Gears of War 2 is 5 v.s. 5 on xb live

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#251 V_Zarnold_N
Member since 2006 • 1272 Posts
while Resistance 2 has 8 player co-op online and 60 players online.xxThyLordxx
while gears is a 3rd person shooter and Rfom is a fps? *shakes head* wow congrats but your years behind sven co-op for half life already did 8 players and pc gaming has done 64 players forever and a day. oh well i guess its good to revel in technology thats years old whenever you finally get to use it.
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#252 -RPGamer-
Member since 2002 • 34283 Posts

[QUOTE="C_BozkurT_C"][QUOTE="Cedmln"]And? Two extra people. Not an acomplishment. And its old news too.thrones

behold the power of microsoft ingenuity!!!

To me, 2 extra people don't seem worth the extra effort..they could've put in more fun game design instead of coding for two + people.

You make it sound like adding two people takes a load of effort. Their main hurdle would have been performance, which may have been accomplished else where in dev and the extra "room" for two players was merely a freebie.

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#253 NFS102
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I love Gears online. I think if the chainsaw wasn't as dominant, they could amp it up to a few more players.

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#254 Pro_wrestler
Member since 2002 • 7880 Posts

I love Gears online. I think if the chainsaw wasn't as dominant, they could amp it up to a few more players.


The chainsaw is dominant? All I hear on Gears of War is:

Stop abusing the Pistal n00b and use something else
Stop abusing the sniper n00b and use something else
Stop abusing the frag tag n00b and fight me Torque Bow
Stop abusing smock grenades n00b and just give up and let me kill you

95% of the time its just people ***** about getting owned.

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#256 justforlotr2004
Member since 2004 • 10935 Posts

Oh wow, they added an extra player. I'm so impressed. :roll:AmyMizuno

Its not supose to impress, its just for those that wanted a little bit bigger teams. Personally I would rather stick with 4v4, but 5v5 may still be able to keep its intimacy and good cooperation.

Of course your just a fanboy that thinks the game looks like plastic, so to be honest it doesnt matter. If you have ever played Gears of war you would know that 1 person actually is a huge deal since 1 person can mean the difference between winning and losing.

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#257 screamingdoom
Member since 2007 • 884 Posts
Will there be 4 player split screen supported?
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#258 Dreams-Visions
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I like how people who don't play Gears have an opinion on how few is too few.
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#259 justforlotr2004
Member since 2004 • 10935 Posts

I like how people who don't play Gears have an opinion on how few is too few.Dreams-Visions

Yeah you gotta love how experienced they are with the game.

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#260 Antwan3K
Member since 2005 • 9411 Posts

I like how people who don't play Gears have an opinion on how few is too few.Dreams-Visions

i like how anybody who feels that a higher player count (done correctly by the developer) is not necessarily a "bad thing" and may lead to more play options, is automatically deemed as "people who don't play Gears"..

at it's heart, Gears is a tactical shooter (with a heavier emphasis on "stop and pop" as a gameplay mechanic).. tactical shooters with no respawn can indeed handle upwards of 16 players without degrading into complete "fragfests".. it's been proven time and time again.. the general idea that a developer the calibur of Epic could actually pull off a AAA gameplay experience out of a 16 player online GeoW shouldnt be met with blind cries of "omgz, youv nvar played teh Gearz!!11!!!.. stfu!!11!"...

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#261 KrazyKev26
Member since 2005 • 956 Posts

Well yeah look at SOCOM 1 and 2 those maps were small yet they worked perfectly with 8 Vs 8. I don't get what would eb soo wrong with Gears 2 having 8 Vs 8. It would be more chaotic yet I honestly do think it would be more fun as well.


Being chaotic isn't what Gears is about, its about a very organized team working together to outwit the other team.

Well yes and Socom you can also do that..... Still you can be chaotic in Gears.

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#262 nevereathim
Member since 2006 • 2161 Posts

[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]Two extra people online, chainsaw duels and reverse chainsaw animations? GOTY 2008 10/10! Teh innovations!thrones

Don't forget Meatshields. Frankly, this game is more innovative than Spore, The Sims and Deus Ex combined.

I hope you are joking, cuz that is **** Deus Ex is the best game I ever played

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#263 Coredog777
Member since 2008 • 333 Posts
this is going to be AAAE for sure and will be the top online game when it comes out on LIVE. Instant success, and scared off Killzone 2 in the process. Resistance AA FTL
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#264 lawlessx
Member since 2004 • 48753 Posts

wow cows are trashing this news like ther's no tommorrow :roll:

the only people that expected Epic to really add 8v8 MP in gears of war 2 were the people prasing Resistance 2 for having 60 players.

honestly..good luck finding a game with half that amount of people using mics

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#265 LibertySaint
Member since 2007 • 6500 Posts
WoW....hmm 4 vs 4 seemed like a lot on gears maps....mabe the maps will be bigger then? why add one more i wonder, its the not the amount that matters, it if they are usful and funner to have more that matters..
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#266 lawlessx
Member since 2004 • 48753 Posts
the maps are indeed bigger.
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#267 Fondness
Member since 2008 • 902 Posts

the maps are indeed bigger.lawlessx

That's nice!

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#268 Nike_Air
Member since 2006 • 19737 Posts

Games like Warhawk , Socom , R2 , and MGO are going to own that trash (along with Halo 3). All of you xbox live/multiplayer/P2P24-7/pay to play kids have the wrong system and don't even realise it. :P

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#269 Fondness
Member since 2008 • 902 Posts

Games like Warhawk , Socom , R2 , and MGO are going to own that trash (along with Halo 3). All of you xbox live/multiplayer/P2P24-7/pay to play kids have the wrong system and don't even realise it. :P


You're wrong, and you're aware of it.

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#270 DrinkDuff
Member since 2004 • 6762 Posts

[QUOTE="planbfreak4eva"][QUOTE="THE_Rob_Himself"]sorry i cant link...or copy / paste

its on interview with cliffy B

lol...5 on resistance 2 its 30 on 30....5 on 5= pathetic

Again, more players does not equal more fun. Actually PLAY THE GAME and then tell me it needs more players. It doesn't work that way.

EDIT: you realise your sig also makes absolutely no sense when the 360 disc isn't even full, and the game has helicopters? :|

actually more player= more fun...way more....

No, that's not correct.

for me and many other gamers..more players=more do the maths...will you hav more fun wid one friend or many playing painball ofr example

Key word: "for you" as in your "opinion". More specifically, its an opinion from someone who has likely never played gears so he could not possibly understand why adding 30 players would ruin the experience.
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#271 anshuk20002
Member since 2004 • 3523 Posts
just hope they get rid of that host advantage **** i hate it when both of us shoot each other at the same time but i get downed cuz he has host.
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#272 DrinkDuff
Member since 2004 • 6762 Posts

i've played Gears.. who hasnt.. still doesnt change the fact that smaller 5 vs 5 play sessions and huge 32 player battles are common place on games like Warhawk.. all of which are fun and varied.. Resistence 2 looks to have 5 vs 5 play aswell as 60 player squad play.. Same thing can be said for the upcoming Socom Confrontation.. these, my friend, are called options...

dont hate on games like Warhawk, Socom, and Resistence 2 because they offer the online versatility that can support both small and large scale gameplay.. they offer the type of versatility that somehow would be lost in a "close combat"-only game like Gears of War where the gameplay will apparent self-destruct with introduced to even a relativley small 16 player game....


I'm repeating myself here, but that's because Warhawk's gameplay is open, fast and hectic. It suits 32 players. 5 vs 5 is rare, please dont say that it's common place because i very really see small games on Warhawk or Resistance unless a group of friends are playing together and dont want strangers.

"these, my friend are called options" is just you spinning this to make it look like "more = better". That's not true. It'd be pointless having an option for 32 player Gears of War because they'd have to resize all of the maps and weapon placements to accomodate that and it would be awful.

And i'm calling you out here; you haven't played Gears. If you had, you'd know that saying it should have the option of 32 players - or even any more than 12 - is rediculous. It simply wouldn't work.

Also - who the heck hated on Warhawk, Socom or Resistance? Whos post are you reading because it sure as hell wasn't mine.

according to who?.. you?.. i'm pretty sure if Epic set their minds to this task, it could be pulled off with AAA quality.. but for reasons beyond our knowledge, they've opted not to.. which in turn, limits your options as a player..

i know full well that Gears "works" with just 4 v 4.. it actually works wonderfully.. and i agree that in order for 16 player Gears matches to "work", you'd need larger maps and adjustments.. do you actually think this is IMPOSSIBLE?.. especially with Epic at the helm?.. seriously.. stop kidding yourself...

oh and yes, 8 player max matchs on Warhawk are everywhere.. it's the fastest way to "rank up" while playing CTF.. so obviously, you're the fakeboy commenting on games you dont play...

Look, you can either have a game that works for a lot of players or a game that works for a small amount of players (or somewhere in between). You can't have it both ways most of the time. If gears 2 had larger maps, then they would have to revise the gameplay mechanics to accomodate that change in size, and in turn, the gameplay in games with fewer players, would suffer. And even if they somehow got it to work, it wouldn't be like gears at all. Gears 2 would probably be something of a third person Halo clone. And as a fan of the first, I would be disappointed.
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#273 thrones
Member since 2004 • 12178 Posts

this is going to be AAAE for sure and will be the top online game when it comes out on LIVE. Instant success, and scared off Killzone 2 in the process. Resistance AA FTLCoredog777

Have you seen how EPIC develops? The make one good game, run it into the ground with the sequel, make another good game, run it into the ground again.

Rinse, repeat. Until Microsoft comes along and demands a new IP.

Maybe this will change though :|

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#274 lucas_kelly
Member since 2005 • 5783 Posts

while Resistance 2 has 8 player co-op online and 60 players online.xxThyLordxx

Yet its still not very good.

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#275 Jacboy71
Member since 2007 • 1421 Posts

wow cows are trashing this news like ther's no tommorrow :roll:

the only people that expected Epic to really add 8v8 MP in gears of war 2 were the people prasing Resistance 2 for having 60 players.

honestly..good luck finding a game with half that amount of people using mics


Honestly everytime I get in a 16 person server in resistance only about 2 people have mics the most.

Don't even get me started on the Metal Gear Beta.

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#276 skrat_01
Member since 2007 • 33767 Posts

while Resistance 2 has 8 player co-op online and 60 players online.xxThyLordxx
Get with the program doood, 120 players was old in 2001, let alone 8 a player co-op in the 90s.

Now you see where this logic gets you?

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#277 Jacboy71
Member since 2007 • 1421 Posts

[QUOTE="xxThyLordxx"]while Resistance 2 has 8 player co-op online and 60 players online.lucas_kelly

Yet its still not very good.

I guess you mean resistance 1 online is not good if that is what you meant then sir you are correct.

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#278 Amit_Raj
Member since 2007 • 381 Posts

gears mp has more emphasis on CQC ..its all about getting up close and personal and chainsawing the opponent, melee him, curb stomping, and now meat sheilds, punching ,etc.

weaponry wise 2 apart from long shot in gears 1 no other weapong was effective over long distances thats how gears is, thats the USP of Gears MP... and thats how EPIC designed it and judging by the succes of 1st its pretty evident that they were right....

all this stuff just wouldnt translate well into battles with 20- 30 players... thats why gears2 is only 5vs5...not coz live/360 cant handle it or anything... if the hardware has the capacity to do something its not necessaary to put that into the game devs have to take into consideration whether that feature will gel well with the type of combat, or the theme of the game

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#279 Immortal_Evil
Member since 2007 • 2004 Posts

[QUOTE="THE_Rob_Himself"][QUOTE="Cedmln"]And? Two extra people. Not an acomplishment. And its old news too.Cedmln

but 60 players is? ever heard of Battlefield?

i've said this for years

Uh for consoles yes. PLease go enjoy your PC games. I don't play those.

Go cry a river cedmin you tasteless fanboy, i've not seen this before. Keep chewing your cud in the corner.
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#280 Jacboy71
Member since 2007 • 1421 Posts

[QUOTE="THE_Rob_Himself"][QUOTE="Cedmln"]And? Two extra people. Not an acomplishment. And its old news too.Immortal_Evil

but 60 players is? ever heard of Battlefield?

i've said this for years

Uh for consoles yes. PLease go enjoy your PC games. I don't play those.

Go cry a river cedmin you tasteless fanboy, i've not seen this before. Keep chewing your cud in the corner.

Damn did everybody get tired of cedmin today??

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#281 clintos59
Member since 2008 • 1320 Posts

5 on 5 is not bad for a gears game, but I was hoping they would atleast make it around 12 people so they can add some deathmatch to the game. I dunno but im the type that likes to play for myself and kill everything I see moving and the more people there is to kill the better. :)

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#282 Amit_Raj
Member since 2007 • 381 Posts
there might be a free for all too in this game... each man for himself
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#283 Fondness
Member since 2008 • 902 Posts

there might be a free for all too in this game... each man for himself

Would that be entertaining?

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#284 mtron32
Member since 2006 • 4450 Posts

while Resistance 2 has 8 player co-op online and 60 players online.xxThyLordxx

dude, 60 player online isnt as cool as it sounds bro. try finding 29 friends to play with that all have mics. 16 players is annoying enough as it is with people singing into mics and whatnot. 10 is the sweet spot.

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#285 thrones
Member since 2004 • 12178 Posts

[QUOTE="xxThyLordxx"]while Resistance 2 has 8 player co-op online and 60 players online.mtron32

dude, 60 player online isnt as cool as it sounds bro. try finding 29 friends to play with that all have mics. 16 players is annoying enough as it is with people singing into mics and whatnot. 10 is the sweet spot.

Just a point on this, you can just play on a smaller map on resistance :|

[QUOTE="Amit_Raj"]there might be a free for all too in this game... each man for himself

Would that be entertaining?

Yes it would, especially if everyone had a chainsaw bayonet as their only weapon. No lancer.




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#286 Fondness
Member since 2008 • 902 Posts

[QUOTE="xxThyLordxx"]while Resistance 2 has 8 player co-op online and 60 players online.thrones

dude, 60 player online isnt as cool as it sounds bro. try finding 29 friends to play with that all have mics. 16 players is annoying enough as it is with people singing into mics and whatnot. 10 is the sweet spot.

Just a point on this, you can just play on a smaller map on resistance :|

[QUOTE="Amit_Raj"]there might be a free for all too in this game... each man for himself

Would that be entertaining?

Yes it would, especially if everyone had a chainsaw bayonet as their only weapon. No lancer.





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#287 astiop
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there might be a free for all too in this game... each man for himself

Would that be entertaining?

Yes it would, especially if everyone had a chainsaw bayonet as their only weapon. No lancer.




:P It would LOOK awesome but ultimately it would just be, the last person in the pile wins...

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#288 Fondness
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there might be a free for all too in this game... each man for himself

Would that be entertaining?

Yes it would, especially if everyone had a chainsaw bayonet as their only weapon. No lancer.




:P It would LOOK awesome but ultimately it would just be, the last person in the pile wins...


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#289 patriots7672
Member since 2008 • 3249 Posts

while Resistance 2 has 8 player co-op online and 60 players online.xxThyLordxx

And Haze is 4p co-op campaign and 16 online. Motorstorm 2 is 4p co-op 16 online also. MGS 4 is 16 player online using tactical team battles. Gears is weak.

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#290 patriots7672
Member since 2008 • 3249 Posts

[QUOTE="xxThyLordxx"]while Resistance 2 has 8 player co-op online and 60 players online.mtron32

dude, 60 player online isnt as cool as it sounds bro. try finding 29 friends to play with that all have mics. 16 players is annoying enough as it is with people singing into mics and whatnot. 10 is the sweet spot.


It's cool. It's more like real war.

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#291 astiop
Member since 2005 • 3582 Posts

[QUOTE="xxThyLordxx"]while Resistance 2 has 8 player co-op online and 60 players online.patriots7672

And Haze is 4p co-op campaign and 16 online. Motorstorm 2 is 4p co-op 16 online also. MGS 4 is 16 player online using tactical team battles. Gears is weak.

GOTY weak.

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#292 Jacboy71
Member since 2007 • 1421 Posts

[QUOTE="xxThyLordxx"]while Resistance 2 has 8 player co-op online and 60 players online.patriots7672

And Haze is 4p co-op campaign and 16 online. Motorstorm 2 is 4p co-op 16 online also. MGS 4 is 16 player online using tactical team battles. Gears is weak.

Just like the patriots?

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#293 Dreams-Visions
Member since 2006 • 26578 Posts

wow cows are trashing this news like ther's no tommorrow :roll:

the only people that expected Epic to really add 8v8 MP in gears of war 2 were the people prasing Resistance 2 for having 60 players.

honestly..good luck finding a game with half that amount of people using mics


Honestly everytime I get in a 16 person server in resistance only about 2 people have mics the most.

Don't even get me started on the Metal Gear Beta.

Agreed. the only thing that I truly *HATE* about the PSN culture. and it's 100% sony's fault. they should have included headsets in the box. headsets that WORK. since they didn't...and given teh issues that so many games have had implementing voicechat, we have a culture that has basically given up on voicechat altogether.

It's really pathetic, to be honest. It's like a flashback to the year 2000, when all we could do on PC online gaming was type "GG".

PSN should have never been like that.

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#294 Dreams-Visions
Member since 2006 • 26578 Posts

[QUOTE="xxThyLordxx"]while Resistance 2 has 8 player co-op online and 60 players online.patriots7672

And Haze is 4p co-op campaign and 16 online. Motorstorm 2 is 4p co-op 16 online also. MGS 4 is 16 player online using tactical team battles. Gears is weak.

Gears of War was designed differently. It's not like they *couldn't* add more (UT3--which is obviously on both systems says hi)'s that they wanted to design a game with a more intimate setting.

Do we say Olympic wrestling is a weak sport because it has less participants than swimming? Is rugby "weak" because it has less participants than NFL football? Is chess "weak" because it has less participants than scrabble?

Seriously...every game has a design for it. Some are designed with environments that can manage 20...30...40...100 gamers (Perfect Dark, Battlefield, CoD, Resistance, etc. etc. etc.). Other games are designed for a more intimate experience (Gears, R6, GR, etc.). It's neither good nor bad. It just is. And obviously it wasn't a bad thing when it scored 9.6 and took home tons of technical awareds and GoTY trophys.


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#295 ReverseCycology
Member since 2006 • 9717 Posts

I can't wait to use some tactical tactics for this game. Imagine telling someone on your team to use Carmine as bait while 2 hides here and 2 hides there, and the other team sees Carmine by himself and goes nears him, then BAMM! an ambush from both sides!

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#296 xscrapzx
Member since 2007 • 6636 Posts

just hope they get rid of that host advantage **** i hate it when both of us shoot each other at the same time but i get downed cuz he has host. anshuk20002

There is no such thing as host advantage built into the game, what some people don't understand is that you are connecting to somone and there for they have no lag but you do. /the stupid assumption of host advantage in gears

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#297 Fondness
Member since 2008 • 902 Posts

[QUOTE="xxThyLordxx"]while Resistance 2 has 8 player co-op online and 60 players online.patriots7672

And Haze is 4p co-op campaign and 16 online. Motorstorm 2 is 4p co-op 16 online also. MGS 4 is 16 player online using tactical team battles. Gears is weak.

No, it's not.

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#298 justforlotr2004
Member since 2004 • 10935 Posts

[QUOTE="xxThyLordxx"]while Resistance 2 has 8 player co-op online and 60 players online.patriots7672

And Haze is 4p co-op campaign and 16 online. Motorstorm 2 is 4p co-op 16 online also. MGS 4 is 16 player online using tactical team battles. Gears is weak.

And Planetside is 100vs100 making all of those games weak. :roll:

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#299 iskabroo
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Gears of War 2 Spring Showcase 2008 Metadata
By: César A. Berardini - "Cesar" Share This ArticleMay. 14th, 2008 5:14 pmGears of War 2 (Xbox 360)REVIEWSPREVIEWSMOVIESSCREENSHOTSINTERVIEWSCHEATSNEWS
Are you a Gearhead? Did you read every preview and interview that came from the Xbox 360 Spring Showcase 2008 event? Did you know that Gears 2 will now feature 5-on-5 deathmatch multiplayer? Did you know that Carmine didn't die in Gears 1 and he's back in the sequel? Here are the best Gears of War 2 tidbits:

When and Where

"It's six months after the events of Gears 1, and the Locusts have actually returned. We're right at the onset of winter; it's the last day of fall as we open the game. Basically the Locusts have returned with a force that's capable of sinking entire cities."

"When we were building this level [Act One, Chapter Three: Assault], we wanted to create a scenario where it was just one thing after another - to build the ultimate watercooler level. So many of the levels in Gears 2 are like that, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. I think people are responding really nicely."

Bleszinski was also quick to point out that while Gears sort of got a name for itself through it's many underground levels, the sequel will only spend about 30 percent of the game underground.

Cover System

"I believe that hands-down, in Gears 2, we will have the best cover system ever seen in the videogame industry. I'd say about 90 percent of the time, it worked exactly how gamers wanted it to work. About 10 percent of the time, players were going into cover when they didn't want to. We put some of those tweaks in a patch for Gears 1, we iterated on them for Gears PC, and now we're bringing it full circle for Gears 2. I think players are really going to love the system this time around."


"You'll see where the Locust live, you'll see where humanity lives, you'll see a darker story with more intimate violence and more executions. And a whole lot more ass-kicking."

"They're meaner, they're nastier. The Locust have been in the underground for a while, and there are a lot of indigenous creatures down there they've essentially mastered through various means. So you see Brumaks return and other nefarious creatures. I don't want to spoil too much, but I've been quoted as saying we have creatures that make the Brumaks look like baby panda bears. Very, very large."

"I don't want to go into too much detail in regards to how we leverage that, but there are plenty of scenes in the game in which the player is dealing with hundreds of Locusts and there's also other scenes in which he's dealing with a number that's more than Gears 1 but not quite as much as that crowd. Honestly, it just depends on that scenario, it depends on what's called for, and it depends on pacing. If you were on the ground, by yourself, with hundreds of Locusts coming, they'd look stupid if they weren't all shooting at you, or they wouldn't be taking cover anD that wouldn't be Gears gameplay. There's so many factors we have to take in mind as creatives, so it's a delicate delicate balance of gameplay."


"The whole 'bigger, better and more badass' thing continues in multiplayer as far as we actually have five on five now. We are shipping with more multiplayer maps out of the box, that are new, than what we shipped in Gears 1. And we are going to have many more multiplayer modes, as well as greatly expanded online functionality. Can't go into much detail right now, but what is going to be, rest assured, it'll be very competitive with others titles in this space"

"I think that if we were not to have a feature like that [party system], it would probably be a pretty big ****

"As far as the multiplayer goes, we're shipping with at least ... well, I don't know what the embargo is ... but we're shipping with a lot more f***ng multiplayer maps this time time around. A lot more multiplayer modes. So when you look at the matrix of maps to modes, it's literally hundreds of hours of gameplay. And there's also some fun stuff that we haven't announced yet in regards to co-op."

Chainsaw Duels

"You can chainsaw somebody from behind, from their taint to their throats; there's so many more executions now; weapon-specific executions. There's [also] people crawling when they are down, but not out, trying to get away and you can hit them and they start crawling faster. The curbstomp is of course back. Take somebody hostage and watch the bodies explode as your enemies are shooting at it and the arms are gone flying. And one thing after another really kind of adds up to this big bucket full of blood."

"Players who engage in a chainsaw duel are locked into the duel to win or to loose. There is an occasional draw scenario, but keep in mind that while players are into that, there're not in a god mode, so if you chainsaw somebody there's a certain amount of risk involved, so you wanna try to make sure you kind of catch them at the right moment before you get away with it."

"The chainsaw duel itself, moment for moment, takes about as long as the old chainsaw action does because what we do we actually make the actual act of chainsawing somebody at the end of the duel extremely quick."

Whether the regular chainsaw digs through and takes that time, the majority of that time in the duel is spent in the duel and then the regular saw takes the same amount of time.

November and Beyond

The developer said that the game will be running at over 30 frames per a second when it ships and that it will come with more new multiplayer maps than before. He added that they haven't decided how they will introduce new DLC maps to the game, but both the concept of early adopter tax and sponsored maps are being explored.

"We never announced a trilogy, I don't know why everybody's cramming those words into my mouth. They're like, 'You said Gears would be a trilogy.' I'm like, 'I didn't say sh**! That wasn't me! You're putting words in my mouth, journalists!' But I love this universe, and if Gears 2 has a wonderful ship-in, if gamers buy it, then we'll consider a sequel."

These quotes were taken from Joystiq, Eurogamer, GameTrailers and Kotaku.

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#300 Fondness
Member since 2008 • 902 Posts

Pleasant news, iskabroo!