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Indeed, but you didn't have to make a thread about it lol lemmings being themselves will still deny and damage control..
*goes to play motorstorm*
Doesn't matter if it is too difficult to program for. Developers will never be able to use all that power.Tony_DiNozzoNo console is ever tapped till its last drop..
Doesn't matter if it is too difficult to program for. Developers will never be able to use all that power.Tony_DiNozzoBeing difficult to develop for proves it's superiority to the 360. While all the 360's power is laid to bare PS3 still has more power left in spades.
Doesn't matter if it is too difficult to program for. Developers will never be able to use all that power.Tony_DiNozzowhich is why Dev's now have Sony's EDGE tools to make better use of it
Carmack and Itagaki saids so. Nteks
That's great. It's unfortunate that 85% of the developers will never figure out how to tap that power within the PS3 lifespan. It's also unfortunate that the XBox 360 is outselling the PS3 by 2:1 and the Wii but 3:1. Who cares how powerful a system is if no one is buying it and all the exclusive games are being moved to other platforms? Where are the games? Now get that through your thick skull.
*This post has been ownaged approved by the lemmings of the world.* copyright 2007.
[QUOTE="Nteks"]Carmack and Itagaki saids so. blackace
That's great. It's unfortunate that 85% of the developers will never figure out how to tap that power within the PS3 lifespan. It's also unfortunate that the XBox 360 is outselling the PS3 by 2:1 and the Wii but 3:1. Who cares how powerful a system is if no one is buying it and all the exclusive games are being moved to other platforms? Where are the games? Now get that through your thick skull.
*This post has been ownaged approved by the lemmings of the world.* copyright 2007.
PS3 still more powerful.Why cows dont post all what carmack said?
So says John Carmack, the legendary programmer of the Doom and Quake series, in an intriguing interview with Buzzscope. Though Carmack expresses a "preference" for the Xbox 360's CPU design, he admits that the PS3 "will have a bit more peak power."
Sony fans shouldn't break out the champagne just yet, however, as Carmack notes that "it will be easier to exploit the available power on the 360."
So basically he said that the ps3 processor is a bit more powerfull than the xbox360 one, and we know that xbox360 GPU its a lot better than the RSX and the Cell processor's better than the x360 processor.
So we know that
TC i think u selfown yourself a little bit :P
[QUOTE="blackace"][QUOTE="Nteks"]Carmack and Itagaki saids so. Nteks
That's great. It's unfortunate that 85% of the developers will never figure out how to tap that power within the PS3 lifespan. It's also unfortunate that the XBox 360 is outselling the PS3 by 2:1 and the Wii but 3:1. Who cares how powerful a system is if no one is buying it and all the exclusive games are being moved to other platforms? Where are the games? Now get that through your thick skull.
*This post has been ownaged approved by the lemmings of the world.* copyright 2007.
PS3 still more powerful. So what? Power didn't help the Xbox last generation, or the N64 in the previous generation. Power hasn't helped the PSP.Sorry bud 360 has a better GPU and CPU and RAM that makes sense for game development. Cell wasn't designed as a game processor Sony just wanted to see it used and get some $$$ back out of there R&D PS3 has a better chance of curing cancer then it does beating the 360. Get that through your thick skull Sucka!Nugtoka
Better gpu maybe. Better cpu? No way. Cell is awesome.
[QUOTE="Tony_DiNozzo"]Doesn't matter if it is too difficult to program for. Developers will never be able to use all that power.NteksBeing difficult to develop for proves it's superiority to the 360. While all the 360's power is laid to bare PS3 still has more power left in spades. Before you write about something learn about it. Its true the PS3 has more theoretical power but thats not why its more difficult to program for. Its more difficult because its not a unified architecture. If you know what that means then you would understand that the Cell processor was never ment for games. When the Devs figure out how to program for that then the PS3 will be better for A.I and physics but the 360 will always have a slightly better GPU and I mean slight. The difference will be very small in the end but I would rather have the better physics and A.I. then better graghics when the difference is that small which is why I bought both systems. All these threads fail because people think that one system will be so much better then the other when that will never be.
Absolutely right, but you try in vain, dear friend....even in using verbal blunt force trauma in order to try get this FACT through certain people's "thick skulls", the efforts are futile, lol. Sadly, that particular kind of fanboy, brand loyalty denial is beyond penetration by THE TRUTH. I would like to share an example in the form of a fable of of how often times truth finds us while we are the ones looking for it. But all too often, we are just too blind to see it....even when it is staring us right in the face, lol. Â
One day The truth came knocking on the door of the blind little fanboy, and the fanboy said", "GO AWAY, I'M LOOKING FOR THE TRUTH!"....So good ole' truth just shrugged it's shoulders in confusion, and left the poor, blind little fanboy to continue evermore his futile search for false truth in all the wrong places.:lol: Â
[QUOTE="Tony_DiNozzo"]Doesn't matter if it is too difficult to program for. Developers will never be able to use all that power.NteksBeing difficult to develop for proves it's superiority to the 360. While all the 360's power is laid to bare PS3 still has more power left in spades.
Oh please, that's such a silly argument. Development difficulty and console power are in no way linked!
The PS3 is more powerful, but when games like Oblivion have to be delayed because porting is difficult and after the delay the version ends up looking the same as the 360 version you have to ask yourself whether the "untapped powa!" is ever going to show.
As for the 360s power being laid bare, you don't think the graphics of 360 games will improve?Â
[QUOTE="Tony_DiNozzo"]Doesn't matter if it is too difficult to program for. Developers will never be able to use all that power.NteksBeing difficult to develop for proves it's superiority to the 360. While all the 360's power is laid to bare PS3 still has more power left in spades. Difficulty in programing means superiority in a system and power? I guess this rock Ive been programming owns all the systems because its so hard to get software running on it. :roll:
Being difficult to develop for proves it's superiority to the 360. While all the 360's power is laid to bare PS3 still has more power left in spades.[QUOTE="Nteks"][QUOTE="Tony_DiNozzo"]Doesn't matter if it is too difficult to program for. Developers will never be able to use all that power.Raidea
Oh please, that's such a silly argument. Development difficulty and console power are in no way linked!
The PS3 is more powerful, but when games like Oblivion have to be delayed because porting is difficult and after the delay the version ends up looking the same as the 360 version you have to ask yourself whether the "untapped powa!" is ever going to show.
As for the 360s power being laid bare, you don't think the graphics of 360 games will improve?Â
The PS3 verson of Oblivion looks way better then the 360 verson before the update. After the udate not so much but still looks slightly better then the 360. That is to be expected though with over a year of extra dev time.[QUOTE="Nteks"][QUOTE="Tony_DiNozzo"]Doesn't matter if it is too difficult to program for. Developers will never be able to use all that power.Poppa_painBeing difficult to develop for proves it's superiority to the 360. While all the 360's power is laid to bare PS3 still has more power left in spades. Difficulty in programing means superiority in a system and power? I guess this rock Ive been programming owns all the systems because its so hard to get software running on it. :roll:lol that was a good one.
360s CPU is more efficient and easier to develop for. The GPU is simply more powerful. Therefore 360 architecture > PS3 architecture.Spartan070wth? :|
just stop now lol
Theoretically, probably. But in practice? Who knows?
Also can you find a developer that says the PS3 is more powerful, after it's release?Â
wth? :|[QUOTE="Spartan070"]360s CPU is more efficient and easier to develop for. The GPU is simply more powerful. Therefore 360 architecture > PS3 architecture.SuperKnightX
just stop now lol
:? Where have you been for the past year and a half?That made no sense :lol: Did the specs change before and after the release? Carmack and Itagaki both have companies or people working on PS3 games at the moment. So they are valid - no arguement necessary.Theoretically, probably. But in practice? Who knows?
Also can you find a developer that says the PS3 is more powerful, after it's release?Â
Doesn't matter if it is too difficult to program for. Developers will never be able to use all that power.Tony_DiNozzoEdge is a developing tool for the PS3 that either just recently or very soon got released and games made with it will start to appear as early as late 2007. Edge simplifies the development process for PS3 games.
r[QUOTE="thirstychainsaw"]That made no sense :lol: Did the specs change before and after the release? Carmack and Itagaki both have companies or people working on PS3 games at the moment. So they are valid - no arguement necessary.Theoretically, probably. But in practice? Who knows?
Also can you find a developer that says the PS3 is more powerful, after it's release?
Can you?
[QUOTE="SuperKnightX"]r[QUOTE="thirstychainsaw"]That made no sense :lol: Did the specs change before and after the release? Carmack and Itagaki both have companies or people working on PS3 games at the moment. So they are valid - no arguement necessary.Theoretically, probably. But in practice? Who knows?
Also can you find a developer that says the PS3 is more powerful, after it's release?
Can you?
Can I what?Â
Carmack and Itagaki saids so. Nteks
Having power and knowing how to use it are two diffrent things = Raoh from fist of the northstar
computational  power yes but graphical NO!!!daveg1Self-ownage post of the day :lol:
What does more power equate to?
it should be morew powerful with the freakin dumb price tag, and it has no good games and when it DOES actually get some good ones 360 will be getting MORE (note the more, not just STARTING to get good games) and will still be in the lead.. I saw a post one time for someone who said he had gotten a PS3 and since it had no good games he was lookin for good ps2 games.. lol thats pitiful. having to play last gen games cause ur console doesnt have any good ones this gen. gamerguy31315agreeded
[QUOTE="Tony_DiNozzo"]Doesn't matter if it is too difficult to program for. Developers will never be able to use all that power.NteksBeing difficult to develop for proves it's superiority to the 360. While all the 360's power is laid to bare PS3 still has more power left in spades. fanboy, ps3 has a more powerfull cpu, but it will never be surpassing the 360 due to its bottlenecks
End of credibility. You are now officially a gullible fanboy. How come Gears can't run on PS3 but UT3, a more technically impressive and larger game in terms of environment and just EVERYTHING run on the PS3??[QUOTE="Radeon_X1950XTX"]cell>xenon xenos>rsx-proven PS3 has 256mb System ram, and 256 graphics ram, this will be the bottleneck, ps3 has a FIXED memory archetechure,(its faster but limited) RSX can write on System ram, but Cell cannot write on RSX therfore limited,(thats why gears cannot run on pos3) 360 has slower ram, but flexible, it can go either way, as long as it doesnt exeed 512, mb ram, +(10 mb EDRAM) 360 and ps3 power will all come down to ram, and 360 is supirior in that area*especailly in the long run*SuperKnightX
Self-ownage complete dude, you are done.
Add a little motion blur, reduce draw lines, and PS3 can run any game the 360 can. Not as well, though.[QUOTE="SuperKnightX"]End of credibility. You are now officially a gullible fanboy. How come Gears can't run on PS3 but UT3, a more technically impressive and larger game in terms of environment and just EVERYTHING run on the PS3??[QUOTE="Radeon_X1950XTX"]cell>xenon xenos>rsx-proven PS3 has 256mb System ram, and 256 graphics ram, this will be the bottleneck, ps3 has a FIXED memory archetechure,(its faster but limited) RSX can write on System ram, but Cell cannot write on RSX therfore limited,(thats why gears cannot run on pos3) 360 has slower ram, but flexible, it can go either way, as long as it doesnt exeed 512, mb ram, +(10 mb EDRAM) 360 and ps3 power will all come down to ram, and 360 is supirior in that area*especailly in the long run*Heith
Self-ownage complete dude, you are done.
Add a little motion blur, reduce draw lines, and PS3 can run any game the 360 can. Not as well, though.I could say the same for PS3 game to X360.and with games like Lair with 100s of dragons on screen, draw distances of miles and running at 1080p. Why would any idiot seriously belive GeOW couldn't run on PS3 lol and then add the fact that UT3 is coming to both consoles and its more advanced than GeOW, then you see my point..
End of credibility. You are now officially a gullible fanboy. How come Gears can't run on PS3 but UT3, a more technically impressive and larger game in terms of environment and just EVERYTHING run on the PS3??[QUOTE="Radeon_X1950XTX"]cell>xenon xenos>rsx-proven PS3 has 256mb System ram, and 256 graphics ram, this will be the bottleneck, ps3 has a FIXED memory archetechure,(its faster but limited) RSX can write on System ram, but Cell cannot write on RSX therfore limited,(thats why gears cannot run on pos3) 360 has slower ram, but flexible, it can go either way, as long as it doesnt exeed 512, mb ram, +(10 mb EDRAM) 360 and ps3 power will all come down to ram, and 360 is supirior in that area*especailly in the long run*SuperKnightX
Self-ownage complete dude, you are done.
Actually UT3 isn't really technically more impressive than gears, they are running on essentially the same engine, although UT3 is obviously going to push that engine further, because of more development time. But yes, Gears would be possible on PS3. I do believe there will eventually be certain games for each system that could not run on the other. On the one hand, the Cell is a very powerful processing system, allowing PS3 to have certain advantages over X360, yet on the other, the drawbacks of the RSX when compared to the Xenos are both real and obvious, particularly in the implementation and use of RAM.Please Log In to post.
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