Typical lem response when I give examples of a number of games that launched around the same time or before that all look better....
Insult the poster. Real mature.
Typical lem response when I give examples of a number of games that launched around the same time or before that all look better....
Insult the poster. Real mature.
uh god, I forgot just how slow and plodding the movement in gears is, thankfully that video reminded me.
Played Gears of War back in 2007 with 1920x1200, max settings and 60fps, what is that point of the "remaster" now?
However if it was done on the unreal engine 4 with all the bells and whistles it will be nice, except from the fact that it will run on the xbon with 720p and 30fps LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
You can pretty much say that about any remastered game. There's an audience of people that want to play them again and that have never played them before.
That is why I said, if it was done on the unreal engine 4 with all the bells and whistles it will be nice, but sadly that is not the case...
Remasters really fall into two catagories imo that make them worthwhile.. They are of older games with huge new improvements (so think Resident Evil 1, Zelda OoT, Homeworld remastered (even though I think GB's job was shit) or it involves huge amounts of content jam packed into it.. I am ok with a Gears of War remastered when it has all three games in it. That seems like a good deal of having three upgraded games in a compilation all together.. I wish they would do that with Mass effect triology and give us all the DLC together.. Bioware still has yet to put any of the DLC on sale even for the second game, yet they put the god damned trilogy on sale all the time (being cheaper than a single bigger dlc too!)..
Meh, I've played it 8 years ago already.
So... it's better to have a remaster of a 2 year old game?
No, why?
I seem to remember someone named "walloftruth" excited about TLOU remaster on PS4, a possible Crysis "box set" remaster, and lamenting that there was no Vampire Rain remaster.
If they don't fix how the game feels/plays, then this is a no buy. Gears 2/Gears 3 character movement, controls, and gunplay was so much better than gears 1.
If its just a gears of war with better resolution, then this is nothing more than a cash grab.
It seems to me there's a bit of turd-polishing going on here. I'd still pick it up if it was all 3 but just the first.... no chance.
I hope the multiplayer is going to have more options, the campaign has extra content like weapons, maybe a few levels, more collectibles, more alternate routes...the one thing I hope isn't changed is the insane difficulty of RAAM. So much rage.
Anyway, if Microsoft were smart, they'd do this similar to Halo MCC, WITHOUT ruining the online.
It looks very good. Gears Of War 4 just might be console graphics king at release based on how this remaster of a 2006 game looks.
What is MS trying to do? i am curious because i see both MS and SONY only rehashing old games for there new consoles.
Then your not looking hard enough..
Sony has done The LAst of us, and will have Gow 3.... that's it from 1st party remakes.
MS has halo 1,2,3,4, (odst , reach from last i heard to be there too) and geow1..
Ok, yeah ms is doing that, but sony only has 2 games remastered/reamaid the rest are 3rd party. And 1st party non remakes, on sony side had bloodborne, infamous second son, killzone sf, driveclub, the order, knack, until dawn, and indies..
while ms has had (non remakes) for 1st party - sunset overdrive, killer instinct pay2play, forza 5 and forza horizon 2.
MS- 5 remakes (possibly 7 total remakes if odst and reach are true) - 1 new ip and 3 new games in existing franchises for 1st party
Sony - 2 remakes, 5 new ip and 2 new games in existing franchises from 1st party
So on the microsoft side you are correct... sony not so much.
You forgot the Uncharted trilogy on Ps4, only a rumour but still.
Meh, I've played it 8 years ago already.
So... it's better to have a remaster of a 2 year old game?
No, why?
I seem to remember someone named "walloftruth" excited about TLOU remaster on PS4, a possible Crysis "box set" remaster, and lamenting that there was no Vampire Rain remaster.
Care to back that up?
I can't remember everything I wrote in this forum so I won't call you a liar, but what I know is this: I made fun of TLOU because it got remastered barely a year after release.
I made fun of TLOU remaster because it couldn't do 1080p/60FPS without sacrificing shadow resolution and lolwut, I was excited for a Crysis boxset? For what platform? I own boxed copies of C1, C:W and C2. I also own C1, C:W and C2 on Steam, and I own C3 on Origin. I remember saying that I wanted Crysis 3 on Steam though. Now, if you claim that I said that I want a boxed set of all Crysis games for consoles, then I don't even know where to start because playing Crysis with a controller...rofl.
Oh and Vampire Rain, are you sure we you are talking about this game here?
Because that game is probably the worst game I have EVER played, and I've played Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing.
Back on topic though: I'm not saying that remastering GoW is a bad thing, I'd even be interested in buying it if it would come to Steam.
I got a lot of that from memory - and looking at your forum posting history.
nobody wants this game I OWN an xbox one and i don't even want gears remastered
the game is old the gameplay is old the graphics is old
the whole point of gears was that it was cutting edge game of the time
now games of the time are like destiny / advanced warfare stuff like that
this hsit is not game of the time anymore wtf is microsoft doing nobody wants this remastered invest in your product
invest your xbox one technology to make a cutting edge game, were sick of this crap literally im sick of it
im playing the multiplats on ps4 so where the hell is ur money going on crap like this?
how do we know that gears 1 on pc at 4k res with mods will look worse than the xb1 version how do we know is microsoft gonna assure us or what?
nobody wants this game I OWN an xbox one and i don't even want gears remastered
the game is old the gameplay is old the graphics is old
the whole point of gears was that it was cutting edge game of the time
now games of the time are like destiny / advanced warfare stuff like that
this hsit is not game of the time anymore wtf is microsoft doing nobody wants this remastered invest in your product
invest your xbox one technology to make a cutting edge game, were sick of this crap literally im sick of it
im playing the multiplats on ps4 so where the hell is ur money going on crap like this?
how do we know that gears 1 on pc at 4k res with mods will look worse than the xb1 version how do we know is microsoft gonna assure us or what?
Nobody wants this game? Is that why Gears has always sold well?
You need glasses.
Gears of War is still cutting edge, way better than anything on the PS4.
Advanced Warfare is revolutionary, WTF.
I can't read what you said in the fifth line, type properly.
This is cutting edge.
You're playing multiplats on PS4 because there's no exclusives, pathetic.
We already know, look at the comparison, new gears looks much better. You blind, pathetic, idiotic person.
Are you blind? Its more than just resolution and frame-rate.... it's a proper remaster if not a remake.....concerning graphics/detail. There are pictures already posted that prove it. lol
Are you blind? Its more than just resolution and frame-rate.... it's a proper remaster if not a remake.....concerning graphics/detail. There are pictures already posted that prove it. lol
I still remember when a remake meant redoing all the in-game assets.
I'm not blind. You are if you think it's worth $60 to rebuy a game that was already good at 720p.
Could you find a smaller screenshot?
Honestly, any comparisons around here should be full resolution direct feeds. (and in-game preferred).
Thanks to Games With Gold, I now got every GoW game in my collection. I don't have all of the DLCs though so if they include that in this collection, I'll give a purchase a thought maybe a year after this comes out. Or unless they give the DLC free on the 360 and I'll be good with that too. There still isn't a game like this on other platforms so I wouldn't mind getting this at a discount. I'll probably get it before whenever the new one comes out for a refresher.
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