Gears has a unique mp experience. Cant see how anyone would call it generic.
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I agree both Killzone & Ryse look good (Ryse crowned graphic king) but they do indeed look generic.
I don't think either one is really "generic". I played a lot of Killzone 2 at my friends' houses and liked it a lot.
Generic is the most meaningless term to label a video game. Applies for all games equally.
Screw that Generic Sci-Fi FPS Halo.. Oh wait what?
Screw that generic Lolipo Chainsaw... Wait?
Remember when Epic made good games?
yeah me neither.
The've sold more copies of Gears of War then Sony has sold of Killzone, that's for sure. Gears was better overall. So you obviously don't know what you're talking about.
Remember when ReadingRainbow4 made an intelligent comment in SW? Yeah me neither. LOL!!
Call me crazy but I've never thought of either as "generic"
Plus that's a pretty stupid term for games and one that a LOT of people here on SW don't even really understand
I don't think people understand how to properly use the term "generic". It's the new "irony".
Half the people on here don't even know what "generic" means. lol!!
Most video games are generic nowadays. A few games that weren't generic right out of the gate were Tetris, Dragon's Lair, Street Fighter and Marble Madness. Yes, they are all generic now, but they weren't when they were first released.
I agree both Killzone & Ryse look good (Ryse crowned graphic king) but they do indeed look generic.
1. Ryse cannot be graphics king. Why? Its a much smaller game and runs at lower res/FPS. Facts
2. Gears is a dead franchise due to being generic. The irony
It's funny how the most common insult for an FPS is generic when in actuality by nature all FPS's are highly similar. I'll never get that
Generic is the most meaningless term to label a video game. Applies for all games equally.
^^ Basically exactly what I just said lol.
Gotta love hypocrites.
When Gears of War first came out there were barely any cover based TPS around. It redefined the entire genre, it was more imitated than pretty much any other game last gen. That's not being generic thats being influential.
Gears took most of its elements from Killswitch,and the over the shoulder look from Resident Evil 4,so yeah is as generic as any other shooter.
I love how Cows are butthurt over his statement, and are acting like it isn't 100% true and every single one of you knows it.
Ignoring that he also, (rightfully so) called Ryse generic
Every single Cow ITT knows Killzone is generic. But, (to quote someone else), Cows are contractually obligated to care about Killzone.
Sad thing is most cows will probably get bored of Killzone after a week.
Gears is generic! KZ is generic. Both are shooters, both shoot guns. I prefer the guns in KZ though, more gun porn like.
Artistically perhaps both are generic, but Gears' gameplay is arguably the most influential of this generation. (Adam Sessler said as much in his preface of the Gears of War art book.) But Killzone? Not so much. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big Killzone fan. I'm playing 1-3 to get pumped up for the launch even... but not because it's innovative. It's a generic shooter series with great graphics, which is fine by me. I'm totally into great graphics. (Well, the HD remake of 1 I'm playing sure lacks in the graphics department, but you know what I'm saying.)
You mean the Gears Judgement creative director? A game that couldnt manage to even reach AAE status on GS or metacritic? Developer of a game as generic as it comes?
and lol @ Ryse being "graphics king". Maybe in lems la la land
Killzone series is one of the most generic shooter series of all time. Only behind Resistance.
I like when lems pretend Halo and Gears arent as generic as the bunch...
Killzone series is one of the most generic shooter series of all time. Only behind Resistance.
I like when lems pretend Halo and Gears arent as generic as the bunch...
Yea but Halo actually has good gameplay and interesting lore. Killzone doesnt. Big difference.
Killzone series is one of the most generic shooter series of all time. Only behind Resistance.
I like when lems pretend Halo and Gears arent as generic as the bunch...
Yea but Halo actually has good gameplay and interesting lore. Killzone doesnt. Big difference.
Yes. Killzone 2 (a AAA game both on meta and GS) and Killzone 3 (a AA game on meta and GS) definitely have bad gameplay... *rolls eyes*
and I bet you know shit about Killzone lore. You just assume that just because GG made a crappy job on the killzone storytelling that its Universe its poor when in fact, it isnt. here, inform yourself first before spreading ignorance
Halo is just as generic as Killzone is. Deal with it
It is funny how people seem to associate generic with bad, just because it is generic does not mean it is mediocre
I don't think people so much associate it with being bad, but rather if a game is just rehashing ideas from other games then why would anyone care to play it?
Killzone has a few things going for it. Graphics, being a launch title, and exclusivity (cows love that).
If the same game was launching at any other time it'd get passed up just like the previous Killzones did.
Killzone series is one of the most generic shooter series of all time. Only behind Resistance.
I like when lems pretend Halo and Gears arent as generic as the bunch...
Yea but Halo actually has good gameplay and interesting lore. Killzone doesnt. Big difference.
Yes. Killzone 2 (a AAA game both on meta and GS) and Killzone 3 (a AA game on meta and GS) definitely have bad gameplay... *rolls eyes*
and I bet you know shit about Killzone lore. You just assume that just because GG made a crappy job on the killzone storytelling that its Universe its poor when in fact, it isnt. here, inform yourself first before spreading ignorance
Halo is just as generic as Killzone is. Deal with it
I dont play scores. Killzone 2 had shitty controls and the gameplay was awful.
read some of it. pretty standard, boring stuff. nations fight for controls of oil, leads to nuclear apocalypse blah blah blah. been done before.
and what good is lore if you hide it and dont even put it out there?
either way, halo's is still waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better. thats why its one of the biggest franchises in the history of gaming and killzone isnt.
@mems_1224: Oh, because genetically modified supersoldiers that look like power rangers to fight aliens is such an original concept...
And I also played Killzone games and liked very much their gameplay. And I know what comes next: you say I have bad taste, my opinion is wrong, blah blah blah, been through this before so dont even bother
@mems_1224: Oh, because genetically modified supersoldiers that look like power rangers to fight aliens is such an original concept...
And I also played Killzone games and liked very much their gameplay. And I know what comes next: you say I have bad taste, my opinion is wrong, blah blah blah, been through this before so dont even bother
never said it was original, its better though.
You're all so generic.
Like seriously.
@blackace said:
@ReadingRainbow4 said:Remember when Epic made good games?
yeah me neither.
The've sold more copies of Gears of War then Sony has sold of Killzone, that's for sure. Gears was better overall. So you obviously don't know what you're talking about.
Remember when ReadingRainbow4 made an intelligent comment in SW? Yeah me neither. LOL!!
Remember when blackace had an intact set of buttocks?
yeah me neither.
both franchises are generic and shitty. at least gears is somewhat fun to play though.
the tragic story of Matt Shaub smh. #WhoDeyNation
Low blow man :(
Case Keenum to the rescue!!!!!
lmao Matt set the bar so low that there is no way Case could do worse. He played a good game against the Chiefs though. It's sad how Schaub single-handedly ruined a Superbowl contender.
Killzone series is one of the most generic shooter series of all time. Only behind Resistance.
I like when lems pretend Halo and Gears arent as generic as the bunch...
Both Halo and Gears, have been arguably some of the most influential games (gameplay wise) in their respective genres.
Gears in particular pretty much shaped Third Person Shooters this gen, including, what I assume to be your favorite game, Uncharted, which was influenced quite heavily by Gears of War.
Pretty much every multiplayer game this gen features a "Horde" esque mode.
Can Killzone or Resistance say the same about their genres?
Remember when Epic made good games?
yeah me neither.
Being a hardcore veteran pc gamer, your comment indicates to me you are very young and rather new to gaming.
The original unreal and Unreal tournament are fantastic games.
@kingoflife9: I don't think anyone is jealous of a console with no games, overheats, has delays and pushes more fog than a night club.
All I see is jealous lemrats. Killzone SF will score well, sell over 4 million and no Xflop launch exclusives will come close to its success.
Sessler already said he was skeptical, but after PLAYING IT he believes Shadow Fall will be a very good game.
@StrongBlackVine: sure it will sell well. The hype for the game, Sony forcing retailers to sell PS4/KZ bundles etc.
this doesn't change the fact it will be a bad generic game.
And Gears of War isn't?
Well in their defense, there aren't many TPS games out there.
I'm afraid the cynic in all gamers will declare all games generic. I'm just sad that Gears 2 wasn't about the pendulum wars before E day. Could have been a cool prelude to the final conflict in Gears 3.
Generic is easy to sell. They don't want to pull risks.
CoD is generic. It's an easy standard to reach. Gears fits that list too, ironically.
@StrongBlackVine: sure it will sell well. The hype for the game, Sony forcing retailers to sell PS4/KZ bundles etc.
this doesn't change the fact it will be a bad generic game.
So far the people that have previewed it disagree with you about it being a bad game. Also there is no precedent for KZ games to be "bad" regardless of generic you think they are.
Why do we care about the opinion of the guy responsible for Gear of Flopment? This topic is also intentionally misleading because most would expect Cliffy B. or whatever to be behind the comment.
@StrongBlackVine: if you are happy with the downgrades, fog and pop in, then I'm happy with them. We are all happy. Lets hold hands and sing Kumbiah now that it won't suck.
Killzone is less generic than practically every other FPS. Think COD and BF are anything but generic?
@mems_1224: Oh, because genetically modified supersoldiers that look like power rangers to fight aliens is such an original concept...
And I also played Killzone games and liked very much their gameplay. And I know what comes next: you say I have bad taste, my opinion is wrong, blah blah blah, been through this before so dont even bother
Sooo .. you call someone else ignorant, yet you don't have a clue what Halo is about.
Self owned again
Yes. Kill switch was the first game to use this cover system that Lems say Epic invented.
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