Besides the obvious that nearly every game movie is downright terrible.
1. GeOW had one of the most laughable stories, and some of the worst 2D cutout characters. If its that bad in a game imagine it on screen.
2. Is the gameplay going to make a transition? So for the film you get to see 'badass' marcus fenix hide behind a wall for two thirds of the time.
3. So what do you get? An hour and a half long action sequence, of most probably forgettable, poorly mashed together content. Ala DOOM.
And honestly I can see game movies like Halo fall under the same category, considering the games story-telling is an absolute mess, and it has some of the worst characters in any video highly vaunted game.
Though this is coming from someone who is only anticipating one 'tie in movie', Watchmen.... because its the Watchmen, even though there is a massive probability its going to be knowhereas good as its source material.
When you let monkeys make the movies, they'll make movies made by monkeys. What everyone needs here is a bit of lateral thinking, and, as a person who basically bathes himself in negative filmstock, I'm here to play devil's advocate. I'm using skrat's post as a model, but this is to all of you guys who are just....
Lol one of you guys said "Put Christian Bale on film for 120 minutes and it's in the IMDb top 250" :lol: Oh boy do we have a bunch of raging hormones in here.
Here goes:
1) Gears of War can make a good movie. In fact, it has one of the coolest stories I've ever come across in science fiction. Here we are raging war over a planet's most precious resource. We're already destroying ourselves over this world war, then BAM, the Locust Horde comes out of the underground to our surprise. The actual game story can be compressed into 20 minutes, but the game knew that it was a video game, and that's why it concentrated on visceral experiences rather than pumping you with plot twists the whole way through.
2) Video game movies should only share pure, unfiltered stories with their gaming counter-parts. Why is it so freakin' hard to comprehend that it won't put gameplay up on screen? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
3) The Rock is a good actor. He just seems to like to act in **** movies.
I'm sure you can see a Halo movie fall under the same category if it was directed by Uwe Boll. But visionaries like Peter Jackson and Guillermo del Toro think otherwise. If they see something in it, you shouldn't be worried at all.
Bad characters in Halo are only a product of bad storytelling. Storytelling in the Halo game an absolute mess? Yeah, sure. So why the hell bring the story telling from the game into the movie? It's obvious you'd be eaten alive in Hollywood if you can't even deduct that changing from one medium to another requires more than just putting a story onto 35mm. How else do you think novels have and continue to successfully be put on the screen? Now, if you ask really, really nicely, you can have a preview of my third draft of my version of the first Halo movie. Aliens, eat your heart out.
Maybe I'm super intelligent, or everyone else is really just really stupid when it comes to filmmaking, but I don't understand how people think a really well told story in a video game, such as Half Life, equates to being a good movie on screen. Half Life would absolutely suck as a film. Not only is it full of cliches in terms of story, the main character isn't even a main character at all. The funny thing is every character and event anchors onto this "main character", so it's actually rather difficult to be translated to the screen.
Yet get a piss-poor told story like Too Human, and everyone thinks it's the story that sucks. Far from it. You can extract the elements that make the story, and remould it into an improved an accessible version, let alone make it appropriate for a 2 hour film. That was common sense to me. I really don't understand why other people, including my film making friends, can't seem to get it.
Watchmen is gonna pale in comparison to the graphic novel. Why? It's copying the graphic novel pretty much frame for frame, just like the craptacular 300 movie. Watchmen was made with the idea of a graphic novel in mind, much like the highly revered Maus. Each panel and page was carefully thought before Alan Moore put his pen on paper. Now this sort of meticulous detail is going to be lost in what basically is a 2 hour slideshow of the comic. It's a carbon copy of the original in a new medium and thus it will be inferior from the get-go.
Want to see good comic book translations? Look at Superman (Christopher Reeves), Spider-Man, and very recently Batman. Those are movies that CHANGED to fit to their medium.
Now if comic books can do the change, why can't video games?
I mean, I shouldn't even need to ask you guys the question. The only answer you can produce is "Sorry, I don't know much about filmmaking" or "Sorry, I'm just too lazy to think, but not lazy to whine."
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