reduced with patches and strong hardware.
I haven't been gaming at that time,but as a PC-only gamer,I do consider games like Heavy Rain(and Two Souls) high-quality titles(played Heavy Rain),and would love more similiar experiences on the PC.Last game of that kind I played on my PC was Indigo Prophecy,and that was last Gen...
But about your other point,I disagree with the word "many".Of course there are some bad ports on the PC,but "many" is an overstatement,and they usually do get fixed quickly(GTA IV and RAGE were both fixed,for example).Today,there isn't a lot of games with notable technical problems on release.Your "and the like" wouldn't manage to go too far...
And just to remind you,console titles can also have shaky releases(Bayonetta,Skyrim,Fallout 3 on the PS3)...
Well, I can tell Arma 2 was a "unplaylable mess" during release and that was a PC exclusive.
There may be polished PC games during release but it's more of an exception than a rule. You usually have to wait for patches to fix the bugs and the like.
Blizzard and Valve's games are the bright exceptions here.
And unlike on consoles, players can directly complain about issues and quickly get a patch, like what I did when Nexuiz (a pretty bad game btw) wouldn't work at all, it got patched and it worked about 10 hours after a lot of people started having the same problem.Am I the only one old enough to remember the time in PC gaming when the PC market was flooded with this kind of games and was the best thing since sliced bread? kaealyNope. I still remember point and click games and its golden era. And how PC advocates went apes. (Those were AWESOME and I loved too anyways) Not referring to TC, he is joking.
You're not and despite the "do not want" mentality some PC gamers are trying to show games like Shenmue and Heavy Rain are high-quality games that a lot of people would enjoy on the PC.
The thread backfired a little since the amount of technical problems on many PC games during release is also big (just think of GTA IV, Rage and the like), neither are they immune to frame drops and stutter/screen tearing.
Of course these problems may be reduced with patches and strong hardware.
I haven't been gaming at that time,but as a PC-only gamer,I do consider games like Heavy Rain(and Two Souls) high-quality titles(played Heavy Rain),and would love more similiar experiences on the PC.Last game of that kind I played on my PC was Indigo Prophecy,and that was last Gen...
But about your other point,I disagree with the word "many".Of course there are some bad ports on the PC,but "many" is an overstatement,and they usually do get fixed quickly(GTA IV and RAGE were both fixed,for example).Today,there isn't a lot of games with notable technical problems on release.Your "and the like" wouldn't manage to go too far...
And just to remind you,console titles can also have shaky releases(Bayonetta,Skyrim,Fallout 3 on the PS3)...
Well, I can tell Arma 2 was a "unplaylable mess" during release and that was a PC exclusive.
There may be polished PC games during release but it's more of an exception than a rule. You usually have to wait for patches to fix the bugs and the like.
Blizzard and Valve's games are the bright exceptions here.
I disagree,most games like "AAA" multiplats on the PC get maybe 1-2 very small patches to iron out small glitches,while working perfectly fine out of the box.In fact,this Gen patching process is often identical on PC and consoles,both versions getting the same number of patches fixing similiar issues...
From my personal experience,I dealt with very few games that had noticeable technical issues on the PC.There are some,true,like bad ports you mentioned before,but I'd say those are in fact the exceptions,more than a rule.
Well the migration of PC developers to consoles has a lot to do with that.
You mean PC orriented developers like Epic,who created one of the most successful console franchises(GeOW)?
Yes. I'm not saying PC devs are bad, it's just they have a different way of doing things.
And of course to get as much of them as possible MS and Sony had to loosen up.
And you don't think its much more plausible that they loosened the standards to be able to publish more games,recieving more publishing fees,and parts of the revenue that comes from every copy sold at retail?
Keep in mind,console makers both recieved huge losses on consoles this Gen,MS with RRoD,Sony with $599.Their bussiness model tries to fight those losses with game sales.And more games availible on the platform=more potential sales...
And you don't think its much more plausible that they loosened the standards to be able to publish more games,recieving more publishing fees,and parts of the revenue that comes from every copy sold at retail?
Keep in mind,console makers both recieved huge losses on consoles this Gen,MS with RRoD,Sony with $599.Their bussiness model tries to fight those losses with game sales.And more games availible on the platform=more potential sales...
Well considering how much bigger the PS2 library is than the PS3's it seems to not matter much.
You mean PC orriented developers like Epic,who created one of the most successful console franchises(GeOW)?
Yes. I'm not saying PC devs are bad, it's just they have a different way of doing things.
And of course to get as much of them as possible MS and Sony had to loosen up.
And you don't think its much more plausible that they loosened the standards to be able to publish more games,recieving more publishing fees,and parts of the revenue that comes from every copy sold at retail?
Keep in mind,console makers both recieved huge losses on consoles this Gen,MS with RRoD,Sony with $599.Their bussiness model tries to fight those losses with game sales.And more games availible on the platform=more potential sales...
Actually, multiplats aren't that of an issue. PC exclusives tend to be more of an issue. For example Red Orchestra 2 was a bugged mess, as was Stalker.
Some PC games are almost ruined because of the bugs.
It's rare to see a PC exclusive with a polished, flawless release (the Total War and Blizzard games would fit that description).
You mean PC orriented developers like Epic,who created one of the most successful console franchises(GeOW)?
Yes. I'm not saying PC devs are bad, it's just they have a different way of doing things.
And of course to get as much of them as possible MS and Sony had to loosen up.
And you don't think its much more plausible that they loosened the standards to be able to publish more games,recieving more publishing fees,and parts of the revenue that comes from every copy sold at retail?
Keep in mind,console makers both recieved huge losses on consoles this Gen,MS with RRoD,Sony with $599.Their bussiness model tries to fight those losses with game sales.And more games availible on the platform=more potential sales...
The console vendors have definitely lost some of the firm hand at the wheel from prior generations. Now the publishers are in charge; a sure fire recipe for half assing if I ever saw one. See MGO for a spectacular example.[QUOTE="Rocker6"]
Yes. I'm not saying PC devs are bad, it's just they have a different way of doing things.
And of course to get as much of them as possible MS and Sony had to loosen up.
And you don't think its much more plausible that they loosened the standards to be able to publish more games,recieving more publishing fees,and parts of the revenue that comes from every copy sold at retail?
Keep in mind,console makers both recieved huge losses on consoles this Gen,MS with RRoD,Sony with $599.Their bussiness model tries to fight those losses with game sales.And more games availible on the platform=more potential sales...
Actually, multiplats aren't that of an issue. PC exclusives tend to be more of an issue. For example Red Orchestra 2 was a bugged mess, as was Stalker.
Some PC games are almost ruined because of the bugs.
It's rare to see a PC exclusive with a polished, flawless release (the Total War and Blizzard games would fit that description).
With many modern PC exclusives,yes,in many cases,you do have a point...
Many modern PC exclusives are developed by smaller,indie studios on lower budgets,who sadly don't have enough money to do proper testing,so they have to rely on community feedback to fix the issues,although sometiemes the modder community itself creates patches(STALKER Complete Mods)...
Still,it's unfair to claim a PC exclusive is buggy just because it's a PC exclusive.In the end,the product state is defined mostly by the budget used.Games from Blizzard,Sega,Valve are built on larget budgets,so testing is not a problem,and it's obvious they're going to be more stable and polished than games like Mount & Blade,for example,made by smaller teams on severely limited budgets...
I prefer my console's, more games to play that actually interest me. Most PC games consist of RTS, MMO's, and Role Playing games with knights, dragons, and wizards which I have 0 interest in.
Yes. I'm not saying PC devs are bad, it's just they have a different way of doing things.
And of course to get as much of them as possible MS and Sony had to loosen up.
And you don't think its much more plausible that they loosened the standards to be able to publish more games,recieving more publishing fees,and parts of the revenue that comes from every copy sold at retail?
Keep in mind,console makers both recieved huge losses on consoles this Gen,MS with RRoD,Sony with $599.Their bussiness model tries to fight those losses with game sales.And more games availible on the platform=more potential sales...
The console vendors have definitely lost some of the firm hand at the wheel from prior generations. Now the publishers are in charge; a sure fire recipe for half assing if I ever saw one. See MGO for a spectacular example.Yeah,you're right,publishers hold a lot of influence in the gaming industry this Gen,much more than before...
Also,by MGO,I assume you're refering to Metal Gear On-line?
As a PC only,I haven't played it,but yeah,heard a lot of negative things about it...
[QUOTE="Ratchet_Fan8"]spongebob hit rock bottom for gaming to get out of it is to use a balloon :)ZevianderI *thbzz* like the way *thbzz* you think *thbzz*. best reply ever.
It must suck if you're a PC gamer only, you'll never be able to play these amazing games:
- Heavy Rain
- Beyond: Two Souls
- Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
- God of War III
- God of War: Ascension
- Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
- Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
- The Last of Us
- Demon's Souls
- The Last Guardian
- Killzone 2
- Killzone 3
- Resistance: Fall of Man
- Resistance 2
- Resistance 3
- Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
- LittleBigPlanet
- LittleBigPlanet 2
- Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
- Starhawk
- Gran Turismo 5
- Twisted Metal
- Dust 514
- inFamous
- Infamous 2
- PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
- MotorStorm
- MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
- Motorstorm: Apocalypse
And more
gaming this gen has gone downhill to abysmal
pointless consolization
day one dlc
massive milkage
massive drm
realashing same game over and over with little improvements
consoles holding back pc
games realased in beta state
sony being copycat
nintendo being casual and even more gimmicky
trashy little mobile games getting lot of praise
full of whiny ragers and idiots in multiplayer games
forcing everything into multiplayer
horrible 1 colour tone art style
4 hours long campain.
17 fps is what alot of people get in Train Simulator 2012.
See MMORPG in "pay to play online", Ultima Online gets credit for that invention.
Games that play like movies? See Myst, Dragon's Lair, Space Ace etc
No screen tear = Vsync = mouse lag.
You missed the most obvious one...the bugs. Oh and plenty of racists on the PC.these two I think are bad examples.
Cause PC gaming has had Point and Click Games before Console
Did you forget about Portal 2 having Motion Controls?
You are right, which is why I have a PS3 to go with my PC.It must suck if you're a PC gamer only, you'll never be able to play these amazing games:
- Heavy Rain
- Beyond: Two Souls
- Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
- God of War III
- God of War: Ascension
- Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
- Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
- The Last of Us
- Demon's Souls
- The Last Guardian
- Killzone 2
- Killzone 3
- Resistance: Fall of Man
- Resistance 2
- Resistance 3
- Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
- LittleBigPlanet
- LittleBigPlanet 2
- Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
- Starhawk
- Gran Turismo 5
- Twisted Metal
- Dust 514
- inFamous
- Infamous 2
- PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
- MotorStorm
- MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
- Motorstorm: Apocalypse
And more
It must suck if you're a PC gamer only, you'll never be able to play these amazing games:
- Heavy Rain
- Beyond: Two Souls
- Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
- God of War III
- God of War: Ascension
- Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
- Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
- The Last of Us
- Demon's Souls
- The Last Guardian
- Killzone 2
- Killzone 3
- Resistance: Fall of Man
- Resistance 2
- Resistance 3
- Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
- LittleBigPlanet
- LittleBigPlanet 2
- Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
- Starhawk
- Gran Turismo 5
- Twisted Metal
- Dust 514
- inFamous
- Infamous 2
- PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
- MotorStorm
- MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
- Motorstorm: Apocalypse
And moreDavekeeh
meanwhile on pc using emulators
7 years later.
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