Is there any chance of this happening? It happened for Fable 3.
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I doubt it. I played the first on the 360 and never understood what was so great. Crappy, goofy looking characters. Lame ass story. They gun play was alright though. millerlight89
you sir msut read teh books, it really helps flesh out the universe and Karen Traviss the author is the screenwriter for the 3rd one, I am super excited for it.
[QUOTE="millerlight89"]I doubt it. I played the first on the 360 and never understood what was so great. Crappy, goofy looking characters. Lame ass story. They gun play was alright though. AiurProtoss
you sir msut read teh books, it really helps flesh out the universe and Karen Traviss the author is the screenwriter for the 3rd one, I am super excited for it.
Why would I read the books from a franchise I do not care for? :PYea, I remember Cliffy praising the hell out of it. He kept saying how much better it was, yet 2 was an exclusive. Cliffy, you crazy could happen,gears 1 was on the pc
[QUOTE="Vader993"]Yea, I remember Cliffy praising the hell out of it. He kept saying how much better it was, yet 2 was an exclusive. Cliffy, you crazy could happen,gears 1 was on the pc
Well Gears 1 on the PC looked a lot better than the console versions of 1 and 2 and had some added missions that were larger.
Yea, I remember Cliffy praising the hell out of it. He kept saying how much better it was, yet 2 was an exclusive. Cliffy, you crazy bastard.[QUOTE="millerlight89"][QUOTE="Vader993"]
it could happen,gears 1 was on the pc
Well Gears 1 on the PC looked a lot better than the console versions of 1 and 2 and had some added missions that were larger.
I know. That is why I called him crazy :P.Didn't epic state the reason that they wont be putting any other Gears games on pc was due to piracy ?raiden509I would not doubt it. You got to love a cop out excuse.
microsoft put them selfs into a real hole . If they put games like gears or hale on pc they lose the biggest exclusives on 360. But if they don't pc users will think ms has givin up on them .
I doubt it. But Alan Wake has good chances coming to PC.RyuRanVIIYou think so? Has there been any rumors floating around? I would love to play this game on the PC.
[QUOTE="raiden509"]Didn't epic state the reason that they wont be putting any other Gears games on pc was due to piracy ?millerlight89I would not doubt it. You got to love a cop out excuse.
The main reason Gears on the PC didn't get a lot of love from people was because the game was not getting a lot of support from the company.
They just put it out and left it.
They didn't bother to fix any problems that some people had.
If they gave the game a lot of support on the PC then they might receive a lot more customers.
You think so? Has there been any rumors floating around? I would love to play this game on the PC.[QUOTE="millerlight89"][QUOTE="RyuRanVII"]I doubt it. But Alan Wake has good chances coming to PC.Vader993
i could easily imagine alan wake on the pc
That's a possibility since it sold poorly on the 360. Gears 2/3 however will stay on the 360. The original Gears was a poor seller on the pc.You think so? Has there been any rumors floating around? I would love to play this game on the PC.[QUOTE="millerlight89"][QUOTE="RyuRanVII"]I doubt it. But Alan Wake has good chances coming to PC.Vader993
i could easily imagine alan wake on the pc
Alan Wake was coming to the PC when it was first announced, but it was cancelled.[QUOTE="Vader993"][QUOTE="millerlight89"] You think so? Has there been any rumors floating around? I would love to play this game on the PC. Nega3
i could easily imagine alan wake on the pc
Alan Wake was coming to the PC when it was first announced, but it was cancelled. "The code for a PC version of Alan Wake is still always on our hard drives. It would be unreasonable, this work – and believe us, since much work goes in there – just throw it away."Also, Microsoft is coming back to PC Gaming. There're three titles announced, including Fable III, and one unnanounced.
I doubt it. But Alan Wake has good chances coming to PC.RyuRanVIIIt needs to be played by more people, so it'd be good. But Remedy are small, so I'd hate it if it affected a sequel :(
[QUOTE="RyuRanVII"]I doubt it. But Alan Wake has good chances coming to PC.RavensmashIt needs to be played by more people, so it'd be good. But Remedy are small, so I'd hate it if it affected a sequel :( I honestly would be more interested in having Alan Wake on the PC than Gears 2/3.
[QUOTE="millerlight89"]I doubt it. I played the first on the 360 and never understood what was so great. Crappy, goofy looking characters. Lame ass story. They gun play was alright though. AiurProtoss
you sir msut read teh books, it really helps flesh out the universe and Karen Traviss the author is the screenwriter for the 3rd one, I am super excited for it.
I don't think even she can save Gears 3 from meh at best writing, one can hope though :P. I didn't care for the 2nd or 3rd book thoughI doubt it. But Alan Wake has good chances coming to PC.RyuRanVII
If it comes to PC, I'd buy it. :P
On topic, if MS were to port Gears 2 and 3 on PC, the lemmings would probably throw a riot. Go to the MS headquarters with molotov cocktails and **** Wreck the place up. I don't think it would be a good idea. Heheh... :P
microsoft put them selfs into a real hole . If they put games like gears or hale on pc they lose the biggest exclusives on 360. But if they don't pc users will think ms has givin up on them .
There are a couple of obvious solutions to this problem::
1) Keep the Halos and the Gears of Wars exclusive to the 360, since virtually noone cares about these games on PC.
2) Bring back franchises that PC gamers do care about, like Age of Empires (a normal one), Mechwarrior, Freelancer etc.
3) Buy the rights to classic PC games and make sequels of them for the PC. We need Wing Commander, Freespace, Age of Wonders, Falcon, Blood, Lands of Lore and a whole lot of others back.
4) Make new, original IPs in genres that PC gamers like and take advantage of the latest hardware.
[QUOTE="Ravensmash"][QUOTE="RyuRanVII"]I doubt it. But Alan Wake has good chances coming to PC.Arach666It needs to be played by more people, so it'd be good. But Remedy are small, so I'd hate it if it affected a sequel :( I honestly would be more interested in having Alan Wake on the PC than Gears 2/3.
I wouldn't unless they change the hell out of it. I beat it on 360, and what a huge let down it was. I didn't care for it AT ALL. I'd much rather Gears.
i dont think pc gamers care... i know i didnt when i used to pc game.. i cant even think of a franchise besides age of empires/mythologies that i liked from MS. Im sure pc gamers will continue to enjoy stalker/crysis/blizzard stuff / valve stuff / put them selfs into a real hole . If they put games like gears or hale on pc they lose the biggest exclusives on 360. But if they don't pc users will think ms has givin up on them .
How does this affect ms?.... But if they don't pc users will think ms has givin up on them .
If Gears 2 and 3 come to PC along with Reach, then there is no reason for me to rebuy a 360 since mine died out of the warranty. I would love to see those come to the PC as I built a good gaming rig to play games on it so the more the merrier for me. I get my console fix from my PS3 so that is all I need right now.
[QUOTE="millerlight89"]I doubt it. I played the first on the 360 and never understood what was so great. Crappy, goofy looking characters. Lame ass story. They gun play was alright though. AiurProtoss
you sir msut read teh books, it really helps flesh out the universe and Karen Traviss the author is the screenwriter for the 3rd one, I am super excited for it.
Karen Traviss? Ewww............wait, fable 2 is being bundled with Fable3 for PC?Is there any chance of this happening? It happened for Fable 3.
I remember Epic said they won't port Gears 2 over to the PC cause of poor sales of the original (read: rampant piracy). As for Gears 3, nothing was yet said, but if they don't want to port Gears 2, I guess a Gears 3 PC port is unlikely either. Xbox 360 also needs true exclusives and MS knows that.
The excuse for Alan Wake not comming on the PC was a comedy, though :lol:
I remember Epic said they won't port Gears 2 over to the PC cause of poor sales of the original (read: rampant piracy). As for Gears 3, nothing was yet said, but if they don't want to port Gears 2, I guess a Gears 3 PC port is unlikely either. Xbox 360 also needs true exclusives and MS knows that.
The excuse for Alan Wake not comming on the PC was a comedy, though :lol:
Yep, Epic did state they were limiting PC releases due to piracy (or I should say a representative of Epic). He then also turned around, in the same interview, and stated Epic still see it as a viable gaming platform :P A little confusing.
I wouldn't be surprised to see Gears 2 and 3 remain 360 exclusives.
[QUOTE="savagetwinkie"]i could possibly see gears 2 being released/announced during gears 3 releaseOhSnapitzYea that would be a smart business move.. what would it matter? they'll get some gears hype from 3 and when 2 comes 2 PC's they'll get more buyers, its not like gears 2 on the PC will effect gears 3 release, everyone getting 3 likely got 2 already...
[QUOTE="OhSnapitz"][QUOTE="savagetwinkie"]i could possibly see gears 2 being released/announced during gears 3 releasesavagetwinkieYea that would be a smart business move.. what would it matter? they'll get some gears hype from 3 and when 2 comes 2 PC's they'll get more buyers, its not like gears 2 on the PC will effect gears 3 release, everyone getting 3 likely got 2 already... But for the PC market it's nothing but sales.. You don't have the market the game as much, and it's already coded. Hell you could make it DLC and still make a profit.
Microsoft doesn't care what a bunch of angry nerds on forums think, especially PC gamers. They're in this for the profit and putting a PC version out to hinder the sales of the 360 version and potential console sales and having it get pirated to heaven and back just isn't worth the port. What pc gamer think of them doesn't really matter when a nice chunk of them aren't even willing to fork over the change for the games they play. And only the fanboys care weather or not a game is exclusive. Microsoft isn't in the business as a silly games people on the internet treat it to be. This isn't football game where the console with the most exclusives wins. At the end of the day Microsoft is company out try to make money like any other. I think they can live Uncahrted 2 outscoring Halo Reach by like 3 % when Reach sales like four million more put them selfs into a real hole . If they put games like gears or hale on pc they lose the biggest exclusives on 360. But if they don't pc users will think ms has givin up on them .
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