Resistance 2 average 88% at gamerankings based on 47 media outlets.
Gears of war 2 average 94% at gamerankings based on 64 media outlets.
Ah so notice the incredible flaw in this whole analogy?Gears 2 has 40% more reviews than R2.Whether having more reviews is an advantage or disadvantage is irrelavent.Fact is that with that much disparity in the no. of reviews,it is simply illogical to directly compare the 2 averages and then declare the winner.
Going deeper in the reviews,it seems like using gamerankings for comparing games in general is just pointless.Let's see the no. of review outlets for gears that are instantly recognisable as biased.
X360 Magazine UK
Planet Xbox 360
Official Xbox Magazine
Xbox Addict
MS Xbox World
Talk Xbox
Xbox World 360 Magazine UK
Xbox World Australia
Official Xbox Magazine UK
So ya 12 reviews out of the 64 comprise of these sites/magazines.:|
Now lets look at R2 reviews.
PSX Extreme
Playstation Offcial Magazine UK
Playstation Offcial Magazine AU
PSM3 Magazine UK
So ya only 4 for R2.
So ya lemmings,gears 2 is not better in your "real world" as you think it is cuz gamerankings is no real world.
The only thing gears 2 tops R2 is sales and you can say gears 2 is more popular all you want but to say that it has been percieved as better by the overall media is laughable and just grasping for staws.
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